Economics Diagram |
Footprint Related Song Lyrics |
Center for Environmental Economics (maintained by US EPA) |
Change News (Climate Home News website) |
An active year of U.S. billion-dollar weather and climate disasters by
Adam B. Smith (from NOAA climate.gov site Jan 10 2025)
The U.S. Needs A Crypto Tax To Combat Bitcoin’s Environmental Toll by
Andrew Leahey (from Forbes November 26 2024) |
Largest Solar Power Plant In The World Just Got Switched On
by Katie Spalding (post on IFL Science June 7 2024) |
at Jobs Can Change Our Minds About Energy By John A. “Skip” Laitner
The American Solar Energy Society
April 6 2024) |
Borrowers Guide to Financing Solar Energy Systems (online copy of 44
page NREL 2009 booklet) |
Alliance to Save Energy (non-profit
group promoting energy efficiency worldwide since 1977) |
Energy Collective (blog/website: "Power, Policy, Climate--the
conversation begins here") |
Footprint (“the web’s leading carbon footprint calculator”)
Climate Neutral
Now (UN sponsored site, hosts carbon footprint calculator and
donations to UN approved projects to offset your carbon use) |
National Tree
Benefit Calculator (estimate the annual economic and
environmental value of individual street trees) |
Actuaries Climate Index (gauges extreme weather events and sea level
rises, updated quarterly) |
Labs ("works to advance the next level of business leadership on
climate solutions") |
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions ( nonprofit with key
objective of national market-based program to reduce emissions
cost-effectively) |
proposes fee aimed at reducing methane emissions (AP story posted on NPR January 12 2024) |
reveals how much carbon damage would cost corporations if they paid for
their emissions by Seth Borenstein (AP News report August 24
For Climate services (report from The Economist March 4 2023) |
to run your house on clean electricity, no solar panels required by Emma
F. Merchant (story about finding a more environmentally aware utility
company from The Washington Post Feb 9 2023) |
renewable energy farms outstrip 99% of coal plants economically – study by
Oliver Milman (from The Guardian Jan 30 2023) |
Dog's Carbon "Pawprint" May Be Almost as Bad as Yours by Damian
Carrington (from Mother Jones Nov 19 2022)
crisis study finds heatwaves have cost global economy $16tn by Sofia
(from The Guardian Oct 28 2022
) |
The case for paying carbon taxes on unsustainable food
by Carla Delgado (in Popular Science July 25 2022) |
efficiency guru Amory Lovins: 'the largest, cheapest, safest,
cleanest way to address the crisis’” by John Vidal ( The
Guardian, March 26 2022)
Biggest Idea on Climate Change Is Remarkably Cheap
by Robinson Meyer (article from The Atlantic Feb 9 2022) |
ESG Mirage" by C. Simpson, A. Rathi, S. Kishan (skeptical report
about ESG ratings from Bloomberg Business December 10 2021) |
to limit carbon and curb wildfire? Create a market for small trees
" (UC
Berkeley report December 13 2021)
new wind and solar projects will be cheaper than coal, report finds” by
Jillian Ambrose
(report from The Guardian June 23 2021) |
Fuel air pollution caused
8.7m deaths globally in 2018 (report from The Guardian Feb 9
of biodiversity review: what are the recommendations? (report
from The Guardian Feb 2 2021 says use of GDP as indicator should be
Economics in Amsterdam by
Ciara Nugent (article in Time magazine Jan 22 2021)
Circular Economy and Cascading: Towards a Framework by Kieran Campbell-Johnson
(article posted on sciencedirect website January 2021)
Economy by Elizabeth Cline (in Sierra magazine January 2021)
and the "Eco" in Economics (from The Economist Feb 6
2021) |
Climate Change, One Building At A Time” (story about saving money
and energy from NPR October 18 2020) |
Cents/kWh: Record Abu Dhabi Solar Bid (report about stunningly
cheap solar power from CleanTechnica June 8 2020) |
Carbon (report from The Economist May 23 2020) |
Subsidies Must End” (Oped from Scientific American Feb 25
Investing--Green Giant Black Rock
(report from The Economist Jan 18 2020)
is the Circular Economy? (from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation)
Circular Economy—A World Without Trash by Robert Kunzig
(from National Geographic February 18 2020)
Climate Change Could Trigger the Next Global Financial Crisis” by Robin
Meyer (article in The Atlantic Aug 1, 2019)
Green While Traveling: How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint!" by
Andrew Wan (May 17, 2019 post)
California became far more energy-efficient than the rest of the
country" by David Roberts (May 31 2019 report from VOX) |
Energy Costs Take Another Tumble, Making Fossil Fuels Look More Expensive
Than Ever
Dominic Dudley (article from Forbes May 29 2019) |
moral assumptions embedded in economic models of climate change"
(from The Economist
Dec 12 2018) |
US electric utilities have promised to go 100% carbon-free—and admit
it’s cheaper" by Michael Coren (Dec 13 2018 post on
qz.com) |
Is Terrible for the Environment"
by Emily Atkin (article in Mother Jones Dec 5 2017) |
Northeast US has a carbon-trading system. It is boosting, not hurting,
state economies” by David Roberts
( report from VOX April 25 2018)
to improve tax reform: a carbon tax and expanded benefits for working
by Aparna Mathur and Adele Morris (Dec 8 2017 AEI website) |
report calls on Trump to act on climate change" by Eli Watkins
(cites cost of extreme weather, from CNN Oct 24 2017) |
Renewable Energy At What Cost? (article from The Economist July
15 2017) |
Switch: How Solar, Storage and New Tech Means Cheap Power for All by Chris
Goodall (review by Pilita Clark of this 2016 book posted on the Financial
Republicans Pitch Carbon-Tax Plan to Top Trump Aides" by J. Dlouhy
and M. Talev (Feb 8 2017 article on Bloomberg News) see The
Carbon Dividends Song in this regard
the Habit: The Future of Oil (special
report from The Economist November 26 2016)
Grid Solar Power: Africa Unplugged (report from The Economist October
29 2016)
State's Carbon Tax (report from The Economist October 15 2016)
Economies--The Trouble with GDP"
(article from The
Economist April 30 2016) |
and Natural Resources: a fight for light"
(report from The Economist October 24 2015) |
"Shell, Exxon, and Carbon:
The Elephant in the Atmosphere" (article in The Economist July 19, 2014) |
"Petro-Machismo" by Michael T. Klare
(article about how the US energy boom is affecting its foreign policy from
The Nation Mar 24 2014) |
"China and the Environment: The East is Grey"
( cover story from The Economist Aug 10 2013) |
Citizens Must Act to Save Their Environment" by Qiang Wang (May 8
2013 opinion piece published by Nature) |
of Well Being: Chilled Out (Feb 25 2012 article in The
Economist) |
Report Examines Risks of 4 Degree Hotter World by End of Century"
(Nov 18 2012 post on World Bank site) |
"Costs of Climate
Change Can be Mitigated if Economic Activity Moves in Response" (The Economist
Dec 8 2012) |
"Climate Bonds: A Dull Shade of Green"
(article in The Economist October 29 2011) |
world needs a massive carbon tax in just 10 years to limit climate change,
IMF says" by Chris Mooney and Andrew Freedman (article from The
Washington Post Oct 10 2010) |
of a Radical Industrialist by Ray C. Anderson (2009
book re: "doing business by respecting the Earth") |
"Nothing Grows Forever"
by Clive Thompson (article on no growth economics from May 2010 Mother Jones) |
Power of Renewables, by Matthew Wald (from March 2009 issue of Scientific
American) |
A Grand
Plan for Solar Energy (January 2008 Scientific American
article) |
"Sunrise for Solar Heat
Power" by Moises Velasquez-Manoff (August 18 2009
article in Christian Science Monitor) |
Start Linking Climate Change to Current Events" by Janet Raloff (November
17 2012 Science News article) |
More Profit With
Less Carbon, article by Amory Lovins / with bibliography |
Carbon Mitigation Initiative
(from Princeton University Environmental Institute) |
The Carbon Reduction Label (from
non-profit with mission to "accelerate the move to a low carbon
economy") |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator (figure your carbon footprint
using this tool from US EPA) |
"Companies and Emissions: Carbon Copy"
(article about preparing for a carbon tax from The Economist December 14 2013) |
"We Have a Winner: British
Columbia Carbon Tax Woos Sceptics" (July 21 2011 article in The Economist) |
a Value on Nature Could Set Scene for True Green Economy" by Pavan
Sukhdev (Feb 2010 article) |
Refreshing Dose of Honesty" (cap and dividend alternative to cap
and trade, The Economist Feb 4 2010) |
The Carbon Limits
and Energy for America's Renewal (CLEAR) Act (2010 Senate bill
per Maria Cantwell) |
"Time to Tax
Financial Speculation" by Sarah Anderson (Feb 11 2010 YES!
Magazine article) |
on Carbon," by Bryan Walsh" (in Time December
14 2009) |
Indicator, by Megan McArdle (why GDP needs to be replaced, from The
Atlantic, Nov 2009) |
A Mechanism of Hot Air, by Madhusree Mukerjee
(re: carbon offset method, June 2009 Scientific American) |
"Land of Hope," by Alex
Perry and Kareygorou (re: Africa and externalities; in Time
December 13 2010) |
Untapped Energy Resource: Boosting Efficiency, by M. Grunwald (in Time
January 12, 2009) |
Up Carbon Footprints," by B. Walsh and T. Sharples (in Time
May 25, 2008) |
Should Bottle That Stuff" by E. Roston and B. Chameides (April,
2008 Time website article) |
Preparing for Climate Change by M. Mastrandrea and S. Schneider
(more on this 2010 book from MIT Press) |
Climate, by W. Broecker and R. Kunzig (interview w/ Broecker re: his
plan detailed in this 2008 book) |
Renewable and Appropriate
Energy Laboratory (at UC Berkeley) |
Policy Institute (organization devoted to "building an economy
for the Earth") |
Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (non-profit with "mission
to develop and disseminate sustainability accounting standards" to
help corporations) |
Reduction Market System -- An Overview (from Illinois state EPA) |
US Climate Action Partnership
(coalition of corporations supporting action to curb global warming) |
The Climate Leadership Council
(group of prominent Republicans have authored a carbon tax plan --
2017) |
Environmental Leadership Council (assoc. of US corporations focused on
climate change) |
With History: Natural Capitalism with Amory Lovins (2009 UCTV
program) |
Reduction - Underground Storage of Carbon Dioxide (2008 UCTV program) |
Nuclear--The Economics Say No" (November, 2009 Pan Europe
Utilities Citi Report) |
Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, by P. Hawken, A.
Lovins, H. Lovins (about this book) |
Capitalism by Paul Hawken (Mother Jones article March 1997) |
Economics, textbook by Herman Daly and Joshua Farley, Island Press
(about this book) |
Economic Man, by Alexia Eastwood (2010 article on Share the World's
Resources website) |
Nature Worth: Opening the Black Box of Ecological Valuation, article by
James Boyd, RFF |
New Economy of Nature, by G. Dailey and K. Ellison, Island Press
(about this book) |
Well Being and the Natural Environment, by Partha Dasgupta, Oxford
University Press (about this book) |
The Global
Commons, by Susan Buck, Island Press (about this book) |
Capital and Human Economic Survival (about this book) |
Kyoto: Climate Change and the EU (detailed position paper from
Greenpeace's European Unit) |
Accounting (reports on Harvard grad student's research) |
Economics Foundation ("promoting innovative solutions that
challenge mainstream thinking") |
Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin (the classic 1968 paper) |
Issue, Science Magazine: Tragedy of the Commons? -- Web Resources |
Drama of the Commons (online book from NRC about devising
workable systems for managing shared resources) |
Agreements (from Canada's equivalent of the Environmental Protection
Agency) |
Effective Environmental Regulation (approaches to
implementing & enforcing European environmental laws) |
EPA Laws & Regulations Website |
Regulation and the Competitiveness of US Manufacturing (classic 1995
paper by Jaffe, etal) |
Nations Population Division Homepage |
Connection (resources on the connection between population and
environment) |
Reference Bureau |
Council (devoted to improving well-being / reproductive health of
current & future human beings) |
Sky at Morning: America and the Crisis of the Global Environment, by James
Gustave Speth (about this book) |
and links related to "What's Wrong with Business?" (from
Planet Friendly website) |
related to environmental economics (from Andy Kerr website) |
from environmental economics guru Amory Lovins |