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Here’s  my “ethics”: “Pursue your own gain, otherwise predators will eat you. The strong survive, the weak don’t it’s natural lawjust as maximizing your happiness and pleasure comes naturally not sacrificing for others. Acting out of envy or upon 'I want' desires means you’re master no one is pulling your strings. Do what it takes lie, cheat, steal, spread misinformation —to succeed. Celebrate success as evidence of superiority. The meek won’t inherit the Earth. 'Those who have the gold make the rules!'” (Note: capitalist greed seemingly drives creating wealth better than state non-market system planning.)

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a club WV Theme...

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the theme is paired with:  #42   Ethical Orientation to make Choice #33    in the Choices We Make cards 

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click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch issue #77, posted 8/6/2024 Flaunting Wealth in Poor India 
Worldview Watch #53, posted 6/26/2017 America: Toward a More Perfect Union or Winner Takes All? 
Worldview Watch issue #21: 2011 Protests: Yes to Democracy, No to Greed

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

greed Wealth power
financial literacy theft social status
Power Elite Conspicuous Consumption The Distribution of Wealth
machiavellian Capital Accumulation The Gospel of Wealth
kleptocracy Social Darwinism Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#1A   Humbly Unsure    #16B   The Golden Rule, Village Ethic of Mutual Help   #21A  Populism    #21B Service to Others  
23B Enoughness   #24A  Struggling With A Basic Need: Sustenance   #32A  Valuing Human Rights    #37B Global Citizen
#40  Environmental Economics  #41   Struggling With A Basic Need: Self Esteem   #48B  Liking Co-operation-Based Communities   #49A  Social Welfare Statism  
#49B Idealistic Socialism   #50B Left Anarchist   #51A Ethical Globalization   #103B Celebrating Team Accomplishments
#104B  Respect for Nature #202B Relaxed, Generous, Loving #203B Egalitarian Progressive #204B  Limits & Ethics  

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #43: Seeking Wealth and Power

Wealth Management--What It is and What Wealth Managers Charge by Akilesh Ganti (from Investopedia July 9 2022) 
Forbes Special Report: The World's Billionaires
"The World's Most Powerful People" (Forbes magazine article November 3 2011)
The 400 Richest Americans
Robert Ringer's website   (the author of Million Dollar Habits and other books offer his advice)
Secrets of the Rich (from Secrets of Success website)
The Science of Success...It's All in Your Mind
The Science of Getting Rich Network
Fortune Magazine Online
The Iron Rule is one of power and force: "Might Makes Right" <==> contrast with Golden Rule 
What a $600m wedding says about India’s attitude to wealth (from The Economist July 20 2024)
The Kingdom, the Power, the Glory by Tim Alberta  (book about evangelical power grab, review from The New York Times Dec 2 2023)
The richest Americans account for 40 percent of U.S. climate emissions  by Kasha Patel (from The Washington Post August 17 2023)
A bumpy ride for billionaires (report from The Economist May 6 2023)
Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire by Joshua Kaplan, Justin Elliott and Alex Mierjeski (ProPublica report April 6, 2023)
$150,000 for a guard dog? L.A.'s rich are snapping them up by Andrea Chang (from Los Angeles Times March 1 2023)
excerpt from Davos Man—How Billionaires Devoured the World  by  Peter Goldman book (about Marc Benioff from NY Times Jan 2022)
"Top 15 Richest and most Successful Pastors In the World" (report from ET Inside magazine Aug 30 2021 )
"Over 8% of American adults are millionaires. Here's how they got that way" (poll recognizes the importance of believing you control your destiny / CNBC February 2021 report) 
The Last Kings of Shanghai by Jonathan Kaufman  (book review about the Sassoons "the Rothschilds of Asia" from The Economist July 4 2020)
"In Defense of Billionaires: Why Abolishing Them Isn’t Progressive"  by Andrew Ziperski  (March 2019 post on Stanford Review)
“Climate Capitalists: The Not So Dirty Dozen” (article in The Economist September 21 2019 )
“How rich people could help save the planet from climate change” by Stephanie Bailey (posted on CNN July 12 2019)
The Life of German Tycoons: The Reticent Rich  (article from The Economist June 15 2019)
The Billionaire Bonanza: 5 Things You Need To Know About The Inequality Gap by Tess Riley  (Jan 21 2018  re: inequality & Oxfam Report from The Huffington Post)
Joel Osteen Prosperity Gospel  by Kate Bowler (from The Washington Post  August 30 2017)
The Despot’s Guide to Wealth Management: On the International Campaign against Grand Corruption by J.C. Sharman (book review from >The Economist Feb 25 2017) 
Peacocks of the Sea--The Superyacht Owner (report from The Economist October 8 2016)
"Executive Pay: neither rigged nor fair" (report from The Economist June 25 2016)
"Does Power Really Corrupt?" by Matthew Sweet   (lengthy article in 1843 magazine from The Economist  June-July 2016)
The Self Made Billionaire Effect by J. Sliovla and M. Cohen (book review by Max Wallis posted on The Independent July 5 2015)
"The Giving Pledge: A New Club for Billionaires" (60 Minutes report CBS News July 20, 2014)
"Oxfam: Richest 1% Own Nearly Half of World's Wealth"  (Jan 2014 USA Today report on Oxfam study)
"When Greed Was Good (and Fun)" by A.O. Scott   (Dec 24 2013 review of movie in The New York Times
Plutocrats--The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else  by Chrystia Freeland  (more on this 2013 book)
"Plutocrats vs. Populists" by Chrystia Freeland (November 1 2013 opinion piece in The NY Times)
"Jordan Belfort, The Real Wolf of Wall Street" by Sheelah Kolhatkar (article from Business Week Nov 7 2013)
"Miami--Where Luxury Real Estate Meets Dirty Money" by Ken Silverstein (article in The Nation October 21 2013)
"Billionaire Population Hits 1,453--or Maybe 4,000"  by Robert Frank (Feb 28 2013 report from CNBC)
"Mexico's Wealth Gap in Spotlight as Slim and Miners Get Richer" by Gabriel Stargardter (Mar 4 2013 report from Reuters)
How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia by Mohsin Hamid (novel, read book review from The NY Times Feb 21 2013)
"China's Ruling Families: Riches Exposed" (article from The Economist Nov 3 2012)
"Bargain Bosses: American Chief Executives Are Not Overpaid" (September 8 2012 The Economist)
"Richest 400 Americans Get Richer" by Charles Isidore (Sept 19 2012 report on CNN Money website)
"Meet the Average Millionaire in China" by Julie Zeveloff (August 2012 story based on The Hurun Report data)
"The One Percent's Problem" by Joseph Stiglitz (May 2012 Vanity Fair article by author of The Price of Inequality)
"Of the 1%, By the 1%, For the 1%" by Joseph Stiglitz ("explosive article" by Nobel Prize winning economist)
Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World by William Cohan (NY Times 2011 book review) 
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind  (book by T. Harv Eker)
Getting Rich Is Simpler Than You Think, by Harry Domash (article on MSN Money website)
The Path to Power by Robert A. Caro (classic account of Lyndon B. Johnson's quest for power as a young man, 1982 book) 
A Gospel of Wealth, by Andrew Carnegie (an online version of classic 1889 article)
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill  (read excerpts of 1937 classic book at Goggle Books)
Social Darwinism (from online encyclopedia, refers to survival of the fittest in the economic jungle)
Evolution and Ethics, by Peter Corning (from Institute for the Study of Complex Systems) 
How Wealth Defines Power, by Kevin Phillips (article by author of book Wealth and Democracy)
Social Problems: Wealth and Power -- the Bias of the System (chapter two of online book)
A General Theory of Acquisitivity by Wayne Jett (read excerpts of this 2000 book on Google Books)
"The Deserving Rich?" (essay by E. Partridge, UC Riverside) 
"Have Ethics Disappeared from Wall Street?" by Robert Bachelder (essay written in 1987)
"Are Rich People Unethical?" (Feb 2012 news report on Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences study)
Power, Inc.--The Epic Rivalry Between Big Business and Government by David Rothkopf  (Feb 2012 book)
Six Waltons Have More Wealth Than Bottom 30% of Americans by Tim Forstall (article in Forbes Dec 15 2011)
"Presenting America's Ten Greediest of 2011 by Sam Pizzigati  (December 12 2011 post on Common Dreams)
"What's Inside America's Banks?" by Frank Partnoy and Jesse Eisinger (article in The Atlantic Jan 2013) 
"Secret Fears of the Super Rich" by Graeme Wood (article in The Atlantic April 2011)
"The Rise of the New Global Elite" by Chrystia Freeland (article in Jan/Feb 2011 issue of The Atlantic)
"The Great Stock Myth" by Megan McArdle (article in Sep 2010 issue of The Atlantic)
The Psychology of Power: Absolutely (article in The Economist, January 23 2010 issue)
Treasures of the Earth: Need, Greed, and a Sustainable Future by Saleem H. Ali (review at Forbes of  2009 book)
The World Distribution of Household Wealth (a 2006 report from The United Nations University)
"Lifestyles of the Rich" by Alex Beam (NY Times June 10, 2007 book review of Richistan, by Robert Frank)
"Greed Trophy up for Grabs" by Jim Hightower  (syndicated article, Feb 2010) 
The Greed Merchants, by Phillip Augar (review of book by former investment banker)
Global Advanced Trait Description: Wealth
Anatomy of Greed, by Brian Cruver  (review of book about the Enron collapse / scandal)
quotes related to wealth
quotes related to power
quotes related to greed

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
