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Psychologically challenged, I’m struggling to find the road to emotional maturity and make peace with myself.  I seek a sense of my own intrinsic value, self respect, confidence in my ability to see life as a challenge—not a threat—and being able to enjoy it in relaxed fashion.  I  want to leave behind what’s inside me too often now: feeling alienated, unworthy, shame, that I can’t cope, that I’m a failure; too concerned about what others think of me; anxiety, fear, and self doubt. When I’m really down on myself, with this battle raging inside, I lose hope.

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a heart WV Theme...

...individual <---> individual

the theme is paired with:#52  Physically Challenged ==>Independent Living to make Choice #26    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:  version 2.0 & 3.0         is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

self-knowledge Self Esteem past traumatic event
low self esteem anxiety Clinical Depression
self-compassion Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs  Emotional Intelligence
Martyr Complex Psychological resilience Persecutory Delusion
Self Concept   Self Defeating Personality Disorder   Broaden and Build Theory of Positive Emotions
Psychotherapy   Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Defense Mechanisms
Social Isolation Superiority Complex (defense mechanism stems from feelings of inferiority) self actualization

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#18B Rational, Dispassionate   #35A  Sharing What Some Consider Very Private #38   Love As Family Glue   #43   Seeking Wealth & Power  
#102B Easy-Going, Disorderly, Cavalier #103A Individual Glory #202B Relaxed, Generous, Loving  

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #41: Struggling  With A Basic  Need: Self  Esteem

An Online Guide to Improving Self Esteem
The Costs and Causes of Low Self Esteem
Emotional Maturity (list of characteristics of a person who has achieved true adulthood)
Self Esteem (from Performance Unlimited website)
Psychology Today Magazine (magazine which claims it is "here to help")
Vision--Changing the Self in Self Esteem
Happiness, Depression, and Self Concept
Sand Play Therapy (from the Sandplay Therapists of America website)
National Association for Self Esteem
American Counseling Association 
Self Esteem Information (from Self Growth website)
Building Self Esteem--A Self Help Guide (online booklet from The National Mental Health Information Center)
Building Self Esteem (from More Self Esteem website)
Raising Self Esteem (from Best Self Esteem website) (Dutch--American mental health website promoting body confidence) 
What Lonely People Have to Say About Their Lives by Tyler Woods (from Psychology Today April 16 2024)
The Perfection Trap by Thomas Curran (book review from The Economist May 27 2023)
"Cognitive Dissonance For Environmental & Earth Scientists" by David Waterworth (from CleanTechnica August 26 2022) 
“Here’s How To Test Your Level of Self-Esteem + three tips for improving it.” by Jessica Estrada (from March 20 2022)
To Boost Your Emotional Intelligence, Stop Using This Word Inside Your Head by Minda Zetlin  (self-talk is extremely powerful, research shows / post on website Jan 2021)
Male Loneliness (report from The Economist January 1 2022)
“American Parents Are Way Too Focused on Their Kids’ Self-Esteem” by Melinda Moyer (from The Atlantic July 21 2021)
"Stuck With Yourself" by Sam Lansky (essay in Time June 22 2020)
“Self-esteem key to treating mental health”  (Science Daily Feb 2018 report on University of Waterloo research) 

"Acts of kindness prevent a downward spiral from solitude to loneliness" (article in The Economist April 18 2020) 

Out of Isolation (review of  book The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone by Olivia Laing, in The Economist Mar 19 2016)

"PTSD: Fear Itself" (report on new advances in understanding / treating PTSD from The Economist October 24 2015)

"The Weaker Sex: Men Adrift—No Jobs, No Family, No Prospects" (cover story from The Economist May 30 2015)
Self Help That Works: Resources to Improve Emotional Health by John C. Norcross, etal (more on this 2013 book from Oxford Univ. Press)
Exercise and Self Esteem in Teens (Oct 2012 report by Wency Leung on results of scientific study)
"Pain of Ostracism Can Be Deep, Long-lasting"  (June 2011 report based on Purdue University research)
 Self Esteem and Guide to Eating Disorder Issues
"Media and Body Image" by Joel Miller (w/ "20 tips to help you feel better about your body", links to other resources)
"How the Cult of Self Esteem is Ruining Our Children" by Lori Gottlieb The Atlantic July 2011
The Self Esteem Trap by Polly Young Eisendrath (read excerpts of this 2008 book at Google Books)
"Emotional Maturity in Light of Positive Psychotherapy Practice" by Ivan Kirillov
"What is Normal?" by Peter D. Kramer (article in Nov 2009 Psychology Today)
"When Sadness is a Good Thing" by John Cloud (August 27, 2007 Time article)
Self  Esteem by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning (Amazon provides more about this best-selling 2000 book)
Life Strategies--Doing What Works, Doing What Matters by Phil McGraw (read excerpts of 2000 book at Google Books)
Essays: Self Esteem 
My Declaration of Self Esteem, by Virginia Satir (inspiring poem)
Lack of Self Confidence (a Buddhist perspective)
The Problem With Self Esteem (a Catholic Educator's View)
Near Death Experiences and Hell (psychological research)
"Are Heaven and Hell Only a State of Mind?" (forum offering various responses to this question)
Low Self Esteem (a Hindu perspective)
Self Actualization (from Performance Unlimited website)
quotes about self respect

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.

