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I believe in individuals and small businesses rationally behaving in a diverse, self-interest based economy with widely spread ownership.   As availability of resources, jobs, products and market conditions change, workers, employers, producers, buyers, sellers, etc. compete to maximize gain. Competition, for the most gain, best job, etc, promotes efficiency, lower prices, and anticipating changes.  It stimulates people to work hard, innovate, take chances. Capitalism is built on commodification and market transactions based on the exchange values of things.

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a club WV Theme...

...individual <---> group

the theme is paired with: #48B  Liking Co-operation-Based Communities to make Choice #34   in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:  version 1.0  version 2.0    version 3.0     theme new to version 4?--new name 

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

Market Economy   Economic Liberalism competition  
ethical egoism individualism in economic decision-making The Market System 
Commodity Exchange Value Small Business
commodification Behavioral Economics Informal Economy

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#4 Spreading Disinformation / Tactical Deception #16B   The Golden Rule, Village Ethic of Mutual Help   #21B Service to Others   #37B Global Citizen  
#40  Environmental Economics   #42   Ethical Orientation #49A  Social Welfare Statism   #49B Idealistic Socialism  
#50B Left Anarchist   #51A Ethical Globalization   #103B Celebrating Team Accomplishments #104B  Respect for Nature
#202B Relaxed, Generous, Loving #203B Egalitarian Progressive #204B  Limits & Ethics   23B Enoughness  

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #19A: Competitive Capitalism

The American Enterprise Institute--Economics Policy (American think tank devoted to "Freedom, Opportunity, Enterprise")
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (public policy organization devoted to "free markets and limited government")
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics by L. von Mises (on this 1966 classic book from online encyclopedia)
What is a Free Market System? 
What is a Market Economy?, by Michael Watts (on U.S. State Dept. site)
Economic Individualism, by James Fitzpatrick (Catholic perspective / critique) 
Tackling Corporate Concentration: The Competition Cops (from The Economist June 24 2023)
"We Have Put Individualism Ahead of the Common Good for Too Long" by Richard Weissbourd and Chris Murphy (posted on Time, April 11 2023)
Antitrust: Taking on Monopoly Power From the Gilded Age to the Digital Age By Amy Klobuchar (book review by Liaquat Ahamed in The New York Times April 26 2021)
“Rethinking Capitalism: Free But Fair” (related book reviews from The Economist June 13 2020)
Capital and Ideology by Thomas Piketty (book review from The Economist March 7 2020)
"Revisiting Sam Brownback’s tax cut disaster: How does Kansas feel about his “experiment”?" by Stephen Talbot  (post on Salon April 17 2018)
A Cambridge History of Capitalism ed. L. Neal and J. Williamson (book review  from The Economist Nov 1 2014)
Markets Over Mao: The Rise of Private Business in China by Nicholas Lardy (book review from The Economist Oct 25 2014)
"The Slumps That Shaped Modern Finance" (cover story from The Economist April 12 2014)

The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley  (“A High Five for the Invisible Hand” by William Easterly June 11, 2010 The New York Times book review)

"The Benevolence of Self Interest" (from The Economist Dec 10 1998)
Economics A-Z Encyclopedia: Competition (sponsored by The Economist magazine)
Competition: Economics & Business Competition  (from online encyclopedia)
The Adam Smith Institute
Capitalism, by Robert Hessen (on Economics & Liberty site-- see also "Free Market" and "Competition" on this site)
Rethinking the Economics of Self Interests
Religion, Economics, and the Market Paradox
The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates by Peter T. Leeson (excerpts of 2009 book at Google Books)
In Defence of Individualism (excerpt from the book from Edinburgh University Press)
The Fear of Individualism, by Tibor Machan
Gandhian Economics: The Economics of Altruism vs. the Economics of Greed
"Greed" by Julian Edney (2004 essay about the origins, nature, extent and morality of this free market force)
U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
