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I oppose: 1) taxes beyond those needed for law enforcement /national defense, 2) government interference with free market forces, and 3) laws limiting individual freedomrestricting speech / public expression, limiting firearms, requiring military service, making certain acts crimes where there’s no victim, restrictions on private property use, etc. Freedom is protected by such property, so governments should not appropriate it for public welfare. Like Ayn Rand, I see “the virtue of selfishness” and value “the non-aggression principle.”

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a club WV Theme...

...individual <---> group

the theme is paired with: #50B Left Anarchist to make Choice #39    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:    version 2.0    version 3.0      is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch #57, posted 7/16/2018: Abortion and Winner Takes All at the Supreme Court?
Worldview Watch #35: Freedom and Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Worldview Watch #23: Regulating Society: We Know What's Best for You
Worldview Watch #15: Guns, the Tea Party and the U.S. Constitution

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

liberty  Libertarianism individualism
civil liberties  private property rejects modern welfare state 
freedom freedom of speech   may denigrate common good 
Laissez Faire Non-aggression Principle Classical Liberalism
Ayn Rand ethical egoism The Cato Institute
self-ownership Libertarianism and Objectivism The Free State Project 
Objectivism   Anarcho-capitalism

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#4 Spreading Disinformation / Tactical Deception #20B Authoritarian Follower   #21A  Idealistic Populism  #21B Service to Others
#23A  Sustainability 23B Enoughness   #29B Taking Charge==>: Violence #37B Global Citizen  
#40  Environmental Economics      #42   Ethical Orientation   #48B  Liking Co-operation-Based Communities   #49A  Social Welfare Statism
#49B Idealistic Socialism   #51A Ethical Globalization #103B Celebrating Team Accomplishments #104B  Respect for Nature
#203B Egalitarian Progressive #204B  Limits & Ethics      

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #50A: Libertarian

An Introduction to Libertarianism (from Institute of Humane Studies, George Mason University)
Reason -- Free Minds and Free Markets (foundation and associated magazine website)
Radicals for Capitalism, by Brian Doherty (2007 book about history of American libertarian movement)
For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, by Murray N. Rothbard
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek (read excerpts of classic 1949 book at Google Books)
The Objectivist Center (promoting Reason, Individualism, Achievement, and Freedom)
The Ludwig von Mises Institute (devoted to "the scholarship of liberty in the tradition of the Austrian school")
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
The Free Enterprise Nation  (organization seeking to "Educate, Unify, Advocate, and Take Back America")
International Society for Individual Liberty
Freedom House (group that "supports the expansion of freedom around the world").
Freedom Fest (annual "largest gathering of free minds" held in Las Vegas, NV "the world's most libertarian city")
The Ayn Rand Institute

The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America  by N. Gillespie and M. Welch (more on this 2012 book)

The Revolt Against Regulation (report from The Economist Feb 1 2025)
“Protesting for the Right to Catch the Coronavirus” by Charlie Warzel (article in the New York Times April 19 2020)

"Facebook is refusing to take down a Trump ad making false claims about Joe Biden"

“Republicans want to turn the entire country into Oklahoma” by Paul Waldman  (article from The Washington Post  Feb 9 2018)
“What is Libertarianism?” by Eli Watkins  (May 17 2016 post on CNN website)

The land of the free—Really? by Frances Moore Lappe (a skeptical look at USA freedom on Common Dreams website  October 29 2015)

"The Myth of Live and Let Live Liberalism" by Jonah Goldberg (September 11, 2013 National Review Online article)
"Free Cities: Honduras Shrugged" (article in The Economist, December 10, 2011)
"Remembering the Real Ayn Rand" by Donald Luskin (April 14, 2011 Wall Street Journal opinion piece)
Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne C. Heller (read excerpt from this 2009 book at NY Times)
Atlas Shrugged--50 Years Later, by Mark Skousen (2007 look at the legacy Ayn Rand's famous book)
"The (Not So) Lunatic Fringe" by Nathan Thornburgh (7/21/08 Time article about USA Libertarian party)

"Motorcycle Helmet Laws, Libertarian Values, and Public Health" by M. Jones and R. Bayer (2006 article)

What is Endangered: Climate or Freedom? by Vaclav Klaus
Critiques of Libertarianism (exhaustive links to this literature, includes liberal & conservative opponents!)
Criticisms of Objectivism (perhaps biased since source is Objectivism Reference Library?)
The U.S. Libertarian Party
Libertarian International
Liberty and the Place of Man in Nature (libertarian environmentalist perspective)
Citizens Against Government Waste ("America's #1 taxpayer watchdog)
US Economy: Over-Regulated America (Feb 18 2012 editorial in The Economist)
Libertarian Causes Worth Supporting, Libertarian News
Why I am a Libertarian and How I Became One by Tom Burroughs
"The World's Shortest Libertarian FAQ" (website focusing on the basics behind libertarianism)

Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America by Adam Winkler (review of 2011 book by Eric Arnesen  The Chicago Tribune)

The Secret World of Extreme Militias by Barton Gellman (Time Oct 11 2010 cover story)
quotes related to libertarianism
quotations from Ayn Rand

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
