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I could live in a non-democratic authoritarian system accepting subjugation, losing some freedom and the vote. I’d like law & order maintained, duties & rights of citizens spelled out, and troublemakers (including the press) reigned in. I’ll follow strong leaders whether from single party, military, church, aristocracy, etc. —and charismatic individuals. (Note: Followers favor authority / uniformity / obedience / over freedom / diversity / independence, can be manipulated by fear mongers, and accept simple answers to complex problems. At some point when followers submit to authorities too much, democracy ends.)

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a club WV Theme...

...individual <---> group

the theme is paired with:  #31 Education for Democracy  to make Choice #29    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:   version 2.0         version 3.0       is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch #74, posted 10/31/2023  Groupthink, Democracy, and  the new House Speaker's Worldview
Worldview Watch issue #68, posted 7/16/2021   Communists and Conspiracies
Worldview Watch issue #48, posted 3/04/2016 How what Trump is saying resonates with the worldview of those who vote for him
Worldview Watch issue #45, posted 7/29/2015 Confucius, Singapore, China, and Political Meritocracy 
Worldview Watch issue #32: Authoritarianism vs. Democracy in Turkey
Worldview Watch issue #4: Democracy vs. Authoritarianism

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

single party state  Authoritarianism Right Wing Authoritarianism
Fascism autocratic rule needs social contract before accepting authoritarian rule
Monarchy Authoritarian Personality Consent of the Governed

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#10   Secular Humanism     #21A  Idealistic Populism  #24B Creative Expression   #26A The Consumerist   
#30    Imagination, Curiosity, Intellectual Freedom       #32A  Valuing Human Rights #32B Culture of Tolerance  #35B Working for Change  
#44B Hands Off My Body #47A  The Attitudinal Fix Mentality    #48A Privacy #48B  Liking Co-operation-Based Communities
#50A Libertarian #50B Left Anarchist   #203B Egalitarian Progressive #204A Freedom From Limits

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #20B: Authoritarian Follower

Past Alternatives vs. Democracy: Autocracy & Aristocracy
Social Science Information Gateway: Authoritarian Government (links to 50 recent articles involving this)
The Beijing Consensus: How China's Authoritarian Model will Dominate by S. Halper (review of 2010 book)
Qiushi Journal  (official English website of the "Organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China")
Headed for technofascism’: the rightwing roots of Silicon Valley by Becca Lewis (story posted on The Guardian January 29 2025)
Autocracy Inc by Anne Applebaum  (interview with author from PBS News Hour August 1 2024)
Why Some Americans Really Do Want an Authoritarian in Charge by Susan Milligan (from The New Republic July 18 2024)
Laboratory of Autocracy by Pema Levy (from Mother Jones August 2023)
El Salvador: Dismantling Democracy (from The Economist July 22 2023)
Turkey's Looming Dictatorship (report from The Economist Jan 21 2023)
Opinion: Why conservatives gave a big welcome to leader who suppressed Hungary's democracy by Julian Zelizer (from CNN, August 5 2022)

"Voter fraud allegations against Trump aides point to a deeper scam --The problem isn't "hypocrisy." They're showing why they'll never agree to genuinely secure elections"  by Paul Waldman  (opinion from The Washington Post April 5 2022)

“Why do Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the Republican party sound so alike?” by Robert Reich (from The Guardian, March 29 2022)
Autocracies Out Do Democracies in Measures of Public Trust (report from Reuters January 18 2022) 
“The Bad Guys Are Winning” by Anne Applebaum (article about autocrats from The Atlantic October 15 2021)
“The Chinese Communist Party” (special report from The Economist June 26 2021)
“Myanmar’s Coup Reversion to Type” (article from The Economist Feb 6 2021)
Strongmen by Ruth Ben-Ghiat (book review by Charles Kaiser in The Guardian November 26 2020)
Authoritarian Nightmare by Bob Altemeyer and John W. Dean  (book review from Washington Post October 1 2020)
"Trump is an Authoritarian. So are Millions of Americans" by Matthew C. MacWilliams (report from Politico September 23 2020) 
“More Red than Green / Chinese Authoritarianism” (article from The Economist September 12 2020)
The Authoritarian in Hungary -The Orban Way (article in The Economist April 4 2020)
How to Be a Dictator by Frank Dikotter  (book review by Sheila Fitzpatrick in The Guardian Oct 26 2019)
“Violence rocks Hong Kong protests while China, U.S. clash over extradition bill” by John Bacon and Elizabeth Lawrence  (story in USA Today June 12, 2019)
"The Strongmen Strike Back" by Robert Kagan  (March 18 2019 Washington Post Oped  re: dictators' threat to democracy)
"How Democracy Dies: Lessons from the Rise of Strongmen in Weak States" (from The Economist June 16 2018)
How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt (book review by Nick Cohen The Guardian  Jan 8 2018)
What authoritarianism experts think of Trump’s decision to pardon Joe Arpaio by Amanda Erickson (from The Washington Post August 26 2017) 
China Holds Elections (report from The Economist November 12 2016)
The Philippines Under Rodrigo Duterte (report from The Economist September 17 2016)
Trump... (Authoritarianism in the 2016 USA Election) by Matt McWilliams (Jan 2016 report by U Mass / Amherst professor posted on Politico)
Lee Kuan Yew--Asia's City Statesman (article / obituary for authoritarian Singapore leader in The Economist March 28 2015)
Choosing Confucianism: Departing from the Liberal Framework--interviewing Daniel A. Bell (Oct 19 2012 post) 
A Confucian Constitution for China by Jiang Qing and Daniel A. Bell (July 10 2012 NY Times op-ed article)
China's Security State by Guo Xuezhi (more on this 2012 book from Cambridge University Press)
China Modernizes: Threat to the West or Model for the Rest? by R.  Peerenboom (excerpts of 2008 book at Google Books)
Democracy Kills, by Humphrey Hawksley (review of this 2009 book)
"Not the End Of History? Democracy vs Technocracy" by William Hooper (Aug 2012 post on )
"Crying for Freedom: Democracy's Decline" (article in The Economist,  January16-22  2010 issue)
"Fear--The Foundation of Every Government's Power" by Robert Higgs (2005 article)
What is Fascism? by Chip Berlet  (from preface to Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party)
What is Fascism? (article by Matthew Lyons from the book Right Wing Populism in America)
Authoritarian and Democratic Technics, by Lewis Mumford
The Authoritarian Specter, by Robert Altemeyer (book review of book from Harvard University Press)
The Internet and State Control in Authoritarian Regimes
quotes related to fascism
quotes related to authority

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows. 
