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I'm dissatisfied with the status quo.  Three factors gauging  1) my dissatisfaction,  2) the perceived gap between how things should be and how they are, and 3) my belief in the need for and/or rightness of the change I'm working for determine the strength of my commitment. (Note: Activities the dissatisfied pursue can include raising public awareness, political campaigning, lobbying, building social movements to reform the system from within, filing lawsuits, organizing strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience, violent revolutionary/terrorist tactics, etc.)

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a club WV Theme...

...individual <---> group

the theme is paired with: #34 Valuing Traditions and Status Quo  to make Choice #31    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:  version 2.0    version 3.0        is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch issue #77, posted 8/6/2024 Flaunting Wealth in Poor India 
Worldview Watch issue #49, posted 7/8/2016: Venting Frustration at the Slow Pace of Change—with Guns, with Votes Worldwatch Watch issue #41, posted 11/11/2014: Be Grateful: Ceramic Poppies are Blowing in the Wind
Worldview Watch issue #39, posted 7/20/2014 Catholic Women Priests: More Jesus, Less Hierarchy Worldview Watch #30: Women's Rights, Hierarchical Rigidity, Egalitarian Progressivism
Worldview Watch #23: Regulating Society: We Know What's Best for You Worldview Watch issue #21: 2011 Protests: Yes to Democracy, No to Greed
Worldview Watch issue #16: Democracy and Revolution in Africa   

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

political campaigns Activism environmentalism as a social movement
lobbying  community organizing collective action
Social Justice social movements Economic Progressivism
Progressivism Civil Disobedience Terrorism
Revolution Incrementalism Rebellion 
Reactionary People Power  Tikkun olam (Hebrew  "repairing the world"
whistleblower Dark Waters--2019 film about whistleblower grassroots movements
  How to Blow Up a Pipeline (film)  

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#1A   Humbly Unsure  #9A   Religious Fundamentalism #9B  In God's Hands: Apocalypticism #11A  Fatalism  
#15   The Group Think Imperative #20B Authoritarian Followers   #28A   Hedonistic Orientation #36A Cynicism
#48A Privacy #102B Easy-Going, Disorderly, Cavalier #203A Hierarchical Rigidity    

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #35B: Working for Change ("the world's platform for change" -- the place to start an online petition)
Street Art for Mankind (group devoted to providing art for social change)
the ecological handprint concept 
Progressive Change Campaign Committee (left-leaning group--they "believe in fighting for bold progressive change") 
The Climate Reality Project (organization devoted to Climate Change activism led by Al Gore)
Yale Climate Communication Project
Transparency International (organization representing "the global coalition against corruption") 
Extinction Rebellion --"a decentralised, international and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency."
We need dramatic social and technological changes’: is societal collapse inevitable? by Damian Carrington (story from The Guardian December 28 2024)
"UAW, GM sign tentative deal that will end strike if workers ratify it" by Jeanne Whalen (from The Washington Post  October 30 2023)
Gradual by Greg Berman and Aubrey Fox -- the case for incremental change (review from New Books Network July 5 2023)
Nearly 48,000 UC graduate students are poised to shut down many classes, labs and research with strike by Tera Watanabe (from Los Angeles Times Nov 11 2022)
"Big oil is wringing humanity dry. We need a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty" by Tzeporah Berman (from The Guardian August 3 2022)
"Wages: Striketober" (report from The Economist October 23 2021)
Fighting The Coup in Myanmar With a General Strike (report from The Economist Feb 20 2021) 
“The Facebook Boycott” (report from The Economist July 2 2020)

“The Protests: No Justice, No Peace” (report from The Economist June 13 2020)

“In America protests have already brought policy changes” (report from The Economist June 6 2020)

“Women and Politics in Uganda—How Feminists Make Themselves Heard” (report from The Economist June 6 2020)

“Women's Health in Latin America: Birth Pangs” (report about fighting obstetric violence from The Economist May 23 2020)

“The Politics of Climate Action”  (article from The Economist April 25 2020)

The Dissidents by Peter Reddaway (review of book about fighting for freedom and human rights in the Soviet Union, article from The Economist April 11 2020)
“Nevertheless, She Persisted” by Aaron Skirboll (a small town’s battle vs. fracking, article in Sierra Jan 2020)
What's Your Handprint? (article about environmental do goodism from Sierra March 4, 2018)
Necessary Trouble--Americans in Revolt by Sarah Jaffe (Aug 26 2016 NY Times Book review by Vann Newkirk)
How Do Activists Create Change? (from Northwestern University Business School June 2015)
The Francis Miracle: Inside the Transformation of the Pope and the Church by John L. Allen  (review by Paul Vallely of 2015 book in Boston Globe)
The Impossible May Take a Little While by Paul Loeb (website for this book, revised in May, 2014)
Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken (website of book about "movement for social and environmental change")
Leadership Jihad, by Marc Sageman (review of 2008 book about what turns people into terrorists)
Holding Power Accountable -- The Common Cause website
Tools for Progressive Student and Youth Activists ( website)
Working for Change ("online journal of progressive news and opinion")
Change the World Kids ("teens making a difference through humanitarian and environmental initiatives")
The World in Action ( website)
25 Climate Activists Occupy Chase Bank & Launch A Major New Campaign Targeting The Financial Industry (Jan 2020 story from 
The Power of Bad by John Tierney and Roy Baumeister (and how to overcome it! book review  by Stuart Jeffries in The Guardian Jan 1 2020)
The climate change lawsuit that could stop the U.S. government from supporting fossil fuels by Steve Kroft  (CBS News 60 Minutes June 23 2019)
"Copenhagen Wants to Show How Cities Can Fight Climate Change"  (March 25, 2019 New York Times story)
“Want to fix obesity and climate change at the same time? Make Big Food companies pay.” by Julia Belluz  (report on VOX Jan 27 2019)
"Perhaps the Largest Protest in US History…" by Karl Vick (article from Time Jan 25 2017) 

"How black, Latino and Muslim college students organized to stop Trump's rally in Chicago" by Kate Linthicum and Kurtis Lee ( LA Times Mar 12 2016)

"Business and Corruption: Robber Barons Beware" (fighting corruption in China, report from The Economist October 24 2015)
"Meet the Indian Women Trying to Take Down “Caste Apartheid” " (October 23 2015 article Yes! magazine online)

"Eradicating Disease"  (report on the battle vs. seven diseases incl. malaria, news leader piece from The Economist October 10 2015)

"Saudi Women Rise Up Quietly, Slide into the Driver's Seat" by Ben Hubbard (October 26 2013 NY Times story)
"Street Protests: The Weapon of Choice" (article from The Economist September 28 2013)
"Rural Activism: Working the System" (article from The Economist September 29 2012)
"Protestor's Message Pretty Simple and Clear: Enough is Enough" by D. Smith (Oct 5 2011 article on Common Dreams)
Rage, Rap and Revolution:Inside the Arab Youth Quake by Bobby Ghosh (Feb 17 2011 Time cover story)
"Fighting Back in Iran" by Robin Wright (article from Time, August 10, 2009)
"How Obama is Using the Science of Change," by Michael Grunwald  (article from Time, April 13, 2009)
"A Quiet Revolution Grows in the Muslim World, by Robin Wright" (article from Time, March 30, 2009)
Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by C. Heath and D. Heath (more on this 2010 book)
A Primer on Class Struggle, by Michael Schwalbe (2011 article by North Carolina State University professor) 
What Social Science Can Tell Us About Social Change, by G. William Domhoff (UC Santa Cruz professor)
Radical Activist Network
The Giraffe Heroes Project
Stick Your Neck Out:A Street Smart Guide to Creating Change in Your Community & Beyond, by J. Graham (book excerpt)
Progressive Activism--Resources & Essays
Links to Progressive and Activist Sites 
Center for Community Change: Movement Vision Project
The Institute for the Study of Social Change (at UC Berkeley)
Environmental Activist Site Links (environmental activists battling climate change, working to limit CO2 in atmosphere to 350 ppm)
This Will Change Everything by John Brockman (about this 2009 book offering ideas from 150 thinkers)
Medical Reform Activism
The Activist's Handbook, by Randy Shaw (info on this book published by UC Press)
The Community Advocate’s Guide to Feeding the Hungry
Steps for Running a Successful Community, School or Workplace Clothing Drive

Community Organizing: People Power from the Grassroots by D. Beckwith, C. Lopez (online pamphlet)

Almost a Revolution by Shen Tong (free download of 1990 book, a story of a Chinese student leader's role in the Tiananmen Square uprising)
quotes related to dissent
quotes related to reform

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
