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I live life to maximize my own pleasure / happiness, and minimize pain, suffering, and doing without. So, I seek lots of whatever brings me pleasure: food, drink, consumer goods, exotic travel, interactions with friends, sexual gratification, music, sports, games, gambling, recreational drug use, etc. (Note: hedonists are short-term oriented and neglect their health in embracing “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” Some, the more affluent, may even more selfishly indulge in pleasure seeking but do so by finding/creating another world where they can better escape from painful realities poor folks face.)

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a heart WV Theme...

...individual <---> individual

the theme is paired with:  #28B Healthy Orientation to make Choice #21    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:  version 2.0    version 3.0       is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch issue #52: The Circle:  Perfectibility Through Participatory Social Interaction 
Worldview Watch issue #25: posted 7/13/2012: The Worldview Behind The Rolling Stones' Music

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

victimless crimes Hedonism  Epicureanism
Pleasure Principle Pleasure Polyamory
Pornography Open Marriage Styles Recreational Drug Use
Sex Robot Hedonic Hunger playboy lifestyle
  Principles of Pleasure (more about this Netflix film)  masturbation

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#18B Rational, Dispassionate   #21B Service to Others   #23A  Sustainability   23B Enoughness  
#24A  Struggling With A Basic Need: Sustenance   #29A   The Self Restrained Person    #33A   Servitude / Enslaved  #35B Working for Change  
#37B Global Citizen   #39A   Tough Love   #42   Ethical Orientation   #44A Sanctity & Dignity of Life  
#45B Work, Play, Pay As You Go    #49B Idealistic Socialism   #50B Left Anarchist   #52   Physically Challenged ==>Independent Living  
#104B  Respect for Nature #202A Cautious Processing #204B  Limits & Ethics    

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #28A: Hedonistic Orientation

Paradox of Hedonism  (from online encyclopedia of philosophy)
Global Advanced Trait Description: Hedonism
A New Hedonism: A Post-Consumerism Vision By Kate Soper (paper from UK academic)
How Pleasure Works, by Paul Bloom (book review by Robin Henig of this 2010 book in NY Times)
The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky (more on this 2008 book from
The Science of Pleasure, by Harvie Ferguson (read excerpts from this 1990 book at Google Books)
Hedonist International (website of group based in Europe)   click here to read their manifesto
The Hedonism Handbook: Mastering the Lost Arts of Leisure and Pleasure, by M. Flocker (book review)
Philosophical Dictionary: Hedonism
Ethical Hedonism and its Role in Personal Development
Wirehead Hedonism (website devoted to the future possibilities of abolishing suffering, creating blissful existence via tinkering with the brain, including intra cranial self stimulation)
Hedonism II Resort (website of resort promising "unadulterated self-indulgence that tantalizes all your optional ")
The Naked Truth About Hedonism II -- book review of a humorous travel guide to Jamaica's very adult resort
Pleasure Deficit and the Brain's Reward Pathways
The Pleasure Principle: Connections Between Reward and Learning
"So What is the Secret to a Happy Life?" (from Happy Life Mentoring website)
The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness   (inspired by the Dalai Lama, Buddhism)
A Brief History of Nakedness by Philip Carr-Gomm (review of this 2010 book)
Sex, Hormones and Moods: Finding Pleasure at Any Age (2004 UCTV program)
The Pursuit of Happiness, by Michael Bond (article from New Scientist website)
How to Spend It ("a website of worldly pleasures from Financial Times")
How to Close the 'Orgasm Gap' for Heterosexual Couples by Meghan McDonough  (from Scientific American online Feb 21 2024)
Polyamory, the Ruling Class’s Latest Fad by Tyler Austin Harper (from The Atlantic Feb 1 2024) 
Intimacy: What's your masculine style: Neo-traditional, egalitarian or progressive? (from University of British Columbia August 14 2023)
Sex Toys in the Middle East  (lifting past restrictions on their use by women, report from The Economist Jan 7 2023)

Adventurer: The Life and Times of Giacomo Casanova by Leo Damrosch (Review by Kathryn Hughes  in The Guardian May 20 2022) 

“In a meth underground on Facebook and Zoom, users find drugs and endless parties”    (from NBC News March 14 2022)
The Pleasure Gap: American Women and the Unfinished Sexual Revolution  by Katherine Rowland (Feb 2020 book reviews, more from Amazon)
"Dimming the Lights --Amsterdam's Red Light District " by Ciara Nugent  (article in Time Nov 18 2019)
Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses by Isabel Allende (about the joys of lovemaking and the joys of eating, book review posted on food in books Aug 28 2017)

"Meet Samantha: The sex robot that needs to be SEDUCED" By Sean Martin  (UK Express News Jul 5 2017)

Sex-Ed for Grown-Ups: A Roundup of Relationship Self-Help by Judith Newman (book review from The New York Times April 2017)

Gastrophysics--The New Science of Eating by Charles Spence  (book review about the multisensory experience of food by Bee Wilson in The Guardian March 23 2017)

"Is Porn Culture to be Feared?" by Conor Friedersdorf (April 7 2016 article from The Atlantic)

"The Sex Robot Of The Future Is Here And We're A Little Scared" by Catarina Cowden   (Feb 2016 article)

"How Sugar and Fat Trick the Brain into Wanting More Food"  by Ferris Jabr (article from Scientific American Jan 2016)
"Happiness and Income" (report on global poll on how happy people are, from The Economist Nov 1 2014)
"Felix Dennis--An Obituary of a Hedonist and Media Magnate" (from The Economist July 5, 2014)
Movie Review of The Wolf of Wall Street by A.O. Scott   (Dec 2013 NY York Times review a "bacchanal of sex, drugs and conspicuous consumption") 
Movie Review of Laurel Canyon by Stephen Holden (film re: professional couple tempted by hedonism, Mar 2003 NY York Times review)
"Human Body Distinguishes Between 'Hedonic' and 'Eudaimonic' Happiness on Molecular Level" by Tamara Kemsley (July 30 2013 report)
Tiny Times --a film about hedonism in urban China (article from The Economist July 20 2013)
"Can We Make Ourselves Happier?"
Amortality: Why It's No longer Necessary to Act Your Age by Catherine Mayer (Apr 25 2011 Time story)
Drink, by Wayne Curtis ("when good cocktails lead to grand adventures" article from The Atlantic, Nov 2009)
"Overview of Time Perspective Types" by Phillip Zimbardo  (2008 article by Stanford University prof includes summary of present hedonistic time type) 
"Gourmet Groceries--for More!" by Joel Stein (article in Time April 14, 2008)
Food and Wine (website of magazine providing "inspiration served daily")
Cannabis News (providing news about marijuana from around the world)
"What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?"  (watch excerpt of film re: pain-reducing, health benefits of marijuana, on You Tube)
The Good Drugs Guide (website providing a "guide to drugs, addiction, and treatment")
Hedonism in Religious Conceptions of Heaven (notes and links to articles) 
Pleasure (Biblical perspective)
What Are We Seeking?  (spiritual path perspective)
Social Hedonism / Utilitarianism
Varieties of  Egoism and Hedonism (philosophy course handout)
quotes related to pleasure

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.

