More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #28B: Healthy
WebMD ("better information,
better health")
of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion |
Government on Health: A to Z index (sponsored by USA NIH) |
Health Information Center |
National Health Service--Your Health, Your Choices (home page of
England's NHS) |
for Medical Consumers ("working to protect your rights--helping
you make informed decisions") |
Women's Health Resource Center |
and Nutrition Information Center (from USDA) |
and Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans |
Nutrition (in general this US NIH sponsored site offers "trusted
health information for you") |
(what science is saying about choosing foods and making
the healthiest choices) |
carbon foodprint of 5 diets compared |
The Science of Well Being (2005 book from Oxford University Press) |
for Promoting Healthy Eating by Children (ten
links to articles provided by Helen Carter) |
Patient Advocate Foundation ("the patient's voice") |
sugary drinks may increase your risk of death. Here are alternative
options by Madeline Holcomb (report from CNN January 6 2025) |
Food Ingredients That Weaken Your Bones, According To Osteoporosis
Specialists by Alexandra Emmanuelli (from Huffington Post
September 14 2024)
healthy halo dims as study finds drinking may be harmful for older adults,
even at low levels by Brenda Goodman (from CNN August
14 2024)
your risk of dementia by 20% with this dietary change by Sandee LaMotte (CNN
Report July 31 2024) |
half of cancer deaths and 40% of cases caused by avoidable factors, new
study" finds by Imane El Atillah (from Euro News July 7
2024) |
finds common household appliance is spewing car-exhaust-like pollution
indoors by Leo Collis (report on gas stoves, posted on TCD,
April 2024) |
fitter can reduce prostate cancer risk by 35%, study finds by Andrew
Gregory (from The Guardian, Jan 30 2024)
8 habits could add up to 24 years to your life, study says" by
Sandee LaMotte (from CNN July 24 2023) |
Food May Be Giving Us Alzheimer’s Disease, New Research Says
Brett Arends (in Barron's Feb 17 2023) |
Stress Load Is the Biggest Barrier to Living Longer. Here's How to Reduce
(Time article Feb 16 2023)
between food, disease stronger than you may think by Dee Dee Stiepan
(report on Mayo Clinic study Jan 30 2023) |
can significantly impact your physical health, study finds by Kristen
Rogers (report on study, from CNN Jan 2 2023) |
life expectancy continues to fall, erasing health gains of the last
quarter century by Karen Weintraub (from USA Today Dec 22 2022) |
Genetic Medicine--The Trials of Gene
Therapy (from The Economist August 27 2022) |
bother with dietary supplements for heart health, study says
by Jen Christensen (from CNN Nov 7 2022) |
"The most damaging farm products? Organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb"
by George Monbiot (from The Guardian August 16 2022) |
Quantified Self (about health benefits of wearable technology from The
Economist May 7 2022) |
your brain copes with grief, and why it takes time to heal by Berly McCoy
(from NPR December 20 2021) |
Harvard nutritionist and brain expert says she avoids these 5 foods that
‘weaken memory and focus’
(from CNBC November 28 2021) |
dark side of wellness: the overlap between spiritual thinking and
far-right conspiracies” by Eva Wiseman
(from The Guardian October 17 2021)
Study Shows Folate Is Directly Linked to the Prevention of Alzheimer’s"
by Sharon Feiereisen (from well
and good website August 31 2021) |
Bad is Coffee for the Environment?” by Tebany Yune
(May 27 2021 report) |
gut microbes could drive brain disorders (report from Nature Feb
3 2021) |
surprising connection between anxiety and your diet" by Melissa
Pandika (Jan 22 2021
report posted on site)
Diets Have the Lowest Carbon Footprint?"
by Michael Greger (video posted
on Nov 18 2020) |
Medicine: Populations of One
(article in The Economist March 14 2020) |
Effect Of An Extra-Virgin Olive
Oil Intake On The Delay Of Cognitive Decline: Role Of Secoiridoid
Oleuropein? (October 29 2019 medical paper in Neuropsychiatric
Disease and Treatment journal) |
Innovation Issue / The Robot Will See You Now by Corinne Purtill (cover
story in special issue of Time Nov 4 2019) |
drinks linked to increased risk of death, study suggests” by Brett
Molina (report
in USA Today Mar 18 2019)
question benefits of fluoride-free toothpaste" (August 7
2018 AP / NBC News report on the dental health benefits of
fluoride) |
Huge New Study Just Showed Alcohol Is Worse for You Than You Thought"
by Stephanie Mencimer (Apr 13 2018 Mother Jones report) |
again top 2018's 'Dirty Dozen' fruits and veggies” by
Susan Scutti, (report from CNN April 8 2018) |
bacteria' are trying to spread in the U.S., CDC says" by Maggie Fox
(April 4 2018 NBC News
report) |
Drinking Healthy? Alcohol Helps Clean Toxins From the Brain, Study
Shows” by
Kate Sheridan (Newsweek 2/2/18
Weight Loss Trap—Why Your Diet Isn’t Working “ by Alexandra
Sifferlin (article from Time June
5 2017)
Link Between Air Pollution and Heart Disease (article from The
Economist May 6 2017) |
Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes
(book review by Dan Barber New York Times Jan 2 2017)
and Its Treatment (report from The Economist October 15 2016) |
and Humans--I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong (book review from The
Economist August 20 2016) |
report on how science is working to extend life spans (from The
Economist August 13 2016) |
is a direct cause of seven forms of cancer, finds study" by Dennis
Campbell (posted on The Guardian July 22 2016) |
Mineral Could Be One Key to Blood Pressure Control" by Mary Elizabeth
Dallas (from US News & World Report July 12 2016) |
hot drinks are 'probably carcinogenic'" by Meera Senthilingam
(report posted on CNN June 15 2016) |
of Science finds GMOs not harmful to human health" by Elizabeth Weise (news
story from USA Today May 16 2016) |
Insights into the Human Microbiome" by Karen Weintraub (April 29
2016 post on Scientific American website) |
Lowering Statins cause muscle pain, scientists conclude by Sarah Knapton (The Telegraph Apr 3
2016) |
Says Wine Isn’t Nearly As Healthful As We Think"
by Anna Almendraia
posted on The Huffington Post March 22 2016) |
run a day keeps the tumour at bay" (research report about link
between exercise and cancer from The Economist Feb 27 2016) |
Sugar Might Fuel The Growth Of Cancer?" (Jan 2016 report
posted on Insight Ticker website) |
Sugar and Fat Trick the Brain into Wanting More Food" by
Ferris Jabr
(article from Scientific American Jan 2016) |
May Be More Within Our Control Than We Thought" by
Alice Walton (article
posted on Forbes Dec 17 2015) |
breakthrough could lead to better prostate cancer treatment
" (Nov 2015 research report from Medical Xpress) |
I Have to Stop Eating Processed Meat? Key Questions About WHO Group Report" by
Maggie Fox (on NBC News
Oct 26 2015) |
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep"
(report on how long our distant ancestors slept from The Economist
October 17 2015)
Minutes of Exercise is Key to Health in Old Age" (May 15 2015
news report on long-term study involving thousands of people) |
to Stop Alzheimer's Step Closer as Scientists Discover Inhibitor
Molecule" (report from Medical News Today Feb 18 2015) |
ways to eat and drink your way to a better brain" by Jason Kane
(report on PBS News Hour website January 6 2014) |
Cleans the Brain of Toxins" by James Gallagher (October 17 2013 BBC
News report) |
Dementia Risk Linked to Higher Blood Sugar Levels" by Rina Shah (Aug
10 2013 news report on National Monitor website) |
"The Perils of Sitting Down: Standing Orders"
( article from The Economist Aug 10 2013) |
Drug Reverses Alzheimer's Disease In Mice" ( May 25 2013
report on Medical News Today website) |
Test May Help Guide Prostate Cancer Treatment" by Marilynn Marchione
(May 8 2013 news report from AP medical writer) |
Meat Chemical 'Damages Heart', say US Scientists" by James Gallagher
(Apr 7 2013 BBC News article) |
Pill: Why Medical Bills are Killing Us" by Steven Brill (Feb 20
2013 Time cover story) |
Diet Soda Increases Risk of Diabetes" by Lylah Alphonse (Feb 2013
Yahoo News report) |
Pressure Drugs May Also Reduce Dementia Risk" by Janice Lloyd
(news report from Jan 2013 USA Today) |
"Psychosomatic Medicine: Think Yourself Well"
(news re research from report The Economist Dec 8 2012) |
"Epigenetics and Health: Grandma's Curse"
(news re research report from The Economist Nov 3 2012) |
It: Soda Studies Cite Stronger Link to Obesity" by Sharon Begley
(September 21 2012 news story on Reuters) |
Proportion of Americans Practice Seven Heart Healthy Habits" (Mar
2012 report from Medical News Today) |
your conscientiousness" (from Harvard Health Letter May, 2012) |
Preventive Medicine Actually Overtreatment?" (Feb 2012 NPR review
of book Overdiagnosed by Gilbert Welch) |
Culinary Intelligence by Peter Kaminsky
(review of this 2012 book on "eating healthy and really
well") |
Support for Passing on the Red Meat" by Genevra Pittman (from The
Chicago Tribune March 2012) |
Events in Hospitals May be Ten Times Greater Than Previously Measured (2011
medical journal article) |
Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors--A Patient Fact Sheet (from US
Dept of Health & Human Services) |
Hospital Compare Tool (from US Dept of Health & Human Services) |
"Exercise and Longevity:
Worth All the Sweat" (article from The Economist Jan 21 2012
issue) |
the Single Best Exercise?" by Gretchen Reynolds (article from
NY Times April 15 2011) |
Sugar Toxic?" by Gary Taubes (lengthy, authoritative article from
NY Times April 13 2011) |
Made Simple, by Marion Nestle (September 2007 Scientific American
article by nutritionist) |
News from the Harvard School of Public Health |
Heart Disease -- from the UC Berkeley Wellness Newsletter |
Cancer and Acetaminophen Use" (abstract of 2011 research report) |
Relationships and Mortality Risk" (2010 research paper on effect
of loneliness on mortality, on PLoS) |
Choices for a Healthier Life |
Magazine |
for Prevention (dedicated to disease prevention and advocating for
health promotion policies) |
Heart Association |
Cancer Society |
Cancer Institute -- Cancer Topics |
Mental Health Association |
Institute of Mental Health |
College of Preventive Medicine |
Health Corps (devoted to providing information and "putting the
public back into public health) |
Health Care Costs (report from Kaiser Family Foundation) |
America, by John Abramson (the website for this 2004 book by doctor) |
and Medicine--Most Popular Programs (links to hundreds of UCTV
programs on this topic) |
Explains Why Americans Don't Live Longer" by Maggie Fox (Jan 25
2011 news story) |
"Alzheimer's Unlocked by Alice Park"
(cover story in Time October 14 2010) |
Sodas for a Healthier Economy" by Barbara Kiviat (article
in Time Magazine July 12 2010) |
Doctors Don't Always Spot Depression" by John Cloud (Time
July 30 2009) |
"This Doctor Does Not Want to See You," by Alice
Park (article about preventive medicine in Time
Jun 17 2009) |
and Healing: A Forum," by Alice Park (part of cover story How
Faith Can Heal in Time Feb 23 2009) |
Large," by Alice Park (cover story about health effects of
obesity in children in Time June 23 2008 |
Your Germs," by Sanjay Gupta (article about probiotic foods in Time
April 7 2008) |
Why Women Need Better Sleep," by Alice Park (article in Time
March 31 2008) |
Health," by Lisa T. Cullen (article about a great new idea in Time
March 24 2008) |
on the Couch," by Sanjay Gupta (article about benefits of
exercise in Time March 3 2008) |
A Good Night Sleep," by Alice Park (article about benefits of
sleep in Time December 17 2007) |
Science of Appetite," by Jeffrey Kluger (cover story in Time June
11 2007) |
Voyage: The Science Behind Radical Life Extension, by R. Kurzweil and T.
Grossman |
Stress Through a Healthy Lifestyle |
Advanced Trait Description: Physical Fitness |
Pharmacy |
related to health |