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Worldview Theme |
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the theme is paired with: #21B Service to Others
to make Choice
#32 in the Choices We Make cards |
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Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words,
Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice |
Project Worldview authored discussion,
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Discussion from The Worldview
Literacy Book
Worldview Watch #78, posted 12/11/2024 Trump's Victory:
The Triumph of Cynicism?
Worldview Watch #62, posted 12/19/2019 The
Sad State of American Democracy
Worldview Watch #53, posted 6/26/2017 America: Toward a More Perfect Union
or Winner Takes All? |
Worldview Watch #24: Unvaccinated Children, Public Health, and Worldviews
Wikipedia articles related to this theme:
Cynicism |
Demagogy |
Dumbing Down
Corporatocracy |
crime |
worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this
theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:
#1A Humbly
#2A The True
Believer |
#2B I Know What's Best For
Valuing Honesty, Learning |
Belief in a Personal God |
#9A Religious
Fundamentalism |
#9B In God's Hands:
Apocalypticism |
#10 Secular
Humanism |
#16B The
Golden Rule, Village Ethic of Mutual Help
#17B Gratitude &
Rational, Dispassionate
#21A Idealistic Populism |
#22B Imperialism |
#23A Sustainability |
Enoughness |
#28B Healthy Orientation |
#31 Education
for Democracy
#32A Valuing Human
Rights |
#32B Culture of
Tolerance |
#34 Valuing Traditions and
Status Quo
#35B Working for Change
#37B Global Citizen
#38 Love As Family
#40 Environmental
Economics |
#42 Ethical
#44A Sanctity & Dignity of Life |
#45B Work,
Play, Pay As You
Go |
Technological Fix
#46B Military Backers |
#47A The Attitudinal
Fix Mentality
#48B Liking
Co-operation-Based Communities |
#49B Idealistic Socialism |
#50B Left Anarchist
#51A Ethical
Globalization |
#51B Big Business Pushes
Global Limits |
#52 Physically
Challenged ==>Independent
Living |
#101A Mind Open, Vision
Global |
#102A Conscientious,
#102B Easy-Going,
Disorderly, Cavalier
#103B Celebrating Team
#201B Faith & Wishful
Thinking |
#202B Relaxed, Generous,
#203B Egalitarian
#204A Freedom From Limits
Limits & Ethics
More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #36A: Cynicism |
Perceptions Index by Transparency International ("the global
coalition against corruption") |
Pessimism: Narratives of Decline in the Post-Modern World, by O. Bennett
(2001 book / Google Books) |
The Cynic's Sanctuary |
Monologue on Cynicism, Faith, Happiness, Honesty, Sadness, by Amit Singh |
Develop Cynicism at Early Age (report on Yale University Dept. of
Psychology study) |
Humor, Sublimity, and
Incongruity, by John Marmysz (insight into why laughter is an escape
from cynicism) |
Paper on Cynicism |
Cynicism in
Business Organizations |
Youthful Cynicism, by Bertrand Russell (classic 1930 essay) |
Virtue of Engineering Cynicism, by David Weinberger |
Humbug and
Cynical Acid, by Duncan Baird (Unitarian Universalist sermon) |
Hypocrisy Today -- The Official
Publication of the American Society of Sociopaths (ASS) |
Are You A
Hypocrite? (includes formula hypocrisy = beliefs - actions) |
Spying on Democracy by Heidi
Boghosian (excerpt from 2013 book) |
cynicism isn't helping anybody
by Jamil Zaki (Time article September 3 2024)
Jones Vacations at “Ritzy” Kauai Resort as Bankruptcy Proceedings
Advance by Eve Batey (from Vanity Fair, April 2024) |
Amazon's climate pollution is getting way worse - greenwashing hypocrisy?
by Justin Calma (on The Verge Aug 1 2022) |
radio host sentenced to three life sentences for Ponzi scheme bilking
millions from elderly listeners" (report from NBC News
October 2021) |
Are Living in a Failed State” by George Packer (article in The Atlantic April 21 2020) |
is refusing to take down a Trump ad making false claims about Joe Biden"
Emily Stewart (post on VOX Oct 9,
2019) |
Major Coal Company Went Bust. Its Bankruptcy Filing Shows That It Was
Funding Climate Change Denialism.
By Lee Fang (May 17
2019 report posted on The Intercept) |
York Suburb Declares Emergency, Barring Unvaccinated Children From
People” by Michael Gold and Tyler Pager (example of human folly
related article from New
York Times Mar 26 2019) |
Scott Pruitt's EPA Continues to Amaze Even the Most Cynical Among Us by
Charles P. Pierce (Dec
30 2017 Esquire magazine article)
Africa's Corruption" (article in The Economist Dec 9 2017) |
Corporate Capitalism Looted Democracy” by
William Greider (Sept 18 2017 post on Bill Moyers
Money: The Hidden History of Billionaires ...
by Jane Mayer (book review by David Nasaw in The New York
Times Jan 12 2016) |
land of the free—Really? by Frances Moore Lappe (a cynical look at
USA freedom, on Common Dreams website October 29 2015) |
on Amazon: Five Star Fakes (report from The Economist October
24 2015) |
and Corruption: Robber Barons Beware (fighting corruption in China,
report from The Economist
October 24 2015)
and Natural Resources: a fight for light"
(report from The Economist October 24 2015)
Secrets: Volkswagen’s Falsification of Pollution Tests… “(cover
story from The
Economist September 26 2015) |
cancer charities' $187 million in donations mostly paid for fundraisers,
government alleges" (report in LA Times May 19, 2015) |
Looting Machine: warlords, tycoons, smugglers and the systematic theft of
Africa's wealth
by Tom Burgis (book
review in The Guardian March 2 2015) |
Williams-Gate: America Loses Its Innocence Once Again by Joe Randazzo (Feb
8 2015 commentary posted on The Daily Beast) |
Hunt for Kazakh Bank’s Missing $6 Billion"
by Edward Robinson ( January 9 2014
report from Bloomberg Business Week) |
"Dollarocracy" by John Nichols and Robert McChesney
(article from The Nation Sep 30 2013 based on similarly titled
"Nigerian Oil
Stolen on Industrial Scale" (BBC News report Sep 20 2013) |
"Corruption in Venezuela: The Billion Dollar Fraud"
(article from The Economist Aug 10 2013) |
of confidence in government handling of corruption, survey shows" by
Erik Kirschbaum (worldwide focus in July 9 2013 report, on Reuters website) |
America: Region One of the Worst for Corruption" by Lauren Villagran
(article in CSM Dec 5 2012) |
"Corruption in Northern Italy: A Plague on all Their Houses"
(article from The Economist Nov 10 2012) |
Why America
Failed: The Roots of Imperial Decline by Morris Berman (lengthy talk
by author of this 2011 book) |
"Brooklyn Blues: A
reminder of how widespread corruption is in the Empire State" (Sep 2012
article The Economist) |
"Shell Awards Christian Teacher $10K
for 'Exemplary Science Teaching" by Sandy Leon Vest (from April
2012 blog) |
Charged in $375 Million Medicare Scam" (Feb 2012 news item from The
Fiscal Times) |
Protects Florida Consumers from $145 Million Health Insurance Heist"
(Dec 2011 article on Huffington
Post) |
in America is a Useful Fiction," by Chris Hedges (a cynical
perspective from 2010 article) |
quotes related
to cynicism |