More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #101A:
Open, Vision Global
Ancient Origins website
“reconstructing the story of humanity’s past”
The Earth Institute at Columbia
-- Science & Exploration / Always Curious |
An Open Mind by Z. Hereford
Essential Life Skills) |
Benefits of Being Open-Minded
(essay from Positively Present) |
Mysterious Swept Over Solar System 13 million Years Ago by Noor Al Sibai
(from Futurism March 2025) |
we kill the Neanderthals? New research may finally answer an age-old
question by Kristina Killgrove (from Live Science October 4
Cosmic Perspective--how embracing cosmic realities can enlighten our view of human life by Neil deGrasse Tyson
(essay from Natural History website) |
'ancestral bottleneck' took out nearly 99 percent of the human population
800,000 years ago by Laura Baisas (Popular Science August 31
2023) |
by Jonathan Kennedy (review of 2023 book about the role of bacteria
and viruses in world history from The Economist April 15 2023) |
Stone Points Are Oldest Signs of Bow and Arrow Use in Europe by Issac
Shultz (posted on Gizmodo Feb 22 2023)
Three factors explain why it’s so hard to change our minds — but it’s not hopeless by Keith M. Bellizzi
(from The Conversation Aug 11 2022) |
to Be More Open-Minded?” (article from Harvard Business Review Jan 22 2019) |
Streaming Views of Earth from camera on The International Space Station
courtesy of NASA (service started May 2014) |
Understanding Evolution ("your
one-stop source for information on evolution" on Univ. of California,
Berkeley website)
Our Universe a Hologram? Physicists Debate Famous Idea on Its 25th
Anniversary by Anil Ananthaswamy (from Scientific American Nov
30 2022)
7 million year old evidence of bipedalism by Ewen Callaway (from
Nature, August 24 2022)
says she's found artifacts from famed 1540 expedition (report from CBS
News Feb 14 2022)
Were the Denisovans ?” by Richard
Pallardy (report on human evolutionary paths from Discover Jan 17 2022)
America’s people first come to this continent by land or
by sea? by Ross Andersen (from The Atlantic October 2021)
quietly wins one of the right’s longstanding culture wars" by
Matthew Rozsa (from
Salon August 24 2021)
Astrobiology (the search for alien life / report from The Economist
Feb 13 2021)
and Evolution (report from The Economist Oct 3 2020)
model simulations reveal cause of Neanderthal extinction (Institute
for Basic Science
report May 20 2020)
wonder if ancient supernovae prompted human ancestors to walk upright
(report from University of Kansas May 28 2019)
the Universe Creates Gold" by Duncan Brown and Edo Berger
(article on website)
Change Likely Iced Neanderthals Out Of Existence" by Jason Daley
(from The Smithsonian August 29 2018 post)
humans left Africa much earlier” by
Pallab Ghosh (from Science correspondent, BBC News
Jan 25 2018)
Lived in Americas 130,000 years Ago Study Claims" by Carl Zimmer
(article in The New York Times April 26 2017) |
for Aliens –Earth-sized Exoplanets (report from The Economist August
27 2016) |
What is the Universe Really Made?" (science brief about the
search for dark matter from The Economist August 22,
Telescope Puts New Date Stamp on First Stars" by Jonathan
Amos (report from BBC News Feb 5 2015)
reveals transitional link from fins to feet" by Meeri Kim
(article of evolutionary import, from January 13 2014 edition of The
Washington Post)
Evolution: Unity or Diversity" (news report from The Economist October 19 2013) |
"Mass Extinctions: Small But Deadly"
(news report of research in The Economist July 27 2013) |
Europeans Underwent Mysterious Genetic Transformation 4500 Years Ago,
Study Suggests" (April 2013 report on The Huffington Post)
Did Humans Come to the Americas?" by Guy Gugliotta (article in The Smithsonian Feb 2013) |
A History of the World
in 100 Objects (BBC website uses objects from the British Museum to
tell human story; companion 2012 book by Neil MacGregor) |
Big Question: What Day Most Changed the Course of History? (ten
different answers to this, from The Atlantic March 2013) |
Evolution of Co-operation by Martin Novak (2011 talk by Harvard
professor on website)
Great Story (educational site re:14 billion year evolutionary heritage
of humanity told as sacred story) |
An Atlas of the Universe
(award winning website) |
Cosmos and Culture: Cultural
Evolution in a Cosmic Context ed. Steven Dick (read whole 2009
book online) |
The Foundational Questions
Institute ("exploring the foundations and boundaries of physics
and cosmology")
Darwinism (website about "design
found in the universe as the creation of Darwinian processes")
and Development of the Universe (papers from October, 2008 conference
in Paris)
Place in Space (Harvard-Smithsonian / NASA tour)
The Man Who Found Time by Jack Repcheck
(review of this 2007 book about James Hutton) |
The Scale of the Universe (to
help make sense of cosmic distances and evolutionary history over time) |
Astronomy Picture of the Day
(NASA maintained website for discovering the cosmos) |
No Small Matter: Science on the Nanoscale,
by F. Frankel and G. Whitesides (more about this 2009 book) |
Powers of Ten, a short film by Charles
and Ray Eames
Future of Homo Sapiens, by Peter Ward (2009 article by Univ. of
Washington paleontologist) |
the Flat Earth Theory, by Ellen Wedum (about helping students overcome
"The Illusion of
Central Position:" the perception that the world centers on ME.) |
Cosmic Concerns (explores
different ideas and theories of cosmology) |
and Extinction (numerous links from website for paleobotantists
involved in education) |
Search of Time: The Science of a Curious Dimension, by Dan Falk (read
excerpts of 2008 book at Google Books)
Planets Just Got Easier," by Michael Lemonick (article in Time
November 26, 2008) |
Kepler--The Search for
Habitable Planets (the NASA/Ames Research center website for this
Flock," by Dan Cray (report on NASA spacecraft exploring solar
system in Time March 31 2008) |
quotes related
to seeing a situation from different perspectives