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I welcome affluent nations / multi-national corporations extending power and influence over developing nations, and believe everyone benefits. The big rich entities benefit from new markets for products, resource extraction, etc; poor regions from economic development and exposure to values / life-style /culture of the affluent world which I view as superior to those they supplant.  I view favorably the nation building that sometimes accompanies military interventions, and may even accept territorial expansion of the more developed at the expense of less developed world.

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a spade WV Theme...

...individual <---> nature

the theme is paired with: #51A Ethical Globalization  to make Choice #51    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:      version 2.0    version 3.0   is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch issue #42, posted 1/29/2015  American SniperHero, Yes or No?
Worldview Watch #8: China in Africa: Ethical Globalization or Imperialism

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

colonialism Imperialism   Cultural Imperialism
  Neocolonialism Ethnocentrism Expansionism
scramble for Africa

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#1A   Humbly Unsure    #21A  Idealistic Populism  #21B Service to Others   #23A  Sustainability  
 23B Enoughness   #27 The Small Producer   #32A  Valuing Human Rights #36A Cynicism
#37B Global Citizen   #40  Environmental Economics      #42   Ethical Orientation   #45B Work, Play, Pay As You Go   
#47B Pacifism / Non-Violence   #49B Idealistic Socialism #50B Left Anarchist   #104B  Respect for Nature
#203B Egalitarian Progressive #204B  Limits & Ethics      

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #22B: Imperialism

Imperial Island--A History of Empire in Modern Britain by Charlotte Lydia Riley (book review by Pratinav Anil in The Guardian August 23 2023)
A million lives later, I cannot forgive what American terrorism did to my country, Iraq by Sinan Antoon (from The Guardian Mar 19 2023)
Colonialism--A Moral Reckoning by Nigel Biggar (book review from The Economist March 4 2023)
On Savage shores by Caroline Dodds Pennock (book review from The Guardian Jan 19 2023)
Why a Chinese ship's arrival in Sri Lanka has caused alarm in India and the West by Lauren Frayer (from NPR, August 19 2022)
"Kyiv accuses Moscow of 'imperialism' after general's southern Ukraine comment"  by Pavel Polityuk (from Reuters April 22 2022)

A continuation of colonialism’: indigenous activists say their voices are missing at COP 26  By Nina Lakhani (article from The Guardian Nov 3 2021)

"The Belt and Road Initiative – the pandemic is hurting this Chinese effort" (report from The Economist June 6 2020)
“The Train and the Swamp” (article about China’s massive global development effort from Sierra magazine  Jan / Feb 2020)
“The New Scramble for Africa”  (article in The Economist March 9 2019)
Are You a Nationalist or an Imperialist? by Park MacDougald (includes review of 2018 book The Virtues of Nationalism by Y. Hazont, post on New York Magazine Sep 21 2018)
Land Reform in South Africa (report from The Economist August 25 2018)
"Geopolitics: In Defense of Empire" by Robert D. Kaplan (article from The Atlantic April 2014)
Special Report: Outsourcing and Offshoring--Here, There, and Everywhere (from The Economist Jan 19 2013)
Unfinished Empire: The Global Expansion of Britain by John Darwin (review of this book in The Economist Sept 2012)
Ghosts of Empire by Kwasi Kwarteng (review in The Guardian of this 2011 book re: British imperialism)
"The East India Company" (historical perspective from Dec 17 2011 The Economist)
"The New African Land Grab" by Joan Baxter (June 30 2011 article posted on Al Jazeera)
"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ending Poverty" by S. Mallaby (article from The Atlantic July 2010)
In Defense of Global Capitalism, by Johan Nordberg (read excerpts of this 2003 book at Google Books)
Economic Globalization in Asia, by Manas Chatterji, Partha (read excerpts of 2005 book at Google Books)
In Praise of Cultural Imperialism, by David Rothkopf  (1997 article in Foreign Policy by former US Commerce Dept official)

Cultural Imperialism and American Protestant Missionaries in 19th Century China  by  Paul W. Harris, (30 page paper)

Reconsidering Cultural Imperialism Theory, by Livingston White
Multinational Corporations: Myths and Facts, by Gary Quinlivan (in defense of multinational global activities)
Multinational Corporations: A Key to Global Poverty Reduction (from Global Envision)
Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Corporation
Foreign Direct Investment by Transnational Corporations (from Development Gateway website)
Do Multinational Corporations Hurt Poor Countries?, by J. Bhagwati  (basically no, he concludes)
The Looting Machine: warlords, tycoons, smugglers and the systematic theft of Africa's wealth by Tom Burgis  (book review in The Guardian March 2 2015)
"Xi Jinping of China Tries to Reassure Africans" by Chris Buckley (Mar 25 2013 article from The NY Times)
The Next Empire, by Howard W. French (article re: China in Africa from The Atlantic, May, 2010)
Trade: Key to Prosperity
Free Trade and Globalization
Development and Economic Freedom: Counter-Capitalism Inside the Anti-globalization Movement
Anti-Globalism = Anti-Americanism (from American Enterprise Online)
In Defense of Globalization, by J. Bhagwati
The Free Trade Future of the African Growth and Opportunity Act
Imperialism in Africa Readings
Justifying the Role of Imperialism in Africa (book & book review)
International Land Coalition: Commercial Pressures on Land
Third World Development: Foreign Aid or Free Trade, by John Majewski
Third World Economic Development, by Clive Crook
The White Man's Burden (from online encyclopedia re:1899 poem by Rudyard Kipling justifying British imperialism as noble)
The Neo-Conservative Agenda: Humanism vs. Imperialism by R. Tremblay
"The Imperialism of Good Intentions" by Richard Gwyn (July 12, 2008 article from Toronto Star
Cultural Imperialism in the Late 20th Century, by James Petras (from Global Policy Forum)
Imperial Ambitions, by Noam Chomsky (leftist perspective on US foreign policy, read at Google Books)
The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiran Desai (excerpts of 2006 novel about lingering effects of colonialism at Google Books)
Center for Global Justice
Multinational Corporations are Incompatible with Sustainable Development, by Stephen Viederman
Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (activist organization)
Against Empire by Michael Parenti  (website for 1995 book, includes link to Imperialism 101 chapter)
American Empire Project (publishes books such as Imperial Ambitions, by Noam Chomsky)
quotes related to imperialism

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
