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I think of militarists as exalting military virtues / symbols, being comfortable following orders and with the military chain of command, advocating military preparedness, being the first to call for war, etc. and I call myself one with some hesitancy.  While I don't doubt that waging modern war is the ultimate technological solution to problems essentially based on disputes between people, I know that great military leaders can nonetheless prefer diplomacy and see war as something to be avoided. Sometimes that isn’t possible. Sometimes evil is so entrenched that war is the only way to eradicate it.

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a spade WV Theme...

...individual <---> nature

the theme is paired with:  #47B Pacifism / Non-Violence  to make Choice #50    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:   version 2.0    version 3.0      is this theme new to version 4?--new name

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch issue #42, posted 1/29/2015  American SniperHero, Yes or No?
Worldwatch Watch issue #41, posted 11/11/2014: Be Grateful: Ceramic Poppies are Blowing in the Wind

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

military tradition Militarism chain of command
war military service   Military School
Warrior Military Courtesy Just War Theory
Warlord Lethal Autonomous Weapons Patriotism 
military budget deterrence theory combat readiness

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#1A   Humbly Unsure    #4 Spreading Disinformation / Tactical Deception #23A  Sustainability   #24B Creative Expression  
#28B Healthy Orientation #36A Cynicism #37B Global Citizen   #40  Environmental Economics
 #42   Ethical Orientation   #48B  Liking Co-operation-Based Communities   #49A  Social Welfare Statism #49B Idealistic Socialism
#50B Left Anarchist   #51A Ethical Globalization   #104B  Respect for Nature #201B Positive Expectations
#202B Relaxed, Generous, Loving #203B Egalitarian Progressive #204B  Limits & Ethics    

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #46B: Military Backers

Military Periscope (online source for military news, weapons, and nations' armed forces worldwide)
The United States Army Homepage
Military Weapons, Defense, Aerospace News & Intelligence (Janes' website homepage)
Military Science Related Websites (links to hundreds of sites)
Military Training Technology (online magazine)
US Army Training & Doctrine Command
Today's Military: Military Careers
Canadians for Military Preparedness
USA Patriotism: Military and Veteran Sites
Center for the Study of Professional Military Ethics
Costs of War Project (from Brown University / Watson Institute for International Studies)
Just War Theory  (website devoted to philosophical study of warfare)
Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer (read excerpts of this 2000 book at Google Books)

Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War by B. Ehrenreich (read excerpts at Google Books)

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishamel Beah (more about this 2007 book)
Links to Department of Defense and Military Electronic Journals
Center for Defense Information (a non-profit, independent monitor of the military)
The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic by Chalmers Johnson
The Technological Fix: Weapons and the Cost of War, by Alex Roland (a 1995 presentation to Army War College)
National Missile Defense: The Technological Fix, by Lawrence Badash (2000 article by UCSB professor)
Links to Military History
US Coast Guard: National Security and Military Preparedness: A Historical Bibliography
Stars and Stripes ("the independent news source for the US military")
Battleland--Military Intelligence Related Blogs (on Time magazine website)
America’s military supremacy is in jeopardy (from The Economist February 15 2025)
Why War? by Richard Overy book review (review by James Holland for The Telegraph June 5 2024)
Nuclear War: A Scenario by Annie Jacobsen (book review by Lawrence Friedman posted on Foreign Affairs  April 23 2024)
Ukraine Fights to Widen Its Puncture of Russian Front Lines by Daniel Michaels (story from The Wall Street Journal September 1 2023)
Battlefield Lessons--The Future of War (special report from The Economist July 8 2023)
Battlefield Ingenuity (from war in Ukraine in The Economist May 13 2023)
"The Bizarre Mystery of the Only Armed Nuke America Ever Lost" by Matthew Gault (on Vice, August 29 2022)
Why We Fight by Christopher Blattman  (on origins of war, book review from The Economist April 23 2022)
Russia and Africa--Mercenaries (report from The Economist January 15 2022)
Autonomous Weapons: Fail Deadly (report from The Economist May 29 2021)
Women in War (report about female soldiers from The Economist April 24 2021)
Nuclear Folly by Serhii Plokhy (review of book about Cuban missile crisis in The Economist April 17 2021)
"Military strategy: what motivates the dogs of war?"  (report about predicting the will to fight from The Economist September 5 2020) 
“Wars in Africa: Are Mercenaries No Longer Taboo?” (report from The Economist May 30 2020)

Technical Solutions: How Warlords Buy Gun Trucks  (article from The Economist May 2 2020)

“Military Recruitment--Social Climbing”  (article from The Economist April 18 2020)

War in Space: Using the Force (article in The Economist July 26 2019)
“The Global Arms Trade: Masters of War” (from The Economist August 18 2018)
"How America is Failing its Most Elite Fighters" by W.J. Hennigan (Time cover story Dec 11 2017)
"Military Robots: Bot Flies" (report from The Economist Dec 16 2017)
 “Men of War” Salafi--Jihadism: The History of an Idea by Shiraz Maher (book review from The Economist October 22 2016)
Eye in the Sky movie review by Peter Travers  (Mar 2016 Rolling Stone review of emotionally charged movie re: the moral debate behind drone warfare)
Warriors Inc  (website of filmmaker with mission “to change how American civilians view the common grunt.”)
"American Sniper" 2014 biographical war film drama  based on book by Chris Kyle (online encyclopedia article)
"The Pentagon Paid Millions to Pro Sports Teams for Military Tributes" (Nov 2015 news report from The Fiscal Times)
"The New Nuclear Age" (commentary from The Economist March 7 2015)
"Security: Return of the Hired Gun"  ("how private armies will remake modern warfare" from The Economist Jan 10 2015)
"Weapons Makers: The Case for Defense" (article from The Economist July 19, 2014)
"Civil Wars: How to Stop the Fighting, Sometimes" (article in The Economist Nov 9 2013)
"Nuclear Weapons: Start Worrying" (based on book review of Command and Control by Eric Schlosser in The Economist Sep 28 2013)
"A New Theory of PTSD and Veterans: Moral Injury" by Tony Dokoupil (Dec 3 2012 article on The Daily Beast)
"Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Death from Afar" (article from The Economist Nov 3 2012)
"Army Suicides: The Most Alarming and Tragically Hidden Secret in America" (summer 2012 article post on policymic)
"China's Military Rise: The Dragon's New Teeth" (from The Economist April 7 2012 issue)
"An Army Apart--The Widening Military-Civilian Gap" by Mark Thompson (Time Nov 21 2011 cover story)
"The Next War Will be Digitized" by J. Fallows (Idea #9 in Biggest Ideas of Year in The Atlantic July 2011)
"The F-35: A Weapon That Costs More than Australia" by D. Tierney  (March 2011 article in The Atlantic)
How We Fight: Crusades, Quagmires, and the American Way of War by D. Tierney  (more on 2010 book)
"Why Our Best Officers are Leaving" by Tim Kane (article in Jan/Feb 2011 issue of The Atlantic)
The Secret World of Extreme Militias by Barton Gellman ( Time Oct 11 2010 cover story)
"All War is Local" by Brian Mockenhaupt (article in Oct 2010 issue of The Atlantic)
"Our American Heroes" by William Astore (July 2010 essay arguing military service does not equal heroism)
"How We Fail Our Female Vets" by Laura Fitzpatrick (in Time July 12 2010)
"How One Army Town Copes With Post Traumatic Stress," by Tim McGirk (in Time November 30, 2009)
"The Dark Side of Recruiting," by Mark Thompson (in Time April 13 2009)
"America's Medicated Army," by Mark Thompson (cover story, Time June 16, 2008)
"Taking Care of Our Vets," by Nancy Gibbs (in Time May 25, 2008)
"Dying Under the Army's Care," by Mark Thompson (in Time February 25 2008)
"America's Broken Down Army," by Mark Thompson (cover story, Time April 16, 2007)
"News Scan: nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan could harm ozone layer"  (June, 2008 news item)
quotes related to patriotism
quotes related to war

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
