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I value freedom to spend money and buy things. If I like what a product can do for me—and its image/ associated message— I will buy it. I like pretty things. If I am envious of something someone else has, I will work to get one for myself. When I tire of a possession, I discard it for something new. Often, I express who I am through what I buy.  I find my needs can be met if I shop around, and I like to shop. (Note: many shoppers give no thought as to resource use, chemical residues, packaging / waste disposal issues behind products they buy.)

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a spade WV Theme...

...individual <---> nature

the theme is paired with:  #27 The Small Producer to make Choice #46 in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:  version 1.0  version 2.0    version 3.0        is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

Consumer Activism Consumerism Commercialism
shopping Economic Materialism Consumerist (the consumer affairs blog)
throw away society Consumer Bill of Rights freedom of choice  
luxury goods hyperconsumerism

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#4 Spreading Disinformation / Tactical Deception #20B Authoritarian Followers   #23A  Sustainability   23B Enoughness  
#24A  Struggling With A Basic Need: Sustenance   #37B Global Citizen   #40  Environmental Economics  #42   Ethical Orientation
#45B Work, Play,  Pay As You Go    #104B  Respect for Nature  

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #26A: The Consumerist

The National Consumer Law Center ("for consumers" page from non-profit dedicated to "advancing fairness in the marketplace for all") 
link to Consumerist blog
Marketing and Consumerism  (Canadian educational website)
Consumer's Union / Consumer Reports Magazine 
Links to articles about Data Mining and Consumerism (from The Consumerist)
Vox's coverage of consumer culture
The Luxury Institute (website of group "committed to delivering objective and accurate insights into the behaviors and attitudes of affluent consumers")
The Story of Stuff, with Annie Leonard (20 minute look at "the underside of our production and consumption patterns")
Consumerism—and the Chemicals in All of Our Stuff—Is Thwarting the Transition From Fossil Fuels by Liza Gross (Feb 12 2025 Inside Climate News )
Inside the manipulative ‘conspiracy’ of consumption (from Grist, December 2024)
I've spent decades studying overconsumption. This Netflix doc still depressed me by James Roberts (from MSNBC News November 29 2024)
Advertising: The Adman of Arkansas / Walmart shoppers (from The Economist May 25 2024)
Why are Americans spending so much? by Nicole Narea (post on VOX May 18 2024)
Critics call out plastics industry over "fraud of plastic recycling" by Ben Tracy (from CBS News April 14 2024)
"How much does the average Costco shopper spend per visit? Costco reveals the answer" by Michael Bartiromo  (posted on The Hill, March 28, 2023)
I shop for a living — and this is what I'm buying from Nordstrom's Presidents' Day sale by Rebecca Carhart (posted on Yahoo Life Feb 20 2023)
Young Consumers Buying Time (report from The Economist Jan 21 2023)
“What's in Store – Ode to the Shopping Mall" (article about the retail industry  from The Economist May 9 2020)
Millennial Longing: firms adapting to the tastes of younger consumers (article from The Economist  Oct 6 2018)
The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class by Elizabeth Currid-Halkett (a 2017 book about what the elite spend their money on, link to author’s website)
Phishing for Fools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception by G. Akerlof & R. Shiller  (book review in The Economist September 19 2015)
Stuffocation by James Wallman (review by Steven Poole of this 2015 book in The Guardian)
Fine Print by David Cay Johnston (read excerpt of 2012 book re: how big corporations rip off consumers) 
Brainwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy by Martin Lindstrom (more on this 2011 book)

"Watches and Wonders 2015: What the world's one percent wear on their wrists" by Stephy Chung   (reported on CNN October 4 2015)

"Buying Partisan: Voting With Your Wallet" (article from The Economist September 13 2014)
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Caveat Vendor" (article from The Economist Feb 1 2014)
"Brands Finding it Hard to Adapt to Age of Scepticism" (article from The Economist Feb 1 2014)
"The Economic Waste of Christmas Giving?"  (report by Paul Solman on PBS News Hour December 24, 2013)
"Chinese Consumers Spent A Record $5.7 Billion On Singles' Day" by Hayley Peterson ( November 11 2013 article from Business Insider)
"Shopping: The Emporium Strikes Back" (article from The Economist July 13 2013)
"The Science Behind Gifting"   (December 3 2012 article from The Wall Street Journal)
"The Tyranny of Choice: You Choose" (article from The Economist Dec 18 2010)
"The Magic of Good Service" (article on The Economist September 2 2012)
But Will It Make You Happy? By Stephanie  Rosenbloom (article about consumerism from The NY Times Aug 7 2010)
"The Genius of QVC," by Megan McArdle (June 2010 The Atlantic article about the shopping network)
"Powerless Consumers Spend More" by Adam Galinsky (article from Sept 22 2008 Advertising Age)
Buyology: Truths and Lies About Why We Buy, by Martin Lindstrom (read excerpts from 2008 book)
Consumerism and the New Capitalism  (essay by R. Cronk) 
The Center for Consumer Freedom
The Center for Consumer Freedom -- their deception exposed
The Consuming Instinct by Gad Saad (2011 book by marketing professor and Psychology Today blogger)
Why We Buy--The Science of Shopping, by Paco Underhill (read excerpts from this 2008 book at Google Books)
Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, by Rem Koolhaas (book review of this 800 page volume)
Life is Not Complete Without Shopping: Consumption Culture in Singapore, by Chua Beng Huat (book review)
Temples of Consumption: Shopping Malls As Secular Cathedrals
Economics Notes: Your Role as a Consumer
Shopping is Patriotic, Leaders Say
For American Consumers, How Much is Enough? by Jeffrey Shaffer (May, 2007 CSM article)
The Moral Nature of Free Enterprise (website providing "a fun and easy way to see and discuss the things people are buying")
"Wake Up and Sell the Coffee," by Barbara Kiviat (article on selling high priced coffee to affluent consumers)
"Guilt Won't Stop Impulsive Shoppers, Researchers Say" (2007 CBC article)

Reviews on Amazon: Five Star Fakes (report from The Economist October 24 2015)

"Online Retailing: A Return to Santa" (article about hard to please online shoppers in Europe from The Economist December 21 2013)
"Sex and Advertising: Retail Therapy" (historical perspective from Dec 17 2011 The Economist)
"Data Mining: How Companies Know Everything About You"  by Joel Stein (cover story Time Mar 21 2011)
"The Proposed Consumer Financial Protection Watchdog" by Justin Fox (article in Time July 27, 2009)
Home Shopping: The Cult of the Snuggie, by M.J. Stephey (article in Time February 2, 2009)
Shop Till You Drop, by Larry Kudlow
Middle East Shopping Malls: The Battle of the Brands
Overcoming Consumerism  (anti-consumerism website) 
Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella (book review of this 2003 novel and links to reader reviews)
Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping, by Judith Levine (book review by Marjorie Kehe in CSM, 3/2006)
Buy, Buy Baby: How Consumer Culture Manipulates Parents and Harms Young Minds, by Susan G. Thomas
Behind Consumption and Consumerism --Global Issues  (global health & environmental perspectives) 
Creating the Consumer, by Anup Shah (from global issues website)
All Consuming Passion: Waking Up from the American Dream
Affluenza (from online encyclopedia, refers to term used by those critical of consumerism)
Affluenza (teacher's guide PBS series on ills of consumerism)
Salvation Through Consumption?
The Sacred Santa: Religious Dimensions of Consumer Culture by Dell deChant
The CardHub on Comparing Credit Cards (the ultimate website about credit cards on multiple levels: consumer, researcher, etc.)
quotes related to shopping

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
