project WORLDVIEW worldview themes         copyright 2020            Home

Themes associated with the spade symbol involve an individual’s relationship to the natural world and how his or her support of, or participation in, activities (including daily lifestyle, earning a livelihood, etc.) impact nature. These themes are loosely associated with "doing" in the Thinking / Feeling / Joining / Doing way of looking at the world.  


META-THEMES (basic choices)

                    #104A HUMAN CENTERED     or     #104B  RESPECT FOR NATURE?

       #204A  FREEDOM FROM LIMITS    or     #204B  LIMITS & ETHICS?

Select the version 5.0 worldview theme(s) below that you want to consider:

#204A Freedom From Limits

choice #40


#204B  Limits & Ethics

#104A  Human-Centered

choice #41


#104B  Respect for Nature

 #44A Sanctity & Dignity of Life  

choice #42


#44B  Hands Off My Body

#3 Valuing Honesty, Learning

choice #43


#4 Spreading Disinformation / Tactical Deception

#22A Economic Growth

choice #44


#23A  Sustainability

 23B Enoughness

choice #45


#26B  More is Better Mentality / Abundance

#26A The Consumerist 

choice #46


#27 The Small Producer

#24A  Struggling With A Basic Need: Sustenance

choice #47


#24B Creative Expression

#45A Borrowing Mentality 

choice #48


#45B Work, Play, Pay As You Go 

#46A  Technological Fix

choice #49


#47A  Attitudinal Fix 

#46B Military Backers

choice #50


#47B Pacifism / Non-Violence

#22B Imperialism

choice #51


#51A Ethical Globalization

#40  Environmental Economics   

choice #52


#51B Big Business Pushes Limits

  Thoughts to Take With You:  

"The big innovations of the Neolithic are often said to be stone monuments and farming. Yet both of these can be traced back to a deeper shift, as humans mentally separated themselves from nature, and it became conceivable to manipulate and dominate the natural world" Jo Marchant
in The Human Cosmos


"In order to survive and flourish in nature, we must produce what we need...Yes, we too are part of nature, but our nature is that of a developer...It's time we defend a new vision: an inspiring individualist vision of human potential, in which each human being is honored as an end in himself." R.J. Bidinotto
"The door of the future is opening onto a crisis..."  Barbara Ward
"The Chinese...have a language symbol for crisis composed of symbols for two words:
danger and hope"
from Coming of Age in the Global Village
"This growing awareness that we are part of a global system -- a global village -- is a tremendously revolutionary concept...capable of remaking our entire planet" Adam Daniel Finnerty 
in No More Plastic Jesus
"Things do change. The only question is that since things are deteriorating so quickly, will society and man's habits change quickly enough?" Issac Asimov
"Give Earth a chance!" from bumpersticker, author unknown
"Insatiable is not Sustainable!" from bumpersticker, author unknown
"Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul" Democritus
"What we need is the evolution of a new ethical consciousness"  E. Laszlo
"It is no longer a choice my friends between violence and nonviolence. It is either nonviolence or nonexistence." Martin Luther King
"One people, one planet, one future." from bumpersticker, author unknown

 Caution: "As you shop in 'The Reality Marketplace' avoid spending your 'reality cash' too early,  before you have seen everything!” from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.


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