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Related Words, Beliefs, Background for Choice #42

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I believe life is a sacred, mysterious gift. I stand in awe of its conscious, feeling, vibrant expression. Thus, I  will not engage in any behavior nor sanction any act that ends such life, or needlessly inflicts pain on living things. My respect for the integrity of life is such that I oppose medical, biotechnological, or agribusiness practices that I see as tampering with or degrading it. I especially value human life. (Note: vitalists believe life begins at the moment of conception. In worshipping a Personal God, some further restrict the scope of this theme in claiming,                                              “Abortion is an insult to God.”)

I think the most basic human right is having control of what you do to your own body. So I say to narrow -minded moralists, lawmakers, etc. seeking to restrict this right: “Hands off my body!” Steps a young woman takes to insure that her body does not give birth to an unwanted child are her business, not yours. Steps a sick suffering man takes to end his life with dignity are his business, not yours. (Note: from an ecological viewpoint we see some things have to die for others to live, and that "Our crowded planet needs fewer people, not more."
Many value quality,         not quantity, of life.)  

            Left Hand choice:  theme #44A                   Right Hand Choice: theme #44B

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"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows
