We Make Worldview Analysis--Basic for Two People
A Program for Finding
the % Correlation Between Worldviews (version
5.0 or 5.01 themes
program is designed for two real people to use in comparing their worldviews based on
the choices they make when presented a deck of 52 Choices We Make playing
cards (or booklet) with different worldview theme choices on each side (or in each
frame). In what follows, you and your friend will be referred to as Person #1 and Person
#2--note the two of you must both use the same themes version (5.00 or 5.01--the
only difference is in choice #13 / theme #9B.) If there is no second real person, instead of this program you should
instead use the one person "Choices We Make Worldview Analysis--Expanded"
program. * This expanded program will compare your worldview with
twelve generic worldviews and provide % correlation scores. It also flags inconsistencies in
worldviews which this basic program does not. *Note:
individuals can use the program below with "second person" input data
from figures #9--#11 in Choices
We Make in the Global Village to do a more detailed calculation
of the % correlation
between their worldview and that of a generic Global Citizen's.
Before Running This Program: This program is intended for use
with the Choices We Make playing cards or booklet that we provide for use in characterizing
worldviews. Follow the activity instructions...With cards, worldview themes you prefer
are placed up (so that the theme you don't prefer is down) in various
piles--where the number of cards in each pile is constrained. (Note just use the
scorecard if you have the booklet only.) A few cards where you have
no preference go in a separate pile. So you make three piles of cards: as
follows: in pile #1 put cards for which you have a very strong preference (20
in pile #2 put cards for which you have a definite
but not as strong preference (20 cards); in
pile #3 put cards for which you have no strong preference or are not applicable
(12 cards) To use this program
you will need to assemble input data. Both on the
scorecard and later in data entry below... a) ...for pile #1 / very strong
preference cards, enter a "10"
for the themes you have facing up; enter a "0" for the themes have
have facing down"
-- Note: you don't actually need to enter this second face down card score as "0"
when using the keyboard for input below as 0 = default
value! b) ...for pile #2 / strong preference cards, enter a "8" for the themes
you have facing up; enter a "2" for the themes you have facing
down c) ...for pile #3 cards, enter a score of 5 for each theme. Lacking the cards or the booklet you can click on the choice
links below for more information regarding
these paired worldview theme choices. Note you'll need to do this before you start running the
program -- if you click on these links while running the program and inputting
scores its execution will halt!
2) Running This Program: This program has three parts: 1) input data for Person #1, 2) input data
for Person #2, 3) receive % correlation as output and interpret
==>CAUTION: Use the
mouse or TAB key to advance as you enter input--DO NOT USE THE ENTER KEY!
INSTRUCTIONS: After completing
assessment of all of the worldview themes and entering scores on a scorecard,
both Person #1
and Person #2 will proceed as directed below.While
this program has some built-in error checking to guard against faulty input, you
must nonetheless be careful to enter the correct numbers. When finished each
person should have the following numbers of appropriately paired responses: 20
entries of Response = 10; 20 entries of Response = 0; 20 entries of Response = 8;
20 entries of Response = 2; 24 entries of Response = 5.
Person #1 Input
(note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #23B
6 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #26A
7 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #24A
8 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #45A
9 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #46A
0 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #46B
1 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #22B
2 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #40
Person #2
45 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #23B
46(note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #26A
47 (note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #24A
48(note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #45A
49(note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #46A
50(note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #46B
51(note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #22B
52(note: the two scores below must add up to 10 or the input will be
Enter your score (10, 8, 5, 2, 0) for WV Theme #40
INSTRUCTIONS: Click on "Compute
Correlation % For These Worldviews" below to proceed.Worldviews
Correlation Score =%
The scores will range
+ 100 % ( greatest possible correlation between the worldviews) to
- 100 % ( least possible correlation between the
scores ( > 0%) indicate some
of positive correlation very large + scores ( > 50%) indicate a substantial
amount of positive correlation
-- scores ( < 0%) indicate some degree
of negative correlation
very large - scores ( < --50%) indicate a substantial
amount of negative correlation
While the methodology
behind the above analysis of your worldview has rigor and is based on both
common sense and respected scholarly work, because both human beings,
their worldviews and society are extraordinarily complex, and that
accurately representing even a single individual's worldview is a daunting (probably
impossible!) task, project Worldview makes
no claims as to the ultimate accuracy of this analysis. We are
committed to steadily refining our framework and methodology for understanding,
analyzing, and comparing / contrasting individual worldviews. We hope that these
tools are useful and will respond to your inquiries regarding your use of them,
and welcome your constructive suggestions.