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go to previous choice Choice #23: the 5♥ card go to next choice
Related Words, Beliefs, Background for Choice #23
self test A on
the above self
test B on the above
wish for all law-abiding people: “life, liberty”, equality before the law,
legal recourse when rights or privacy are violated, presumption of innocence
until proven guilty, and the right to appeal conviction. I’d outlaw
discrimination (by race, sex, color, nationality, language, sexual orientation),
arbitrary arrest, torture, imprisonment due to poverty, inhuman treatment and
enslavement. I’d
grant freedom— of movement, speech and creative expression (exempting what is
hateful or hurtful to society), assembly, religion, to fair compensation for
work, and to choose a
marriage partner.
Left Hand choice: theme #32A Right Hand Choice: theme #33A
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"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid
spending your "reality cash" too early, before you have
everything. "
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,
Stephen P. Cook, with Donella H. Meadows.