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Related Words, Beliefs, Background for Choice #24
self test A on
the above self
test B on the above CULTURE
respect, accept and appreciate the rich diversity of our world's cultures,
our different forms of expression and different ways of being human.
Rather than using differences in appearance or behavior to exclude,
I aim to celebrate them and include where appropriate.
For such diverse people to live in harmony, whether on the world or
local stage, educational efforts are needed.
At the local level, such education helps others appreciate both the
challenges diversity poses and benefits it brings to neighborhoods. (Note:
several groups have “Teaching Tolerance” projects.)
my anger over outrage / hurt I've suffered, I may single out a person or group
to blame. (Note: scapegoating often involves discriminating by unfairly blaming
others for some (real or imagined) offense. It happens at all levels: from sport
fans blaming a player for a loss, to parents targeting an unwanted child, to
prejudiced people targeting someone whose looks, skin color, or sexual
orientation they don't like, to organized groups committing hate crimes, to
nation states targeting whole populations for genocide. Some scapegoaters are
racists; some are bigots; some are misogynists; some just insecure childish
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"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid
spending your "reality cash" too early, before you have
everything. "
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,
Stephen P. Cook, with Donella H. Meadows.