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I value individual freedom and don’t like regulations that restrict it.  Regarding freedom of speech, the only limitation on it I accept is on speech urging immediate hurtful action.  If my actions don't directly bother or harm other human beings—or negatively impact their property—I believe I'm free to do whatever I want with my body, my machines or my property —including land I own. I don't think we live on a small planet since it's big enough to seem mostly devoid of human presence over vast areas. If we ever do run out of living space / resources on Earth, we'll simply go elsewhere in space for them.

More Information About This Worldview Theme--note this table is under construction, last update: March 2024

a spade WV Theme...

...individual <---> nature

the theme is paired with:  #204B  Limits & Ethics to make Choice #40    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:        is this theme new to version 4?--YES

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Worldview Watch issue #76, posted 3/11/2024  Tiny Homes—Support Transcends Culture War?

Worldview Watch #71, posted 7/10/2022 July 4th in America, Freedom, and Offering the Supreme Court Help


Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

Freedom of Speech

Freedom deregulation


dislikes regulatory economics   private property  
wise use movement  freedom of choice geoengineering  
rejects degrowth space colonization   

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#4 Spreading Disinformation / Tactical Deception #9A   Religious Fundamentalism  #11A  Fatalism   #14A  Salvation & Moralistic God   
#15   The Group Think Imperative #20B Authoritarian Followers   #22B Imperialism   #23A  Sustainability
23B Enoughness    #29A   The Self Restrained Person    #34 Valuing Traditions and Status Quo  #36A Cynicism
#37B Global Citizen   #39A   Tough Love   #40  Environmental Economics   #42   Ethical Orientation  
#44A Sanctity & Dignity of Life   #45B Work, Play, Pay As You Go    #47B Pacifism / Non-Violence #49A  Social Welfare Statism  
#49B Idealistic Socialism #51A Ethical Globalization   #103B Celebrating Team Accomplishments  

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #204A: Freedom from Limits

Distinguishing Private Morality from Public Morality (from The Business Dictionary)

Freedom of Expression (from ACLU)
David Horowitz Freedom Center ("dedicated to the defense of free societies whose moral, cultural and economic foundations are under attack by leftist and Islamist enemies at home")
Eating Our Way To Extinction--The Documentary  (2022 film documentary)
Why Some People Choose Not to Know by Linh Vu & Margarita Leib (about how willful ignorance can free people to act selfishly, posted on Scientific American December 11 2023)
Elon Musk’s Free-Speech Charade Is Over by Adam Serwer (story from The Atlantic April 12 2023)
Freedom-- Not Just Another Word (report on the politics surrounding this word from The Economist Feb 25 2023)
Moondust could chill out our overheated Earth, some scientists predict by Rao Rahul (story from Popular Science website Feb 8 2023)
"Elon Musk wants a free speech utopia. Technologists clap back" by Elizabeth Dwoskin  (article in The Washington Post  April 18 2022)
What is Endangered: Climate or Freedom? by Vaclav Klaus
"Here's Everything Jeff Bezos Said to Convince Humanity That Space Colonies Are the Future" by Matt Novak (May 10 2019 post on Gizmodo)
“1 In 4 Americans Say Parents Should Get To Decide If Kids Are Vaccinated: Poll” by Nick Visser   (report from Huff Post  May 7 2019)
"Freedom's Not Just Another Word for Being Able to Buy a Gun" By Mark Porubcansky   (article on Minn Post March 3 2018)
"Government Control of Your Diet: Threats to “Freedom to Eat” by Daren Bakst " (posted Sept 3 2013  from Heritage Foundation)

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