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Self Test on Knowledge Associated With Worldview Theme #17

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. A word or phrase that means more or less the same as reciprocate is 

1) repay    2) move away    3) disturb

4) do the opposite    5) challenge 

2.  Which of the following associations is wrong?

1) mob justice / vigilantism 

2) restorative justice / victim oriented

3) retribution / punishment

4) obsession / reasonable behavior

5) discipline / designed to correct inappropriate behavior

3. The phrase "an eye for an eye" can be linked to ancient worship of a _______God.

1) loving    2) forgiving    3) jealous    

4) spiteful    5) resentful

4.   All of the following pairs of words have been linked together except which?

1) amok & rampage          2)  justice & fairness         3) karma & jealousy

4) honor & vengeance           5)  gratitude & reciprocity

5. The phrase “other people are also aware” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) shame    2) guilt    3) victimhood

4) empathy    5) justice

6.   Someone for whom the Gratitude & Forgiveness worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview might have long ago concluded that good can't come out of evil, a conclusion perhaps influenced by an appreciation of 

1) empathy    2) karma      3) justice

4)  humility       5) reciprocity

7. Which of the following words describes a feeling shared by both those who identify with the Bitterness & Vengeance theme and the Gratitude & Forgiveness theme?              1)  humble        2) proud           3) conflicted

                          4) victimized                  5) resentful 

8. All of the following may precede or accompany the act of forgiving except which one ?

1) feeling grateful for having survived the bad experience

2) suffering    3) shifting the blame  

4) making peace    5) letting go of "emotional baggage" 

9.  Something that you would not expect from someone for whom the Bitterness & Vengeance worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview would be their valuing or having a strong sense of which of the following?

1) justice     2) honor    3) fair play 

4) victimhood    5) empathy 

10.  People often seek vengeance to

1) let go of "emotional baggage"    2) bring closure    3) empathize 

4) fatalistically fulfill their destiny    5) heal wounded pride, restore honor


       For Worldview Theme(s) #17

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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