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Self Test on Knowledge Associated With Worldview Theme #10

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. A word that means more or less the opposite of the word religious is 

1) rationalism    2) secular    3) liberal

4) theology    5) existentialism

2. The phrase “put meaning into a seemingly irrational world” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) existentialism     2) atheist    3) liberalism    

4) rationalism    5) brotherhood

3. The word agnostic refers to someone who

1) doesn't believe in God    2) doesn't believe in a personal God

3) doesn't believe in anything    4) doesn't know if God exists

5) believes God is dead 

4.  The phrase "freedom from restraint" is part of the definition of which term ?

 1) liberalism     2) democracy    3) ethical relativism

4) rationalism    5) secular 

5.  The problem of evil as considered by ethicists and philosophers is relevant to discussions on topics like the existence of God and

1) democracy    2) racism    3) capital punishment

4) nature vs. nurture            5) ethical relativism

6.  All of the following beliefs might be associated with someone for whom the Secular Humanism worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview except which ? 

1) in pluralism    2) in brotherhood    3) in liberalism 

4) in accepting personal responsibility     5) in an absolute moral code

7.  Which of the following words best describes someone for whom the Secular Humanism worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview ? 

1) embraces racism    2) embraces teleology     3) is intolerant

4) embraces rationalism    5) embraces perfectionism

8. All of the following beliefs, behaviors, or conditions would be troubling to someone for whom the Secular Humanism worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview except which one? 

1) self actualization    2) racism    3) ignorance    

4) sexism    5) theocracy 

9.  Which of the following is linked to the idea that everything happens to fulfill some purpose? 

1) what secular humanists believe    2) what existentialists believe

3) rationalism    4) liberalism    5) teleology

10.  Which of the following associations is most appropriate?  

1) Ten Commandments / moral relativism   

2) brights / devout believers in God

3) pluralism / spirituality   4) Postmodernism / hopeful

5) meaningless life / myth of Sisyphus


       For Worldview Theme #10

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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