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Self Test B on Knowledge Associated With Choice #12

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. You'd expect someone who preferred the Imagination, Curiosity, Intellectual Freedom worldview theme over the Group Think Imperative One to ____________________. 

1) not value liberal education               2)  be timid and conforming       3) be lacking in imagination                

4) insist on making his or her own choices        5) repeatedly give in to peer pressure 

2. Which of the following associations is wrong?

1) Julian Jaynes /  origin of consciousness theory 

2) intellectual curiosity / extending a conceptual map of Reality         

3) cognitive learning domain  / emotions    

4) conscience / "God's voice" 

5) hypnotist  / seen as authority figure by clients 

3.  The argument that it is an inefficient way for students to learn can best be made for ________________.

1) global education                       2) liberal education                       3) academic freedom   

4) discovery learning                        5) values clarification

4.   Which of the following might typically happen more under stress or extreme stimulation?

1) acquiring tacit knowledge             2) resigned helplessness             3) asserting intellectual property rights

4) group think imperative behavior          5) letting imagination run wild

5. ___________________ is often cited as being a prerequisite for democracy. 

1) a good educational system                  2) academic freedom                   3) freedom of the press

     4) freedom of speech                          5) both 3) and 4) above 

6.   All of the following words might be used to describe someone for whom the Imagination, Curiosity, Intellectual Freedom worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview except which

1) loves learning              2) likes making connections                3) is no fan of limiting freedom to inquire

4)  social influence has strongly shaped                     5) is able to find courage to not blindly conform  

7. All of the following words might be used to describe someone for whom the Group Think Imperative worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview except which ? 

1) tunnel vision          2) trancelike behavior              3) highly suggestible

4) strong, left brain dominant personality                5) incapable of analytical thinking

8. Someone for whom the Group Think Imperative worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview might be susceptible to all of the following except which?

 1) pseudoscience      2) pushers / advertising       3) peer pressure          4) social influence           5) rationalism

9.  Characterizing humans using thinking, feeling, joining, and doing categories has a parallel in ___________. 

1) organization of the human brain               2) learning domains                3) science      

4) organization classical academies / early universities                        5) none of the above 

10. The phrases “inability to introspect, hears voices just as some schizophrenics do today ” and "lacking modern consciousness" might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) hypnosis           2) brainwashing          3) automatism            4) bicameral mentality           5) cult 


       For Choice #12

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