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I believe that an economy is healthy when it's expanding, creating lots of new jobs, and there's good public / private sector co-operation.  Investing in infrastructure and better access to information improves productivity and decision making. Investing in human skills leads to new ideas, new technologies--and new markets. The benefits of growth and free trade will overcome poverty. While environmental problems are formidable, government and corporate planners--backed by scientific and technological expertise--are up to the challenge. They can fine tune the economy and deal with these problems, no fundamental changes are needed.   I welcome more developed nations and their multinational corporate representatives extending their power and influence over less developed nations, and believe everyone can benefit. The former benefit from new markets for products, resource extraction, etc, the latter from economic development and exposure to the values and lifestyles of the developed world--which I view as superior to those they supplant.  I view favorably the nation-building that sometimes accompanies military interventions, and may even accept territorial expansion of the more developed at the expense of less developed world.  Certainly I have no problem as globalization spreads modern culture throughout the world.  

WV Theme #22A: Expansionism (Economic)

WV Theme #22B: Imperialism

--Alternate Concise Characterization with Wikipedia Entries

--Alternate Concise Characterization with Wikipedia Entries

values economic indicators for measuring economic growth  can accept national territorial expansionist policies
values technology in promoting productivity, economic growth some cultures superior to others==> ok with Ethnocentrism
see benefits in and generally values population growth see benefits in and generally values Cultural Imperialism
sees economic growth as key part of economic development comfortable with capitalist led globalization, Neocolonialism

summary Wikipedia article: Economic Growth 

summary Wikipedia article: Imperialism  

Numerical Characterization with TFJD code: 3123 Numerical Characterization with TFJD code: 3322
Numerical Characterization with Emotional Volatility VI index: 6 Numerical Characterization with Emotional Volatility VI index: 36

Related Words, Beliefs, Background -- 44 entries              Songs            self-test           Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book

Questions to Test Compatibility Between This Theme or These Themes and Your Worldview

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More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #22A: Expansionism (Economic)

Exponential Growth (from online encyclopedia)
Productivity  (from online encyclopedia)
Economic Growth: Introduction
Economic Growth Resources
Linear vs. Exponential Growth--A Simple Example by Stephen P. Cook
Worldview Watch #44, posted 5/19/2015: Steps Toward a Pay As You Go Economy
Worldview Watch issue #1: Expanders and Restrainers
Economic Policy Institute
An Approach to Analyzing the Impacts of "Smart Growth" Upon Economic Development
The Politics of Economic Growth in Postwar America
Inc Magazine ("The Magazine for Growing")
Journal of Economic Growth
The Ultimate Resource 2 by Julian L. Simon
Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth (many links from WebEc)
Economic Growth Center (3rd world economic development)
American Entrepreneurs for Economic Growth
The Smart Growth Network  
"If the Rich World Aimed for Minimal Growth, Would It Be a Disaster or Blessing?"  (Adam Posen and Tim Jackson  debate in The Economist August 1, 2015)
"Land Shackled Economies--The Paradox of Soil" (article about how land limits economic growth from The Economist April 4 2015)
"China's Real Estate Bubble" (where the quest for growth has led in China--news report from CBS 60 Minutes August 3 2014)
"How the US Exports Global Warming" by Tim Dickinson (report from Rolling Stone Feb 3 2014)
Biodiversity: Hang on (special report on Biodiversity and how economic growth may improve it, The Economist Sep 14 2013)
"The Future of Oil: Yesterday's Fuel" (opinion piece from The Economist Aug 3 2013)
"Emerging Economies: When Giants Slow Down" (article about slowing emerging markets growth from The Economist July 27 2013)
"Do Lower Taxes Goose Growth? by Paul Solman (September 2012 report on PBS News Hour)
"Green Growth: Shoots, Greens and Leaves" (article re growth in developing countries The Economist June 16 2012)
"Europe's Real Crisis" by Megan McArdle (article re: economic growth in April 2012 issue of The Atlantic
"Squeezing More Oil from the Ground" by Leonardo Maugeri (article in Scientific American October 2009)
"The Energy Answer? Natural Gas" by Sen. Mary Landrieu and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (2009 opinion piece)
The Entrepreneurial State by Marianna Mazzucato (2013 book about how state can promote economic growth, link to author website)
The World is Flat, by Thomas Friedman ( NY Times' columnist's 2005 book on 21st century economic realities)
"Don't Ditch the GDP," by Justin Fox (article in Time April 21, 2008)
"Best Countries for Global Business," by Barbara Kiviat (article in Time November 26 2008)
Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, by Joseph E. Stiglitz  (excerpts from this 2010 book)
The Crisis of Global Capitalism, by George Soros (excerpts from this book)
quotes about growth and economic growth
quotes about economic matters

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #22B: Imperialism

Expansionism (from online encyclopedia--emphasis on territorial expansionism)
Worldview Watch issue #42, posted 1/29/2015  American SniperHero, Yes or No?
Worldview Watch #8: China in Africa: Ethical Globalization or Imperialism? 
Special Report: Outsourcing and Offshoring--Here, There, and Everywhere (from The Economist Jan 19 2013)
Unfinished Empire: The Global Expansion of Britain by John Darwin (review of this book in The Economist Sept 2012)
Ghosts of Empire by Kwasi Kwarteng (review in The Guardian of this 2011 book re: British imperialism)
"The East India Company" (historical perspective from Dec 17 2011 The Economist)
"Geopolitics: In Defense of Empire" by Robert D. Kaplan (article from The Atlantic April 2014)
"The New African Land Grab" by Joan Baxter (June 30 2011 article posted on Al Jazeera)
"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ending Poverty" by S. Mallaby (article from The Atlantic July 2010)
In Defense of Global Capitalism, by Johan Nordberg (read excerpts of this 2003 book at Google Books)
Economic Globalization in Asia, by Manas Chatterji, Partha (read excerpts of 2005 book at Google Books)
In Praise of Cultural Imperialism, by David Rothkopf  (1997 article in Foreign Policy by former US Commerce Dept official)

Cultural Imperialism and American Protestant Missionaries in 19th Century China  by  Paul W. Harris, (30 page paper)

Reconsidering Cultural Imperialism Theory, by Livingston White
Multinational Corporations: Myths and Facts, by Gary Quinlivan (in defense of multinational global activities)
Multinational Corporations: A Key to Global Poverty Reduction (from Global Envision)
Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Corporation
Foreign Direct Investment by Transnational Corporations (from Development Gateway website)
Do Multinational Corporations Hurt Poor Countries?, by J. Bhagwati  (basically no, he concludes)
The Looting Machine: warlords, tycoons, smugglers and the systematic theft of Africa's wealth by Tom Burgis  (book review in The Guardian March 2 2015)
"Xi Jinping of China Tries to Reassure Africans" by Chris Buckley (Mar 25 2013 article from The NY Times)
The Next Empire, by Howard W. French (article re: China in Africa from The Atlantic, May, 2010)
Trade: Key to Prosperity
Free Trade and Globalization
Development and Economic Freedom: Counter-Capitalism Inside the Anti-globalization Movement
Anti-Globalism = Anti-Americanism (from American Enterprise Online)
In Defense of Globalization, by J. Bhagwati
The Free Trade Future of the African Growth and Opportunity Act
Imperialism in Africa Readings
Justifying the Role of Imperialism in Africa (book & book review)
International Land Coalition: Commercial Pressures on Land
Third World Development: Foreign Aid or Free Trade, by John Majewski
Third World Economic Development, by Clive Crook
The White Man's Burden (from online encyclopedia re:1899 poem by Rudyard Kipling justifying British imperialism as noble)
The Neo-Conservative Agenda: Humanism vs. Imperialism by R. Tremblay
"The Imperialism of Good Intentions" by Richard Gwyn (July 12, 2008 article from Toronto Star
Cultural Imperialism in the Late 20th Century, by James Petras (from Global Policy Forum)
Imperial Ambitions, by Noam Chomsky (leftist perspective on US foreign policy, read at Google Books)
The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiran Desai (excerpts of 2006 novel about lingering effects of colonialism at Google Books)
Center for Global Justice
Multinational Corporations are Incompatible with Sustainable Development, by Stephen Viederman
Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (activist organization)
Against Empire by Michael Parenti  (website for 1995 book, includes link to Imperialism 101 chapter)
American Empire Project (publishes books such as Imperial Ambitions, by Noam Chomsky)
quotes related to imperialism

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"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.

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