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I take pride in being a(n) _________________ (insert name of nationality, religious / ethnic group, tribe, etc). I identify with other members of this group, and sometimes favor them as I interact with people in general. Proudly I display symbols of this affiliation and will fight or otherwise serve our cause in battles where our interests are at stake. (Note: Tribalism also lives here! Besides “us” and “them,” this involves thinking / behaving / voting based on loyalty to social group not larger whole.)

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a club WV Theme...

...individual <---> group

the theme is paired with: #37B Global Citizen to make Choice #36    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:  version 2.0    version 3.0          is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch #71, posted 7/10/2022 July 4th in America, Freedom, and Offering the Supreme Court Help
Worldview Watch #62, posted 12/19/2019 The Sad State of American Democracy
Worldview Watch #54, posted 9/28/2017 Russian and Greedy Individual Threats to American Democracy 
Worldview Watch issue #42, posted 1/29/2015  "American SniperHero, Yes or No?"
Worldview Watch #40, posted 9/28/2014 "Scotland, the UK and Independence Referendums"
Culture of Wealth by Leon Perez (April 12 2020 review by Stephen P. Cook of this book celebrating Jewish accomplishments)

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

patriotism pride Identity Politics
Nationalism Ethnic Nationalism National Symbol
Tribe Religious Nationalism   Black Pride
Tribalism Black Lives Matter Black Power
Gay Pride Gay Pride Parade Asian Pride
Exceptionalism   American Exceptionalism Ethnocentrism 
chauvinism in-group and out-group Christian Nationalism

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#1A   Humbly Unsure  #23A  Sustainability   #30   Imagination, Curiosity, Intellectual Freedom    #42   Ethical Orientation
#47B Pacifism / Non-Violence   #48A Privacy #49B Idealistic Socialism   #101A Mind Open, Vision Global   

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #37A: Proud Identification 

Nationalism (from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) 
The Nationalism Project
American Patriots Association
USA Flag Site ("the home of all things patriotic")
Nationalism and Its Discontents
Ethnic Studies Popular Programs (links to UCTV popular programs on this topic)
The History Makers (committed to preserving and making widely accessible the untold personal stories of African Americans)
The Disappearance of Hazel Scott (link to PBS American Masters video of African-American pianist from March 2025)
Researchers report stunning surge of misogyny after the election  (PBS News Hour December 10 2024)
Christian Nationalists Played A Key Role In Drafting The GOP Platform by Molly Redden (from Huff Post July 10 2024)
Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism—and What Comes Next (book by Bradley Onishi reviewed by David Rosen in NY Journal of Books January 2024)
The Identity Trap by Yascha Mounk (book about identity politics,  "wokeness" and the left's swerve toward authoritarianism, excert posted on The Harvard Gazette December 19 2023)
Online Misogyny : The Manosphere by Steve McCullogh  (from Candian Museum for Human Rights September 12 2023)
Reclaiming Real American Patriotism by Tom Nichols (from The Atlantic July 4 2023)
Zionism--from Project to Ideology  ( from The Economist April 29 2023)
How Christian Is Christian Nationalism? by Kelefa Sanneh (from The New Yorker March 27 2023)
India--Hindu Nationalism (report from The Economist January 15 2022)
Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Jews (report from The Economist January 8 2022)
“The Myth of Tribalism--the false notion that group solidarity leads inevitably to conflict” By D. Packer and J. Bavel (from The Atlantic January 3 2022)
Rage Against the Machine-- Racial Politics in Chicago (report from The Economist January 1 2022)

“Patriotism and Polarization” (from The Economist July 10 2021)

“America's Black Elite”  (article from The Economist August 22 2020)
"'Jesus And John Wayne' Explores Christian Manhood — And How Belief Can Bolster Trump" (author interview on NPR June 23 2020)

“The Power Worshippers' Explores Religious Nationalism In The U.S” (interview of author by Robin Young and excerpts of book by Katherine Stewart  March 5 2020)

"Trump stands up for positive nationalism, but forgets his UN audience" by Tom Rogan (oped in The Washington Examiner Sept 24 2019)

"Pundits Who Decry Tribalism Know Nothing About Real Tribes" by Christine Mungai  (article in The Washington Post Jan 29 2019)
"Why the Constitution is Threatened by Tribalism" by Amy Chua  and Jed Rubenfeld  (article in The Atlantic October 2018)
Are You a Nationalist or an Imperialist? by Park MacDougald (includes review of 2018 book The Virtues of Nationalism by Y. Hazont, post on New York Magazine Sep 21 2018)
"Essay: Nationalism Vladimir's Choice" (connects nationalism with populism from The Economist Dec 19 2017)
The New Nationalism (commentary from The Economist November 19 2016)

Race Relations: Slavery's Legacies (report from The Economist September 10 2016)

"Nationalism in Russia--The In Crowd" (from The Economist April 23 2016)
Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia's New Nationalism by Charles Clover (book review by Geoffrey Hosking in The Financial Times April 22, 2016)
"Let Rachel Dolezal; Be As Black As She Wants to Be" by Kareem Abdul Jabbar (opinion piece from Time June 29 2015)
"Scottish Nationalism" (opinion piece from The Economist May 23 2015)
"Latinos in the United States --How to Fire Up America" (commentary introducing special section on Latinos from The Economist March 14 2015)
"The Premises and Purposes of American Exceptionalism" by Glenn Greenwald (Feb 18 2013 article from The Guardian
"The War Over Patriotism," by Peter Beinart (Time, 7/14/08, contrasts liberal vs. conservative patriotism)
"Why China's Burning Mad," by Simon Elegant (article about Chinese nationalism in Time May 5 2008)
Ethnic Pride, American Patriotism, by J. Alexander (book about early 20th century Slovak immigrants to USA) 
Ethnic Pride Pageants
New America Media ("largest national collaboration of ethnic news organizations")
Ceremonial Dances ("recalling ancestral traditions...developing a sense of pride in Native American culture"
Native American Indian Jewelry (from website)
Ethnic Pride (website offers products for sale enabling you to make a statement about your ethnic pride)
Prides United (offers gear & clothing, provides "a voice for true ethnic and racial unity")
Black Nationalism (promotes "Black History, Pride, and Power", encourages black separatism)
Black Lives Matter  (“a chapter-based national organization working for the validity of Black life” and “ to (re)build the Black liberation movement.”
National Museum of African American history and culture (official website of new --2016--Washington museum)
How to Be Black by Baratunde Thurston (link to reviews of this 2012 book by Harvard educated black author)
Brothers United: International Federation of Black Prides
"Understanding Black Patriotism," by Michael Eric Dyson (article in Time May 5 2008)
Brown Pride
Latinos Nurture Ethnic Pride, by K. Taylor (October 2004 article)
On Gold Mountain by Lisa See (1990s book about the Chinese-American experience in California)
Pride vs. Prejudice, by Andrew Bernstein (a libertarian perspective)
Does Racial Pride Hinder Reconciliation? (Christian view)
Religious Tolerance and Intolerance
National Pride: A Cross National Analysis  (from National Opinion Research Center)
Gay Pride-- Its Meaning and Its Goals
Gay Pride History and Events Calendar
Pride and Prejudice--What It Means To Be Proud of a Person, Group, Nation or Race
Patriotism and the Fourth of July, by Howard Zinn (excerpt from A Power Governments Cannot Suppress)
"The Pentagon Paid Millions to Pro Sports Teams for Military Tributes" ("Paid for Patriotism" / Nov 2015 news report from The Fiscal Times)
consanguinity (this term refers to the condition of being of the same blood; this website takes a global perspective)
quotes related to patriotism
quotes about homosexuality
African American quotes

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.

