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Self Test on Knowledge Associated With Worldview Theme #28

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. A term that one sometimes encounters in discussions of patient expectations and the so called "mind body connection" is 

1) placebo effect    2) gene therapy    3) victimless crime

4) guilt associated with leisure          5)  naturalistic fallacy

2. Some alternative medical practitioners or naturopaths surprisingly might argue that the single most important factor in maintaining high quality of life, and minimizing probability of illness and premature death is

1) not smoking    2) have "good genes"   3) feeling loved, not lonely

4) getting lots of exercise    5) having access to the best medical care 

3. The phrase “excessively indulge, waste and revel in luxury ” might be part of the definition or description of which of the terms below? 

1) epicureans      2) grabbers       3) playboys  

4) gourmets         5)  extraverts

4.   Which of the following behaviors has little or no effect on risk for cardiovascular disease?

1) consumption of soft drinks    2) consumption of saturated fat

3) smoking    4) a sedentary lifestyle    5) gaining lots of weight

5. The phrase “ionizing radiation” might be part of a discussion of which of the following topics below? 

1) air pollution    2) treatment of pain        3) minimizing cancer risk    

4) minimizing cardiovascular disease risk       5) Reiki

6. All of the following types of people might be comfortable with the Hedonistic Orientation worldview theme except which ? 

1) epicureans    2) grabbers    3) playgirls    

4) those engaged in victimless crimes    5) those who regularly enjoy yoga

7.  Which of the following words best describes someone for whom the Hedonistic Orientation worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview ?

1) pleasure seeking                     2) pain avoiding, long-term orientation

3) avoids overindulgence            4) appreciates limits    

5) introverted   

8. Which of the following beliefs or behaviors is most strongly linked to someone for whom the Healthy Orientation worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview ?

1) practices good nutrition    2) appreciates mind / body connection    

3) long term oriented    4) focused on prevention        5) all of the above 

9.  A behavior  that you would not expect someone for whom the Healthy Orientation worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview to be involved in is which of the following?

1) consuming mostly heavily processed  food        

2) engaging in a victimless crime 

3) avoiding weight gain       4) limiting trans fat consumption

5) leading a wholistic, low stress lifestyle   

10.  Which of the following associations is wrong?

1) cholesterol / high saturated fat diet can elevate

2) protein / nitrogen containing nutrients

3) free or low cost health care / publicly funded system

4) carbohydrate energy per gram / same as fat =9 cal / g

5) pagan / hedonist


       For Worldview Theme(s) #28

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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