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Self Test on Knowledge Associated With Worldview Theme #2

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. The phrase "forcible indoctrination" is part of the definition of  

1) evangelism          2) cult            3) brainwashing  

4) propaganda         5) credulous 

2.  Someone experiencing _________ might be ready for making an attitude change.  1) unsolicited advice           2) cognitive dissonance                                      3) micromanaging            4) wishful thinking           5) stroking

3. The phrase “manipulate public opinion” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) evangelism           2) leadership         3) propaganda     

4) unsolicited advice     5) lobbyist 

4.  Besides clarifying values, values articulation involves relating values to 

1) science    2) previously identified objectives    

3) different cultural traditions      4) ethical principles 

5) adopting healthy beliefs

5. Which of the following words or phrases is most uniquely linked to the new evangelicalism of Christian activists?   

1) shades of gray              2) right to life                     3) sectarianism    

4) new social gospel          5) right wing

6.  All of the following words might be used to describe someone for whom the True Believer worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview except which ?      

1) lack of certitude      2) persistent        3) dogmatic beliefs             

4) noble causes     5)  magnification of identity 

7.  You'd expect to receive all of the following from  someone who embraces the I Know What's Best for You  worldview theme except   

1) unsolicited advice 

2) use of persuasive communication techniques 

3) evangelizing    4) arrogant disrespect 

5)  humanistic interpersonal communication


8. When a whole society feels that its values and lifestyle are superior to those of another culture's we refer to their _______ attitude.  

 1) dogmatic   2) sectarian   3) politically incorrect     

4) ethnocentric     5) evangelistic 

9.  A description of which of the following might involve the phrase "choosing from alternatives"?    

1) scientism   2) dogmatic belief      3) task oriented behavior   

4) justification of belief     5) values clarification        

10. Which of the following might hold up the best if the person associated with them was subjected to a justification of belief process by a skeptic?                     

1) a dogmatic belief      2) a superstition     3) a value judgment                                

4) wishful thinking        5)  all of them would hold up      


       For Worldview Theme(s) #2

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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