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Self Test B on Knowledge Associated With Choice #9

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. Which of the following associations is the most appropriate? 

1) Newton's Laws  / life force                                  2) energy / the ability to do work 

3) primary chakras / building blocks of matter         4) spiritual conduits / built of nucleotides      

5) ontology / cancerous cells  

2. The phrase “the normal steady state condition of a living organism” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) life           2) cell          3) epistemology           4) selfish genes       5) homeostasis

3.  The phrase “perceives and communicates with the spirit world” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below?    1) a vitalist        2) an astral body     3) a medium      4) an angel      5) none of the above 

4.  All of the following are to linked to belief that cells are the building blocks of life except which? 

1) cells make proteins       2) life grows via cell division                3) cells contain genes  

4)  cells are surrounded by auras                   5) cells are bounded jelly-like protoplasm

5. Someone who believes _____________probably wouldn't define spirituality by linking it to the intersection of what both our heads and our hearts tell us is fundamentally important.

1) in evolution guided by natural selection       2)  "spirituality exists only in the mind"         

3) in the real possibility of creating life in a lab

4) in the real existence of angels                      5) in matter / energy equivalence

6.   A word or phrase that means more or less the same as soul is ____________________.

1) vital spirit          2) physical law         3) animism           4) mindful intent           5) consciousness  

7.  Which of the following provides the best evidence to support the idea that astral bodies travel in dreams?

1) matter / energy equivalence                  2) auras                     3) out of body experiences

4)  ghosts are visual hallucinations            5) dark energy  

8. Which of the following is most strongly linked to something that started with the Big Bang theory?

1) evolution        2) free will       3) cell division         4) vitalism        5) animism

9.   All of the following are biologically important molecules except which one?  

1) DNA               2) RNA              3) cells                   4)  amino acids             5) proteins  

10.  ________________ describes matter on a very small scale and involves probabilities not certainties.

1) determinism         2) quantum mechanics           3) the cell theory

4) the New Age theory of consciousness             5) spirit possession


       For Choice #9

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