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Self Test B on Knowledge Associated With Choice #50

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1.  All of the following below are true about non-violence except which?   

1) it is a type of conditional pacifism       2) it is a moral philosophy      3) it is a  practical political strategy 

4) it provides an alternative to both passivity and violent action 

5) it can involve civil disobedience, boycotts, and consciousness raising    

2.  Military training seeks to do all of the following for its soldiers except which one

1) instill unquestioned obedience                    2) stress the need for disciplined behavior   

3) get new recruits in shape with physically demanding basic training  

4) promote respect for the chain of command             5) all of the above--there are no exceptions 

3. The phrase “a strategy intended to dissuade an adversary from taking an action not yet stated by means of threat of reprisal” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) diplomacy         2) arms control         3) defencism            4) deterrence        5) gun control 

4.   Which of the following associations is inappropriate?   

1) civil disobedience vs. civil resistance / former is done by an individual the latter by a group              

2)  chain of command / the order in which commands are issued and executed

3)  war / armed conflict between nations or states 

4) world's total military spending  / roughly 10% of global GDP   

5)  many wars caused by  / ethnocentrism

5.  Just as some argue that an individual's possession of guns deters crime, others argue a nation's __________________ deter(s) war.  

1) diplomatic efforts               2) lack of territorial ambition             3) possession of nuclear weapons 

4)  renunciation of use of first use of fearsome weapons      5) pacifist constitution renouncing war 

6.   All of the following might be forms that civil resistance takes except which?

1) demonstrations       2)  teach-ins and petition drives    3) violent clashes with police involving rock-throwing 

4)  strikes                     5) boycotts

7.  It would not be surprising if members of all of the following groups preferred the Pacifism / Non-Violence theme over the Military Backers theme except which?   

1) ardent nationalists            2) conscientious objectors            3) those strictly committed to Jesus' teachings    

4) fans of Henry Thoreau                                 5) those strictly committed to non-violence 

8. Select the ordered pair that best completes the following: "Although _____________ would strongly disagree, it can be argued that sometimes _____ is so entrenched that war is the only way to dislodge it."  

1) absolute pacifists, evil       2) proponents of pacificism, evil     3) proponents of pacificism, a fascist regime 

4) defencists,  evil              5) defencists,  a fascist regime 

9.  Those for whom the Military Backers  theme is a key component of their overall worldview typically see military service in terms of ___________________.

1) unselfishly serving the public interest         2) patriotic duty         3) bravely working to insure others' freedom 

4) being part of national defense preparedness         5) all of the above 

10.  Nuclear weapons ________________________. 

1) pose little environmental danger             2) have been used in a few wars  

3)   are few in number--most have been destroyed

4) are a million times more powerful than chemical weapons            5) are radiation free


       For Choice #50

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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