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Self Test B on Knowledge Associated With Choice #46

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. Select the ordered pair that best completes the following: "Essential to all plant growth is a process called ____________ in which solar energy, water, and ______________________ are absorbed by plants and transformed into carbohydrates (sugar, starch.)"    

1) photosynthesis, oxygen                                2) photosynthesis, carbon dioxide

3) respiration, carbon dioxide                          4) photosynthesis, oxygen    

5) nitrogen fixation, nitrogen

2. Select the ordered pair that best completes the following: "Consumer spending accounts for roughly ______of total USA gross domestic product (GDP).  Much of this is driven by media advertising which in 2020 was roughly ________________.

2)  10%,  $ 260 billion                2)  25%,  $ 2.6 trillion              3) 70%,  $ 2.6 trillion   

4)  70%,  $ 260 billion                5) 10%,  $ 2.6 trillion 

3. All of the following terms logically belong together except which one?    

1)  the Protestant Work Ethic       2) self reliance          3) relying on yourself, your own wisdom and effort

4)   relying on the authority of others, their help, or government help         5) "Five Acres and Self-sufficiency" 

4. All of the following terms logically belong together except which?

1) salesmanship          2) propaganda        3) pusher        4) advertising         5) market economy 

5. Which of the following associations related to a person valuing something is wrong?     

1) small producer  / economy of scale           

2) skilled salesman of consumer products  / portraying wants as needs                                      

3) conspicuous consumer / expressing identity through purchases 

4) conspicuous consumer / social status        5) do it yourselfer  / small tools     

6.   Which of the following associations related to a particular person valuing something is wrong?

1) Thomas Jefferson / "Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens"  

2)  Marshall Field / "The customer is always right"     

3) St. Francis of Assissi / "He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman"

4) Sam Walton  / "Consumer spending is the lifeblood of the economy and free repair clinics are a threat" 

5)  Barack Obama / "[I'm interested in] how actual people make economic decisions"

7.  Which of the following words best describes someone for whom the Small Producer theme is a key component of their overall worldview ?

1) self reliant      2) fan of corporate products     3) happiest when finished and admiring his or her work 

4)  only possesses a marginal propensity to consume           5) image conscious      

8. All of the following might conceivably be important to someone who values The Small Producer theme over The Consumerist theme except which?   

1) blurred lines between producers and consumers of information                  

2) tools                    3) reverse engineering      

4) the barter economy                          5) food preparation & processing

9.  In which of the following associations is something is inappropriate or wrong?  

1) permaculture /  land management based on an area's thriving natural ecosystems.         

2)  "yes" answer to "Can I survive without this?"  / identifies something that is a need not a want   

3) organic gardening / no use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides 

4) barter economy / no money is involved 

5) needs / more basic than wants                

10.  Just as critics of those who have a "More is Better Mentality" have suggested their problem is deep-seated psychological insecurity pushing a need for social status, critics of those who "get a thrill out of shopping and can't get enough of it" have suggested their problem is ______________ . 

1)  a childish need for instant gratification              2) one of narcissist emotional investment   

3)  too little "discounting the future" type behavior              4) that they are prisoners of consumption            

5) their self actualization and transcendence of selfish motivation


       For Choice #46

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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