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Self Test B on Knowledge Associated With Choice #20

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1.    _______________________ is not something that one might associate with a passionately impulsive person. 

1) jealousy                  2) anger                      3) love          4) envy                        5) measured behavior  

2.  All of the following associations are correct  except which

1)  unconscious behavior / automatic response to environmental stimuli

2) neurotransmitters  /  act much more slowly than hormones 

3) serenity prayer  / "to accept the things I can not change" 

4) rational choice theory  / considering the costs, risks and benefits

5) emotions with survival value  / can function without consciousness. 

3. One might expect members of all of the following groups of people to value the Rational / Dispassionate theme over the Passionately Impulsive theme except __________________. 

1) scientists       2) engineers          3) Buddhists        4) artists         5) left brain dominant types 

4.  All of the following logically belong together except which

 1) apathy        2) empathy            3) dispassionate              4) self control           5) stoic 

5.  Impulse control disorder is associated with __________________ behavior. 

1) measured         2) task-oriented         3) risky          4) intuitive       5) inappropriate 

6.  Someone for whom the Passionately Impulsive theme is a key component of their overall worldview might be expected to value all of the following except which ? 

1) romantic love         2) artistic creativity              3)  spontaneity        

4) witnessing joyous emotional outbursts              5)  goal-oriented behavior 

7.  Someone who values the Dispassionate theme over the Passionately Impulsive theme would not be expected to fully appreciate _________________________. 

1) the need for scientists to leave their emotions behind before entering the lab        2) rationalism

3) rational choice theory                            4) creative thinking processes   

5)  stoic serenity 

8.  Neuroscientists think that what happens inside the brain when  emotionality and impulsivity take over--or in other words: thinking gives way to feeling and doing--is ______________________. 

1) the older limbic brain takes over         2) the newer cortex takes over           3) the left brain takes over   

4) hormones take over                              5) neurotransmitter chemicals flood the brain 

9.  All of the following associations are correct  except which?  The phrase  might be part of the definition or description of which of the terms below? 

1) instant gratification / “I want that now!”          2) impulse / stimulus triggered by response    

3) passion  / violent, intense, overpowering feeling       

4) asceticism / restraint                    5) pathos / sympathy 

10.  All of the following might be used to describe behavior characteristic of passionately impulsive people except which?

1) childish             2) rash           3) risky              4) primitive                    5) deliberate


       For Choice #20

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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