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Worldview Themes Structure
for Characterizing Worldviews
Here Project Worldview
themes are summarized using Wikipedia
articles—there are links to roughly 1000 of them!
With a
click you can visit each of the individual Project Worldview web
pages for its 104 worldview themes, where you'll find a roughly 100 word theme description and a great deal more to help you fully understand
the theme. Below you'll also find each of the themes linked to several Wikipedia
articles, with summary article (if available) highlighted and in larger type.
article titles themselves—typically with help of accompanying
words—concisely describe the
worldview theme, and/or cover a range of
possibilities inherent to valuing it—including (in some cases as noted) the opposite
of it.
Before covering the worldview themes, we start with an introduction
to the term worldview—
per Project Worldview's take on it,
again communicated through Wikipedia articles.
this is Version
5.01 (last December 11 2024)—contact us if you'd like
to contribute to refining this structure.
An earlier version 3.11 wiki structure
(based on 81 version 3 worldview
themes) is available here.
Project Worldview Introduction to Worldviews / its wiki summary:
behind a worldview is a conceptual system | worldview | a worldview involves a belief system |
concept | your worldview is your map of Reality | belief |
a worldview is a mental model | able to distinguish between the map and the terrain | your worldview reflects what you value |
mindset | realistic worldviews can make good predictions | value theory |
like a worldview, your life stance centers on what you accept as having ultimate importance |
Project Worldview theme #1A: Humbly Unsure / its wiki summary:
involves feelings of uncertainty | humility | moderate |
temperance | involves feelings of doubt | a fundamental disposition of people, part of human nature |
deference | shyness | sort of opposite of pride (the "refusal to be humiliated") |
Project Worldview theme #1B: Skeptic / its wiki summary:
debunkers often engage in skepticism | skepticism | scientific skepticism |
rationality | it is one of the tools of critical thinking | religious skepticism |
involves questioning | involves expressing doubt | philosophical skepticism |
Project Worldview theme #2A: The True Believer / its wiki summary:
has faith free from doubt | carries belief to an extreme with excess of certitude | falls into confirmation bias trap |
may possess righteousness | may engage in noble cause corruption | The True Believer, book by Eric Hoffer |
often promotes dogma | may promote religious doctrine | true believer syndrome |
Project Worldview theme #2B: I Know What's Best for You / its wiki summary:
typically lobbying for something | often involved in persuasion | has personality trait of assertiveness |
may engage in proselytism | may adopt a paternalism stance | may selflessly display leadership |
may engage in evangelicalism | may be a missionary | may seek a religious conversion |
may be arrogant | may have personality trait of grandiosity | may dispense propaganda |
advertising | persuasion technology | subliminal stimuli may have |
Project Worldview theme #3: Valuing Honesty, Learning / its wiki summary:
highly values honesty | values learning | promotes critical thinking |
values fact checking | promotes cultural evolution through learning | recognizes imitation as important to learning |
fights deception | may be a teacher but is a life-long student | fights misinformation |
meme | gene | universal Darwinism |
Project Worldview theme #4: Spreading Disinformation / Tactical Deception / its wiki summary:
uses deception | lie | dispenses disinformation |
promotes delusion | typically operates in bad faith mode | may use bait and switch |
military deception | may argue for what is perceived as balance: false balance | may employ clickbait |
Project Worldview theme #5A: Scientific Materialism / its wiki summary:
embraces materialism, excludes possibility of immaterial spirit | metaphysical naturalism | looks to matter, energy, physical laws (physicalism) to explain all existence |
rejects dualism | rejects non-rational knowledge, embraces scientism | embraces atheism |
spirituality exists only in the mind / brain as understood by neuroplasticity | universe has no purpose: rejects teleology | origin of life |
Project Worldview theme #5B: Vitalism / its wiki summary:
understanding based on presence of animating force called spirit | vitalism | says consciousness resides in the soul |
has traditional view of spirituality | uses a non-scientific esoteric or spiritual energy in explanations | accepts spiritual or ethereal beings |
accepts reality of life force or odic force | Qi (or Ch'i) | emergentism |
Project Worldview theme #6A: Orderly and Explicable / its wiki summary:
values scientific law | appreciates Ionian Enlightenment roots | recognizes empirical evidence foundation |
appreciates causality | recognizes great chain of being as attempt to bring order | values reason |
appreciates limitations per chaos theory | appreciates value of conceptual framework tool | values logical reasoning |
Project Worldview theme #6B: Scientific Method / its wiki summary:
recognizes importance of measurement | scientific method | appreciates key place of observation |
appreciates history of the scientific method | appreciates value of reductionism in problem solving | values reproducibility |
appreciates rigorous hypothesis testing | recognizes need for careful design of experiments | abhors scientific misconduct |
Project Worldview theme #7A: Mysticism / its wiki summary:
strives to understand consciousness | mysticism | in awe of reports of cosmic consciousness |
recognizes meditation as important tool | values mindfulness | sympathetic to universal sufism |
generally sympathetic to New Age ideas | holographic brain | asceticism |
quantum mysticism | quantum mind | global consciousness project |
Project Worldview theme #7B: Magic / its wiki summary:
aware of link: magic--illusion | believes paranormal phenomena deserve scientific investigation | values this link: magic -- supernatural |
comfortable with mediumship and channeling | may be involved with occult practices | respects shamanism |
may be involved with astrology | may be involved with tarot | may be involved with numerology |
may be intrigued by practical kabbalah | may be intrigued by alchemy | receptive to some pseudoscience |
Project Worldview theme #8A: Monotheistic Deism / its wiki summary:
monotheism | deism | intrigued by natural theology |
God | embraces deistic evolution | won't put down nontheism |
big bang | rejects creation theology | aware of cosmological argument for God |
Project Worldview theme #8B: Belief in a Personal God / its wiki summary:
accepts incarnation of God | personal God | believes in anthropopathism of God |
theistic evolution | believes God performs miracles | values talking with God via prayer |
psychology of religion | God in Abrahamic religions: Christians believe in Personal God; Jews accept applying this belief in metaphorical sense only; Muslims reject | love of God |
Project Worldview theme #9A: Religious Fundamentalism / its wiki summary:
holds a religious text sacred | Fundamentalism--religious | believes God communicates with revelation |
Christian fundamentalists: Biblical literalism | fundamentalist Christianity | Christian fundamentalists: Biblical inerrancy |
Islamic fundamentalism | many would prefer government by theocracy | evangelicalism |
Islamic sharia law | rejects religious liberalism | Christian right |
orthodox Judaism |
Project Worldview
theme #9B: In God's or Others' Hands: Apocalypticism
/ Millenarianism
its wiki summary:
concerned with End Times, eschatology | apocalypticism | may be member of doomsday cult |
may be UFO Religion enthusiast | Millenarianism | may call attention to Alien Abduction Incidents |
may believe Savior is coming: messianism | apocalyptic literature | may look forward to rapture |
may fear armageddon | four horsemen of the apocalypse | apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction |
Project Worldview theme #10: Secular Humanism / its wiki summary:
values secular ethics | secular humanism | may like secular spirituality |
asserts inherent dignity of people | rejects divine plan or purpose; rejects teleology | values freethought |
engaged in search for meaning: existentialism |
tends to have upbeat view of human nature | concerned about human condition |
may subscribe to atheism | firmly believes in separation of church and state | secularism |
may like religious humanism | may be comfortable with irreligion | may like naturalism |
Project Worldview theme #11A: Fatalism / its wiki summary:
believes in destiny | fatalism | may value the will of God |
may believe in predestination | may look for causes behind effects, excessively promote determinism | causality |
may believe in theological determinism | prediction | prefers the nature side of nature vs. nurture |
Project Worldview theme #11B: Free Will / its wiki summary:
values self determination | free will | may promote deliberation more than others |
likes the nurture side of nature vs. nurture | recognizes free agents have moral responsibility | make value personalism |
appreciates probability | may believe free will and determinism are compatible: compatibilism | appreciates factors limiting predictability |
Project Worldview theme #12A: Polytheism, Animism, Pagan / its wiki summary:
believes in many gods: polytheism | modern paganism | may believe nature is alive: animism |
appreciates historical paganism | may like Wicca | magic and religion |
may be a New Age enthusiast | may promote Earth-centered religion | may engage in nature worship |
pantheon--religion | Dualism in Cosmology (some worldviews built around two opposites--evil vs. good, yin & yang, goddess & god, etc) | traditional African religions |
Project Worldview theme #12B: Non-Rational Knowing / its wiki summary:
values intuition | appreciates much creativity resides outside the logical, analytical box | rejects scientism |
instinct | appreciates the genetic memory possibility | doesn't discount dreams as source of knowledge |
prefers innatism over tabula rasa | pays attention to synchronicity type experiences | appreciates the collective unconscious |
doesn't dismiss what psychics offer | open to extra-sensory perception as source of knowledge | appreciates antireductionism |
Project Worldview theme #13: Complexity--In Our Hands: Dancing With Systems/ its wiki summary:
living systems | systems thinking | systems theory |
modeling biological systems | systems biology | systems ecology |
appreciates emergence in systems | complexity characterizes behavior of system w/ interacting components | values holism in science |
feedback loops | appreciates 12 leverage points to intervene in a system | world systems theory |
Project Worldview theme #14A: Salvation and Moralistic God / its wiki summary:
may identify conscience with God's voice | believes divine judgment is of fundamental importance | values concept of sin |
believes in afterlife | rejects eternal oblivion upon death | values righteousness |
perhaps battles with guilt | behavior reflects high value placed on salvation | may have fear of God |
most likely believes Heaven is real place | most likely believes Hell is real place | judgment day |
Hell in Christianity | Sharia (the moral code and religious law of Islam) |
Project Worldview theme #14B:Moral Arc of Universe / Karma / Reincarnation / its wiki summary:
appreciates wheel of life concept | enthusiastic about reincarnation | receptive to past life regression possibilities |
reincarnation research | values concept of karma | open to genetic memory possibility |
prefers innatism to tabula rasa | karma in Buddhism | karma in Hinduism |
Project Worldview theme #15: Group Think Imperative / its wiki summary:
may succumb to groupthink | collective cognitive imperative | has personality characteristic: suggestibility |
unable to fight off peer pressure | may be good candidate for indoctrination | may engage in herd behavior |
mind control | may be good hypnosis subject | crowd psychology |
the bandwagon effect | may be good candidate for joining a cult | hallucination |
political correctness | trance | delusion |
religious conversion | mentality might be partial relic of ancient brain bicameralism |
Project Worldview theme #16A: Culture of Fear / its wiki summary:
fear is seldom far from this mind | culture of fear | may be victim of fear mongering |
often perceives a stranger danger | may experience moral panic | fear, uncertainty, and doubt |
derives security from gun ownership | believes law-beakers should expect harsh punishment | judgment clouded by emotional bias |
Project Worldview theme #16B: Golden Rule, Village Ethic of Mutual Help / its wiki summary:
often able to give others compassion | the golden rule | may have large capacity for empathy |
can go from feeling sympathy to acting | seeks to understand others' through their mental states: theory of mind | values reciprocal altruism |
typically rejects stranger danger | often engages in helping behavior | reciprocity (cultural anthropology) |
can be a good Samaritan if needed | often concerned about others' happiness: altruism | silver rule |
Project Worldview theme #17A: Bitterness, Vengeance / its wiki summary:
has a grievance | feels strong resentment | looking to assign blame |
has something of a victim mentality | may feel strong need to seek revenge | perhaps seeking retributive justice |
feeling some degree of anger | prefers an eye for an eye to turning the other cheek | the problem of evil |
revenge porn | feud | rape and revenge films |
Project Worldview theme #17B: Gratitude, Forgiveness / its wiki summary:
working toward or feeling some degree of gratitude | working toward or offering some forgiveness | looking for psychological resilience |
struggling to put away feeling of grievance | may be battling grief | may feel challenged to offer mercy |
little or no victim mentality | prefers turning the other cheek to an eye for an eye | may be wrestling with the problem of evil |
Project Worldview theme #18A: Passionately Impulsive / its wiki summary:
sometimes passion overcomes restraint | impulsivity | often acts on impulse |
often unable to resist temptation | like many addicts, may value sensation seeking | may suffer from impulse control disorder |
emotions in decision-making | amygdala hijack (brain mechanism behind some emotionally charged responses) | may value novelty seeking |
Project Worldview theme #18B: Rational, Dispassionate / its wiki summary:
values rationality | possesses this ability: delayed gratification | often maintains emotional detachment |
devalues emotions in decision-making | uses executive functions (brain mechanisms behind deliberate responses) | passes Stanford marshmallow experiment |
prudence | rational choice theory | stoicism |
Project Worldview theme #19A: Competitive Capitalism / its wiki summary:
typically values economic liberalism | believes in the market economy | values competition in organizing society, economic matters |
accepts commodification | believes wisdom resides in the market system | a fan of small business |
commodity | values individualism in economic decision-making | self interest based ethics / values ethical egoism |
behavioral economics | appreciates the exchange value concept | informal economy |
Project Worldview theme #19B: Corporate Capitalism / its wiki summary:
recognizes importance of stakeholders | corporate capitalism | see advantages of the large corporation |
may encourage corporate social responsibility | accepts how capitalism plays out on modern global stage | market power |
appreciates need for strategic management | may value environmental, social, corporate governance guidelines | has some understanding of corporate governance |
ignores anti-corporate activist efforts | unlike critics, is not uncomfortable with increasing corporatocracy | may overlook corporate crime |
may like public-private partnerships | recognizes productivity as key to competitiveness in the marketplace |
Project Worldview theme #20A: Elitism / its wiki summary:
may level criticism of democracy | elitism | most likely social class conscious |
may be comfortable with meritocracy | may accept elite theory and fear democracy is a utopian folly | typically accepts social stratification |
typically comfortable with academic elitism | aristocracy | oligarchy |
plutocracy | mixed government | elective monarchy |
Project Worldview theme #20B: Authoritarian Follower / its wiki summary:
may accept single party state rule | more comfortable with authoritarianism than many other people are | may prefer right wing authoritarianism |
may accept autocratic rule | may need social contract before accepting authoritarian rule | may have authoritarian personality |
may display obedience like behavior | may accept fascism | consent of the governed |
Project Worldview theme #21A: Idealistic Populism / its wiki summary:
may engage in left-wing populism | populism | may engage in right wing populism |
typically supports community organizing | mob leader arouses common people against the elite: demagogue | movement grows with appeal to emotion |
values hard-working people: labor | participatory democracy | may belong to a labor union |
Project Worldview theme #21B: Service to Others / its wiki summary:
may engage in philanthropy | intends to benefit others: prosocial behavior | values community service |
may be engaged in public or civil service | engages in helping behavior for various reasons | may be involved in volunteering |
may feel strong sense of civic duty | may play this role: goal of leader is to serve-- servant leadership | values volunteerism |
Project Worldview theme #22A: Economic Growth / its wiki summary:
sees economic growth as key part of economic development | economic growth | values job creation / job creation index |
values economic indicators for measuring economic growth | may especially value use of gross domestic product | may see population growth as desirable |
promotes productivity of labor | values technology in promoting productivity, economic growth | exponential growth |
Project Worldview theme #22B: Imperialism / its wiki summary:
may promote colonialism | imperialism | see benefits in and generally values cultural imperialism |
comfortable with capitalist led globalization, neocolonialism | some cultures superior to others==> ok with ethnocentrism | can accept national territorial expansionism |
Project Worldview theme #23A: Sustainability/ its wiki summary:
ethics extends to intergenerational equity | sustainability | concerned about global warming |
appreciates how ecosystem services benefit humans | see problems with fossil fuel use, values renewable energy | values sustainable development as organizing principle |
sees climate change as existential threat | sees steady state economy as needed alternative to economic growth | appreciates need for resource recycling |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | sees economy as subsystem of biosphere: ecological economics | sustainability measurement |
Project Worldview theme #23B: Enoughness / its wiki summary:
celebrates Buy Nothing Day | practices voluntary simplicity, simple living to some degree | appreciates small is beautiful philosophy |
disdains consumerism: affluenza | lifestyle perhaps inspired by religion: Christian views on poverty & wealth | values appropriate technology |
criticism of SUVs | appreciates sustainable living type lifestyles | appreciates tiny house movement |
may value global citizen ecosharing type ethic |
Project Worldview theme #24A: Struggling With a Basic Need: Sustenance/ its wiki summary:
focused on livelihood | may live in or near extreme poverty | has employment issues |
poverty | relates to lack of adequate shelter / homelessness | has or has had hunger issues |
poverty threshold | life may be based on hard work, subsistence agriculture | has or has had drinking water issues |
squatting | at bottom of gulf between rich and poor: economic inequality |
Project Worldview theme #24B: Creative Expression/ its wiki summary:
appreciates aesthetics | values creativity | values creative play |
may be artist | identifies with both motivated and non-motivated functions of art | may be writer |
may be designer | identifies great art with the sublime | may be composer |
Project Worldview theme #25: Evil is Out There / its wiki summary:
likely believes in the reality of the Devil | evil | identifies satanism as the enemy |
may value concept of sin | may have pondered the related religious problem of evil: theodicy | believes in the existence of demons |
may be sympathetic to occultism | may be sympathetic to the practice of exorcism | supports harsh punishment as deterrent |
in Christianity, the Devil is the personification of evil |
Project Worldview theme #26A: The Consumerist/ its wiki summary:
enjoys shopping | consumerism | no problem w/ marketing, advertising==>supports commercialism |
may engage in consumer activism | values having things, economic materialism | may advocate for consumer bill of rights |
accepts throw away society | may use economic freedom of choice argument vs. critics | may engage in hyperconsumerism |
values luxury goods |
Project Worldview theme #26B: More is Better Mentality / Abundance/ its wiki summary:
not concerned about obesity | defends and/or engages in conspicuous consumption | ties personal empowerment to big things |
may engage in or be sympathetic to gluttony | defends right to and/or lives in large house (McMansion) | may like Abundant Life religious teaching |
Super Size Me film | may drive SUV or large truck, defends right to do so vs. critics | may be influenced by prosperity theology |
Project Worldview theme #27: The Smaller Producer / its wiki summary:
may be an accomplished handyman |
may be involved in gardening or small farming | may practice subsistence agriculture |
may engage in handicraft | may practice permaculture | may engage in sewing |
may engage in animal husbandry | devoted to philosophy and practice of do it yourself | values manual labor |
sympathetic to back to the land movement | may engage in or be sympathetic to homesteading | may be involved in anti-consumerism |
may be imaginative, creative, and rejects functional fixedness |
Project Worldview theme #28A: Hedonistic Orientation/ its wiki summary:
may live playboy lifestyle | hedonism | values and seeks out pleasure |
finds pleasure in what some call victimless crimes | knowledgeable love of good food and drink Epicureanism | guided by immature feelings /pleasure principle |
may enjoy pornography | may engage in recreational drug use | open marriage styles |
Project Worldview theme #28B: Healthy Orientation/ its wiki summary:
values physical exercise | health | recognizes mind/body connection and importance of health psychology |
follows news reports from medicine | makes lifestyle changes based on preventive medicine | nutrition |
avoids unhealthy activities, minimizes stress | follows latest nutritional guidelines, values healthy diet | recognizes importance of genetic factors |
knowledgeable regarding cancer prevention | knowledgeable regarding cardiovascular disease prevention | placebo |
Project Worldview theme #29A: The Self-Restrained Person/ its wiki summary:
possesses this ability: delayed gratification | self control | behavior guided by well-developed conscience |
behaves to produce guilt-free existence | exhibits adult maturity per reality principle, not pleasure principle | behavior may reflect goal orientation |
abstinence | perhaps spiritually motivated restraint carried to extreme: asceticism | inhibitory control |
Project Worldview theme #29B: Taking Charge==> Violence / its wiki summary:
may engage in violence | may be involved in coercion | behavior associated with aggression |
may engage in bullying | participates in creating culture of fear | may engage in intimidation |
may work to instill fear | may engage in blackmail | may engage in extortion |
may be involved in terrorism | may threaten or file a lawsuit | may engage in relational aggression |
rape | may participate in domestic violence |
Project Worldview theme #30: Imagination, Curiosity, Intellectual Freedom / its wiki summary:
has good imagination | possesses lots of intellectual curiosity (wonders "why?" and "what if...?"etc. ) | values freedom of thought |
values creativity | interested in learning, resolving doubt, problem solving==> values inquiry | values intellectual freedom |
may engage in divergent thinking | recognizes storytelling can foster imagination capability | typically likes discovery learning |
values freedom of the press | behavior diametrically opposite of exhibiting functional fixedness | inquiry education |
values academic freedom |
Project Worldview theme #31: Education for Democracy / its wiki summary:
values democracy | supports public education | may have interest in philosophy of education |
promotes citizenship education | values advancing the common well-being, public interest | representative democracy |
inclusive democracy | values critical thinking skills | participatory democracy |
democracy index | may value character education | taxonomy of educational objectives |
Project Worldview theme #32A: Human Rights/ its wiki summary:
able to distinguish natural rights and legal rights | human rights | asserts universal right to a fair trial |
supports freedom of religion | values universal, egalitarian approach to human rights | supports freedom of speech |
wishes wishes to outlaw discrimination | supports UN 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights | supports International Criminal Court |
supports marriage equality (same sex marriage) | international human rights instruments | international human rights law |
Project Worldview theme #32B: Culture of Tolerance / its wiki summary:
promotes religious toleration | toleration | promotes equal opportunity |
accepts religious pluralism crimination | fights discrimination by encouraging teaching tolerance | understands cultural relativism |
paradox of tolerance | likes multiculturalism | understands nonsectarian orientation |
Project Worldview theme #33A: Servitude--Suffering, Enabling, or Enslaving / its wiki summary:
may be a prisoner: incarceration | may be trapped in unpaid labor: involuntary servitude | may live in condition of slavery |
prisons | may be a victim of human trafficking | may live in condition of serfdom |
slave narrative | may be a victim of poverty and debt (bondage) | may live subjected to domestic violence |
may have to work a detested job: wage slavery | may be a soldier--something not freely chosen / conscription | reparations for slavery |
Project Worldview theme #33B: Addiction / its wiki summary:
may likely have a behavioral addiction | addiction | may have a substance dependence |
may have problem with alcoholism | may have problem with tobacco use | may have substance use disorder |
may have problem with heroin | may have problem gambling | addictive personality |
addiction psychology | addiction vulnerability | addiction psychology |
Project Worldview theme #34: Valuing Traditions, Status Quo / its wiki summary:
respects traditional values | values tradition (rituals, customs, beliefs, etc. passed down) | accepts traditional authority |
respects traditional knowledge | promotes maintenance of traditional institutions (conservatism) | emotional bias toward status quo |
tends to respect ritual | may value Christian sacred tradition | may value Confucianism |
may practice ancestor worship | may value filial piety | accepts traditional gender roles |
Project Worldview theme #35A: Sharing What Many Consider Very Private/ its wiki summary:
values authenticity | likely accepts and may engage in homosexuality | may accept or practice polyamory |
has tendency toward transparency | likely accepts and may engage in gay sexual practices | may be queer |
generally rejects conformity | may have experienced gender dysphoria | gender equality |
childhood gender nonconformity | ambivalent sexism | sex reassignment surgery |
Project Worldview theme #35B: Working for Change / its wiki summary:
may be involved in political campaigns | with desire to change society for the better, engages in activism | may be environmental activist |
may engage in lobbying | may engage in community organizing | appreciates collective action |
may value social justice | known to support social movements | may value economic progressivism |
may be whistleblower | supports grassroots movements | appreciates civil disobedience |
Project Worldview theme #36A: Cynicism its wiki summary:
disturbed by hypocrisy | Cynicism (contemporary) | despairs over corruption |
despairs over demagogy | attitude of cultural pessimism, rejects belief world becoming better | disturbed by political corruption |
despairs over corporate crime | disgusted with humans, human nature ==>misanthropy | cynical about economic democracy, points to corporatocracy |
Project Worldview theme #36B: Conspiracies / its wiki summary:
conspiracy--some are real, many are imagined! | conspiracy theory | simplistic black/white analysis: manichaeism |
may promote pseudohistory | thinking influenced by paranoia | may believe and/or promote fake news |
values telling a story / uses narrative form | enjoys retelling / embellishing modern folklore / legend | may be warrior in culture war |
Project Worldview theme #37A: Proud Identification & Tribalism/ its wiki summary:
may have feelings of patriotism | feels satisfied sense of attachment to some group: pride | appreciates identity politics |
tribe | may identify with particular ethnic group, values ethnic nationalism | nationalism |
tribalism may largely define preferences | may have feelings of religious nationalism | may value national symbol(s) |
chauvinism | fits into in-group and out-group discriminatory pattern | ethnocentrism |
Project Worldview theme #37B: Global Citizen/ its wiki summary:
supports global citizens movement | global citizenship | identifies as global citizen or world citizen |
supports global citizenship education | seeks to globally apply universality principle: moral universalism | promotes global civics |
the global citizen festival | global justice concerns, rejects "no global ethical standards exist" | may have anti-nationalism feelings |
ridicules New World Order conspiracy idea | prefers cosmopolitanism approach to global justice |
Project Worldview theme #38: Love as Family Glue / its wiki summary:
parenting | may feel unconditional love for family member(s) | extended family |
parenting styles | inclusive: may be comfortable with non-traditional family definition | puts family needs above individuals': familialism |
kinship | exclusive: may accept pro nuclear family tradition, family values | may be strong supporter of traditional marriage |
Eastern tradition: respect for parents: filial piety | maybe has been spared dysfunctional family woes | may be a cosseting or helicopter parent |
Project Worldview theme #39A: Tough Love / its wiki summary:
believes in and employs corrective feedback | tough love | rejects enabling, rescuing parenting approach |
may demand unquestioning obedience | may use demanding but responsive authoritative parenting/ mentoring | may employ shame |
may engage in mentoring | may have to deal with dysfunctional family woes | may look to drug rehabilitation programs for help |
may use corporal punishment | values learning from mistakes, discovery learning teaching approach | paternalism |
Project Worldview theme #39B: Blaming / Scapegoating / its wiki summary:
often practices discrimination | scapegoating | comfortable with dehumanization of others |
may direct hate speech toward person or group | often acts out of prejudice | may promote misogyny |
may condone hate crime | may subscribe to white supremacy | may practice or condone anti-semitism |
may promote racism | may promote racial segregation | may condone genocide |
witch hunt | may use anti-LGBT rhetoric | shame |
xenophobia | The Holocaust | online shaming |
Project Worldview theme #40: Environmental Economics/ its wiki summary:
ecological economics | Environmental Economics | may prefer emissions trading schemes |
carbon footprint | appreciates need for carbon tax or related market scheme | promotes efficient energy use |
promotes renewable energy commercialization | sees added pollution and resource depletion tied to market failure | feels market fails to value ecosystem services |
urges an end to fossil fuel subsidies | wants to factor natural capital into economic analyzes | prefers genuine progress indicator to GDP use |
environmental finance | appreciates need for environmental impact assessment | environmental, social and corporate governance |
Project Worldview theme #41:Struggling With a Basic Need: Self-Esteem / its wiki summary:
may still be gathering self-knowledge | self esteem | may often experience anxiety |
may be continually refining self concept | may suffer from emotional scars left by past traumatic event | may be suffering from clinical depression |
may suffer from low self esteem | personality may be heavy on neuroticism | needs to develop more psychological resilience |
working to build emotional intelligence | may have learned to extend compassion to oneself: self-compassion | defense mechanisms |
may benefit from psychotherapy | perhaps has overcome past difficulties, working toward self actualization |
Project Worldview theme #42: Ethical Orientation / its wiki summary:
applied ethics | values human capability for empathy, well being of others: secular ethics | actions show respect for professional ethics |
actions avoid conflict of interest | actions characterized by honesty, respect for law, and integrity | generally respects the rule of law |
may live in accordance with ethical code | promotes greatest overall happiness based ethics /utilitarianism | values distributive justice |
business ethics | environmental ethics | research ethics |
Project Worldview theme #43: Seeking Wealth and Power/ its wiki summary:
self-centered excessive desire for wealth: greed | wealth | values having more control over life, more power |
may pursue acquisition of wealth illegally: theft | values financial literacy and uses skills to increase wealth | may seek social status |
may value Social Darwinism | values central tenet of capitalism: capital accumulation | the distribution of wealth |
kleptocracy | may be manipulative, callous, immoral: machiavellian | may believe in The Gospel of Wealth |
Project Worldview theme #44A: Sanctity and Dignity of Life / its wiki summary:
opposes any ending the life of unborn through abortion | culture of life | opposes allowing so-called mercy killing: euthanasia |
highly values sanctity of life | opposes capital punishment (legal method to end life of bad criminal) | consistent life ethic |
opposes assisted suicide | has bioethics related concerns about certain biotechnologies | supports Right to Life movement |
supports fetal rights | stem cell research | may oppose all genetic engineering |
Project Worldview theme #44B: Hands Off My Body / its wiki summary:
values bodily integrity | supports abortion rights movement | prefers pro-choice name for movement |
believes in prevention and birth control | all children should be wanted: values family planning | supports right to pursue assisted suicide |
realizes death can foster new life--example: extinction event | supports NARAL Pro-Choice America movement | may be concerned about population growth |
Project Worldview theme #45A:Borrowing Mentality / its wiki summary:
may have or appreciate opportunity to get mortgage loan(s) | may have good understanding of debt-related terms/procedures | credit card debt |
appreciates credit card convenience and value | may often be late paying bills==> accumulates credit card debt | may still respect those who declare bankruptcy |
may understand simple vs. compound interest | values using debt in purchasing an asset: leverage | may be unaware of criticism of debt |
consumer debt | may not be particularly concerned with level of government debt | may be lacking in delayed gratification ability |
may not be particularly concerned with student debt |
Project Worldview theme #45B: Work, Play, Pay as You Go / its wiki summary:
practices putting money aside for later use / saving | operates within constraints of personal budget | likes balance budgets |
possesses good delayed gratification ability | recognizes obligations--including financial ones-- limit freedom | may contribute more sweat equity than money |
values minimizing incurring ecological debt | recognizes obligations--including financial ones-- can lead to guilt | appreciates criticism of debt |
may appreciate microcredit | values fairness and justice associated with intergenerational equity | may practice frugality |
may understand time value of money | promotes mutually beneficial intergenerationality relationships | may value Protestant work ethic |
Project Worldview theme #46A: Technological Fix/ its wiki summary:
looks to technology to solve problems | technological fix | has faith in the engineering design process |
prefers technocentrism to ecocentrism | supports technological change driving social change, empowering people | has faith in technology assessment |
precautionary principle | prefers technoprogressivism to bioconservatism | typically dismisses criticism of technology |
Project Worldview theme #46B: Military Backers / its wiki summary:
likely has military service experience | militarism | values military tradition |
may be a professional warrior | comfortable with military discipline / chain of command | urges military budget be made a priority |
urges combat readiness | may believe war not inherently bad, can even be beneficial to society | supports military schools |
promotes military technology development | perhaps, given desire to avoid war, values diplomacy, deterrence theory | military courtesy |
Project Worldview theme #47A: Attitudinal Fix / its wiki summary:
appreciates cognitive, emotional factors in attitude change | attitudinal fix | recognizes attitude acquired through experience and greatly influences future actions |
realizes social influences can change attitudes | values fair play, interpersonal communication people skills | finding common ground==> conflict resolution |
diplomacy | encourages dialogue, negotiation to reach compromise | mediation |
realizes confirmation bias leads to greater attitude polarization |
Project Worldview theme #47B: Pacifism / Non-Violence/ its wiki summary:
rejects all militarism including conscription | pacifism | anti-militarism |
civil resistance: non-violent political action | chooses non-violent resistance when others would use violence | appreciates peace churches |
values arms control efforts | may accept non-aggression principle, unlike strict pacifists | ahimsa (Indian concept related to "do no harm") |
anarcho-pacifism | believes diplomacy should be exhausted before anyone considers war | shalom (Hebrew concept related to peace, well-being |
Project Worldview theme #48A: Privacy / its wiki summary:
will typically fight bodily integrity invasions | Privacy | often asserts right to privacy |
works to minimize digital footprint | has privacy concerns related to tracking cookies | often seeks confidentiality |
may use anonymity to bolster privacy | may want to avoid being disturbed by others, seeks serenity | seeks security to avoid harm, injury |
Project Worldview theme #48B: Liking Co-operation Based Communities / its wiki summary:
prefers co-operation to competition | values co-operative economics | values community economics |
likes grass roots democracy | likes worker or consumer owned businesses/ co-operatives | history of the co-operative movement |
community based organizations | would like power to shift away from corporate elite: economic democracy | intentional community |
likes community supported agriculture | prefers decentralized economic or government structures | may live in ecovillage |
worker co-operatives | consumer co-operatives | may live in cohousing community |
may embrace bioregionalism perspective |
Project Worldview theme #49A: Social Welfare Statism/ its wiki summary:
supports government welfare programs | welfare state | welfare economics |
accepts higher taxes for more services | values the common good, social welfare, and the public interest | values social safety net concept |
supports providing public housing | social welfare model includes taxes, social insurance, public services, jobs | supports social insurance / social security |
accepts public-private partnerships | sees need for government meddling in markets: economic interventionism | |
public sector | public interest | may support universal basic income |
Project Worldview theme #49B: Idealistic Socialism / its wiki summary:
(naively?) believes others act out of altruism | socialism | embraces anti-capitalism |
values the common good, social welfare | typically believes in social ownership of the means of production | dislikes capitalist mode of production |
values egalitarianism | values strong state, centralized economic planning | not adverse to government using nationalization |
comfortable with collectivism | may prefer single party controlled socialist market economy (China model) | may prefer market socialism |
may prefer democratic socialism with social ownership | may carry idealism to extreme and prefer communism | may prefer social democracy with capitalist mode of production |
values social justice | may value social class conflict route to socialism per Marxism | may like labor theory of value |
Project Worldview theme #50A: Libertarian/ its wiki summary:
strongly values liberty | libertarianism | strongly values freedom |
strong supporter of civil liberties | values freedom of choice unconstrained except by non-aggression principle | much prefers individualism over collectivism |
values self-ownership and own labor | promotes extreme (dangerous?) version of freedom of speech rights | rejects modern welfare state |
values laissez faire capitalism | values free markets, limited role of state, right-libertarianism | big fan of private property rights |
may denigrate common good notion | sees virtue in selfishness, embraces ethical egoism, rejects altruism | may be admirer of Ayn Rand |
rejects coercion: non-aggression principle | extreme belief in private property ==>abolishes state / anarcho-capitalism | objectivism |
Project Worldview theme #50B: Left Anarchism / its wiki summary:
social anarchism | anarchism | abolition of private ownership==> anti-capitalism |
left-right political spectrum | prefers no government===>values stateless society | skeptical of private ownership: left libertarianism |
values egalitarianism | may prefer collectivist anarchism / labor-based compensation | labor theory of value |
values communitarianism | may value anarchist communism / need based distribution | anarchist economics |
may appreciate co-operative economics | may instead prefer individualist anarchism | issues in anarchism |
Project Worldview theme #51A: Ethical Globalization / its wiki summary:
globalization | global justice movement | wants all global citizens to have voice: democratic globalization |
supports international trade regulation | bothered by, applauds efforts to reduce international inequality | international development |
supports United Nations system | critical of globalization as driven by corporate capitalism | supports UN Sustainable Development Goals |
supports cultural heritage protection | looks to technology transfer to improve life in poor countries | may support steps toward world government |
cultural globalization | economic globalization | political globalization |
hopes to defeat resource curse plaguing underdeveloped world |
Project Worldview theme #51B: Big Business Pushes Global Limits/ its wiki summary:
big supporter of multinational corporations | promotes aggressively pushing resource extraction / extractivism | supports carbon capture and storage |
hopes to delay fossil fuel phase-out | accepts perpetuating resource curse plaguing underdeveloped world | supports mining industry |
supports energy development | promotes geoengineering as solution to climate change problem | asteroid mining |
fusion power | supports developing space-based economy | rejects degrowth movement ideas |
Project Worldview theme #52: Physically Challenged==> Independent Living / its wiki summary:
supports disability rights movement | supports goal of independent living for people with disabilities, old age | independent senior living |
may be struggling with chronic illness | may be struggling to overcome disability | fights disability discrimination / ableism |
supports accessibility accommodations | may be struggling to cope with problems of old age | deaf culture |
elderly care | value a person's right to make own life decisions/ self advocacy | assisted living |
Project Worldview theme #101A: Mind Open, Vision Global / its wiki summary:
evolution = change over long time periods | open mindedness | values chronology / philosophy of history |
appreciates how natural selection works | may score high on openness to experience measure of this personality trait | appreciates biogeochemical cycles |
appreciates geologic time scale | recognizes by studying history can we one avoid past mistakes | appreciates vastness of the universe |
appreciates human evolution | appreciates timeline of evolutionary history of life | appreciates large distance measures |
Project Worldview theme #101B: Mind Narrowly Focused/ its wiki summary:
has mental map confined in time and space | values focusing on present moment without evaluation: mindfulness | may prefer narrowly framing thoughts |
may value KISS Principle | has less tolerance for cognitive inconsistency /cognitive dissonance | reality tunnel |
may be more splitter than lumper? | defense mechanism to avoid cognitive dissonance: compartmentalization | spatial cognition |
good ability to concentrate or focus on something / attentional control |
Project Worldview theme #102A: Conscientious, Efficient Stewardship / its wiki summary:
may tend to perfectionism | may score high on conscientiousness measure of this personality trait | internally consults value system: conscience |
obsessive compulsive disorder | values ability to avoid wasting materials, money, effort, time: efficiency | may have goal orientation |
values responsible planning and management: stewardship | may be more task than relationship oriented |
Project Worldview theme #102B: Easy-Going, Disorderly, Cavalier / its wiki summary:
less uptight, more relaxed than many are | exhibits more toleration of mistakes or imperfections than many others do | may be more relationship than task oriented |
stress management | can live with more disorder than many other people can | may use humor to reduce tension, manage stress |
may be more extravert than introvert | responses typically come more from central nervous system than conscience |
Project Worldview theme #103A: Individual Glory / its wiki summary:
may have tendency toward selfishness | may strive to maintain inflated opinion of oneself: egotism | may live more in self centered world than some |
strongly prefers individualism to collectivism | may enjoy winning, engage more in zero sum thinking than others do | more of a lone wolf than some / social isolation |
may have tendency toward narcissism | may engage more in basking in reflected glory than others do | tends toward egocentrism |
tends more to self-reliance / self-sustainability than others |
Project Worldview theme #103B: Celebrating Team Accomplishments/ its wiki summary:
values group cohesiveness | very much a team player, enjoys teamwork | values social connection as antidote to loneliness |
may prefer co-operation to competition | may prefer collectivism to individualism | values taking collective action to reach goal |
labor movement | looks to create win-win situations rather than engage in zero sum thinking | collective action problem (involving free riders) |
values people joining to achieve common goal as in a labor union |
Project Worldview theme #104A: Human-Centered / its wiki summary:
accepts speciesism prejudices | anthropocentrism | may exhibit environmental skepticism |
anti-environmentalism | typically supports wise use movement and associated philosophy | may oppose land-use planning restrictions |
accepts factory farming practices | comfortable with commodification and valuing based on usefulness to humans | may value prosperity theology, |
may support geoengineering | may place humans at top of Great Chain of Being, beneath God | may highly value their own salvation |
Project Worldview theme #104B: Respect for Nature/ its wiki summary:
urges good stewardship of nature | ecocentrism | typically has reverence for wilderness |
appreciates integrity of ecosystems | appreciates deep ecology | appreciates nature conservation issues |
appreciates biogeochemical cycles | believes in animal rights, treating them with dignity, respect extended to people | values biodiversity |
living planet index | may identify God with all nature, all Reality: pantheism | values land ethic |
animal testing | may appreciate Gaia philosophy | may have eco-feminist perspective |
appreciates relationship between animal ethics and environmental ethics |
Project Worldview theme #201A: Evidence-Based/ its wiki summary:
values rationality | evidence | seeks to build belief system on reason, evidence |
concepts used in building framework | appreciates key role of observation in gathering evidence | recognizes empirical evidence foundation |
worldview--framework for understanding | realistic worldviews can make good predictions | values logical reasoning |
rigorous application: scientific method | worldviews are refined with learning, corrective feedback process | medicine provides example: evidence based practice |
can accept disturbing parts of Reality | evidence insufficient to make decision: underdetermination | building on what others find: consensus reality |
rejects belief in afterlife: can accept likelihood of eternal oblivion upon death |
Project Worldview theme #201B: Positive Expectations/ its wiki summary:
values optimistic state of mind: hope | optimism bias distorts person's assessment of likelihood of bad outcome | has (unjustified?) confidence or trust: faith |
has more optimism than warranted? | certain beliefs can be recognized as healthy, useful fiction / positive psychology | faith and rationality |
rejects evidence, holds false belief | forms beliefs based on what is pleasing to imagine: wishful thinking | appreciates framing effect_(psychology) |
may admit to self-deception | when positive expectations improve outcome: placebo effect | suppressing negative emotions: toxic positivity |
may believe in afterlife | may refuse to accept what evidence shows is true: denial | may believe in alternate history: pseudohistory |
Project Worldview theme #202A: Cautious Processing / its wiki summary:
may often feel anxiety | recognizes information is needed to resolve uncertainty about some situation | may feel fear or be able to readily recall that feeling |
has memory of pain suffered | personality may have higher harm avoidance than normal | very slow to extend trust in relationships |
self concept | personality may have higher negative affectivity than normal | may harbor resentment |
stress | may unconsciously employ defense mechanisms to fight anxiety, stress | Dukkha (Buddhist concept of pain, suffering) |
Project Worldview theme #202B: Relaxed, Generous, Loving / its wiki summary:
displays generosity | values deep interpersonal affection: love | displays absence of tension, anxiety: relaxation |
values interpersonal relationships | values human bonding and living with benefits of such bonds | readily extends trust in relationships |
biochemical basis: oxytocin | values caring in intimate relationships | easily engages in helping behavior |
Project Worldview theme #203A: Hierarchical Rigidity/ its wiki summary:
values social hierarchy | scores high on social dominance orientation support for social hierarchy | typically values social status |
may support patriarchy | typically tends toward conservatism | may support paternalistic conservatism |
may exhibit mentality rigidity | engages in group-based discrimination per social dominance theory | may support traditionalist conservatism |
academic ranks in the United States | appreciates chain of command | caste system in India |
Project Worldview theme #203B: Egalitarian Progressive/ its wiki summary:
values egalitarianism | typically supports social reform causes associated with progressivism | values social justice |
supports progressive taxation | supports fight against economic inequality | values economic progressivism |
appreciates collective action | fights previous discrimination by supporting affirmative action | progressive Christianity |
may support utilitarianism | liberalism and progressivism within Islam |
Project Worldview theme #204A: Freedom from Limits/ its wiki summary:
supports deregulation |
freedom | dislikes regulatory economics |
anti-environmentalism | typically supports wise use movement and associated philosophy | big fan of private property rights |
rejects degrowth movement ideas | promotes extreme (dangerous?) version of freedom of speech rights | may promote geoengineering |
may promote space colonization | values freedom of choice unconstrained by external parties |
Project Worldview theme #204B: Limits and Ethics/ its wiki summary:
values environmental ethics | secular ethics | supports zero population growth |
may practice veganism | would exclude hate speech, disinformation from freedom of speech rights | concerned about human overpopulation |
values climate ethics | concerned about tragedy of the commons situations | sees climate change as existential threat |
two child policy | concerned about risks of collapse of civilization: collapsology | generally supports regulatory economics |
Caution: "As you shop in 'The Reality Marketplace' avoid spending your 'reality cash' too early, before you have seen everything!” from Coming of Age in the Global Village, by Stephen P. Cook, with Donella H. Meadows.
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