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While things and events appear to be separate in space & time, I believe the perception of discrete objects and the passage of time are illusions.  My words fail to describe the Oneness of everything and the connectedness that I am conscious of. Through this connection comes knowledge not available via normal cognition or human senses, which perceive explicate manifestations of implicate Oneness as dynamic interplay of opposites. By finding balance and losing ego one perceives more: many feel grasped by a power not their own, a few claim experiencing mystical union with God!

Alternate Concise Characterization with Wikipedia Entries:

values altering consciousness using meditation techniques

values what Buddhists call Mindfulness

values Monist Idealist Pantheism / Cosmic Consciousness

appreciates New Age enthusiasm for Quantum Mysticism

summary Wikipedia article: Mysticism 

Numerical Characterization with TFJD code: 1111

Numerical Characterization with Emotional Volatility VI index: 9

Related Words, Beliefs, Background -- 62 entries           Songs!             Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book

playing  card related:  these are diamond worldview themes: individual <---> knowledge             card #7 concise description

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #7A:  Mysticism

New Age (from online encyclopedia)
Quantum Mind (from online encyclopedia)]
Theosophy (from online encyclopedia)
Universal Sufism ("based on unity of all people and religions" from online encyclopedia)
Global Consciousness Project (from online encyclopedia)
Transcendentalism and Spirituality
How to Recognize a Mystical Experience
Worldview Watch issue #47, posted 12/21/2015," Paris, France and How Big and Majestic is Your Conception of God? "
Worldview Watch #37: "Defining Life is Worldview Dependent...Duh!  And It's Useful!"
Institute for Mystical Experience Research and Education (IMERE)
Council on Spiritual Practices (collaboration among spiritual guides, experts in the behavioral and biomedical sciences, and scholars of religion)
New Age Spirituality
the Mystica  (an on-line encyclopedia of the occult, mysticism, magic, paranormal and more)
Inner Self Magazine (spirituality articles)
The New Age Movement (report for Methodist Church)
UU Mystics in Community (group devoted to "exploring and sharing direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder")
Science and Mysticism in the 20th Century
The Seeker Books (Book Reviews and News)
Seeker -- for the seeker of spiritual truth and personal growth
The Journal of the Mindshift Institute
Mystics and Scientists Conferences (links to past conferences put on by The Scientific and Medical Network)
Infinity and the Mind, by Rudy Rucker (2005 book by mathematics professor / sci fi writer,  from Princeton Univ. Press)
The Field, by Lynn McTaggart (website for book promoting belief that human minds are part of a quantum mind)
"Oxytocin, Spirituality, and the Biology of Feeling Connected" by Christopher Bergland (Sept 28 2016 from Psychology Today)
The Alphabet vs The Goddess by Leonard Shlain  (book review by Sandra Blakeslee in NY Times September 11 1999)
The Self Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World, by A. Goswami, etal 
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot  (more about this 1991 classic book from Amazon. com)
“Cosmic Consciousness: An Experience in Oneness” (on Psychic Well site)
Quantum Consciousness ("the new frontier in brain / mind science" researcher Stuart Hameroff's website) 
Consciousness in the Cosmos (essays on the Stoa del Sol website by Beatrix Murrell)
"The Emerging New Worldview," by Paul Helfrich (paper re: conscious creation and "consciousness is cool")
Global Advanced Trait Description: Mystical
The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, by Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli (more on this 1952 book) 
Naming Infinity: A True Story of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity, by L. Graham & J. Kantor
"The Forgotten Song" (about the mystical experience of unity, from 1975 book A Course in Miracles read at Google Books)
"The Experience of Unity" by Kurt Dressler (1997 talk by Swiss physics professor)
The Mystic Vision (website of author Anne Baring)
The Online Diary of a Rational Mystic
The Thoroughly Modern Mysticism of Matthew Fox, by Wayne G. Boulton  (1990 article by professor of religion)
Modern Mysticism, by Michael Gellert (review of book by California based Jungian analyst)
"Did a Time Traveling Bird Sabotage the Large Hadron Collider?" by Eben Harrell (Nov 11 2009 Time article)
Sensory Experiences in Mystical Traditions (2008 UCTV program)
Explaining Deja Vu, by Michael D. Lemonick (August 9, 2007 Time article about neuroscientists' insights)
The Human Condition, by Kenneth Collier (2007 essay from UU perspective) 
I and Thou, by Martin Buber (classic 1923 described in online encyclopedia article) 
Ego Death and Self Control Cybernetics
"3100: Run and Become" ed. Alexander Meillier  (August 2018 film re: running "not for glory but for spiritual enlightenment, universal oneness")
quotes related to mysticism in world religions

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"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.
