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In looking for solutions to problems, whether they be pressing societal problems or those causing minor human inconvenience, I look first to human technological ingenuity, and engineering design / problem solving skills. It is in the demonstrated ability of engineers and planners using technology assessment to find technology-based solutions to such problems that I put my faith and trust. Their efforts have steadily brought nature under human control and increased human comfort. I think of militarists as exalting military virtues/symbols, being comfort- able following orders and with the military chain of command,  advocating military preparedness, being the first to call for war, etc.--and I think of myself as one with some hesitancy!  While I don't doubt that waging modern war is the ultimate technological solution to problems essentially based on disputes between people, I know that great military leaders can nonetheless prefer diplomacy and see war as something to be avoided. 

WV Theme #46A: Technological Fix Mentality

WV Theme #46B: Militarism

--Alternate Concise Characterization with Wikipedia Entries

--Alternate Concise Characterization with Wikipedia Entries

has faith in Technology Assessment has military service experience or as warrior
has faith in Engineering Design Process comfortable with military discipline / chain of command
prefers Technocentrism to Ecocentrism values military tradition
prefers Technoprogressivism to Bioconservatism believes war not inherently bad, can be beneficial to society

summary Wikipedia article: Technological Fix

summary Wikipedia article: Militarism

Numerical Characterization with TFJD code: 3113 Numerical Characterization with TFJD code: 3313
Numerical Characterization with Emotional Volatility VI index: 3 Numerical Characterization with Emotional Volatility VI index: 27

Related Words, Beliefs, Background -- 55 entries              Songs           self-test           Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book

Questions to Test Compatibility Between This Theme or These Themes and Your Worldview

playing  card related:  these are spade worldview themes: individual <---> nature             card #46 concise description

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #46A: The Technological Fix Mentality

Technology   (from online encyclopedia)
Technological Change (from online encyclopedia)
Geoengineering (from online encyclopedia)
Technology Transfer  (from online encyclopedia)
Appropriate Technology (from online encyclopedia)
Environmental Impact Assessment  (from online encyclopedia)
Precautionary Principle   (from online encyclopedia)
Technological Singularity (from online encyclopedia)
Carbon Capture and Storage (another example of a technological fix; from online encyclopedia)
Worldview Watch issue #7: Geoengineering, Economics, and Restraint
Worldview Watch issue #10: Technology, Disasters, and Moralistic Apocalpyticism
The Center for Science in the Public Interest
The Technological Fix  (from Clemson University professor)
Technology Review  (popular magazine from MIT)
The Stone Age Institute: Technology, Adaptation, Evolution
International Center for Technology Assessment
The MIT Joint Program on the Science & Policy of Global Change
Environmental Issues -- online reports from The National Academy of Sciences
International Issues -- online reports from The National Academy of Sciences
Can Technology Replace Social Engineering? by Alvin Weinberg
Will Technology Save Us From Overpopulation?, by Julia Sommerfeld, MSNBC

The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by E. Brynjolfssen, A. McAfee (review of 2013 book)

Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other by Sherry Turkle (Bill Moyers talks with author of this 2013 book)
"Genome Editing: The Age of the Red Pen" (cover story on the ultimate technological fix from The Economist August 22, 2015)
"Technology in Africa--The Pioneering Continent"  (article from The Economist Apr 25 2015)\
"A Long Way From Zero--NYC Takes On Traffic Fatalities" (tech fix approach to traffic safety, PBS News Hour Nov 23 2014)
"Thorium Reactors: Asgard's Fire" (article about promising nuclear reactor technology from The Economist April 12 2014)
"The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel" by James Fallows (cover story from The Atlantic Nov 2013)
Carbonic Computer--Cylinder Head" (article about first computer from carbon nanotubes, in The Economist Sep 28 2013
"Labels for GMO Foods Are a Bad Idea" (opinion piece about genetically modified foods from the editors of Scientific American Sep 2013)
Elon Musk on the Hyperloop: His High Speed Inter City Transportation Proposed Technology (Aug 12 2013 story from Bloomberg Business Week)
"Stem Cell Therapies: Prometheus Unbound" (article from The Economist July 6 2013)
"The Cure for Obesity" by David Freedman (about the rethinking/reengineering of junk food, from The Atlantic July 2013)
"To Save Everything, Click Here" by Evgeny Morozov (review of this 2013 book skeptical of technical "solutionist" mentality, on The Guardian website)
"A Strange Computer Promises Great Speed" by Quentin Hardy (Mar 2013 NY Times report on Lockheed Martin's quantum computer) 
"One Rat Brain 'Talks' To Another Using Electronic Link" by Jen Whyntie (Feb 28 2013 BBC News report)
"The Robot Will See You Now" by Jonathan Cohn (article about the future of computers in medicine from The Atlantic March 2013)
"Has the Ideas Machine Broken Down?" (article about innovation and new technology from The Economist Jan 2013)
"Technology and Geography: A Sense of Place" (special report from The Economist Oct 27 2012)
"A Third Industrial Revolution" (special report by The Economist April 21 2012 issue)
"Germany Embarks on Historic Alternative Energy Push" (Mar 19 2012 report posted on Common Dreams website)
The Quest by Daniel Yergin (Sept 20 2011 NY Times book review by Dwight Garner)
Biology is Technology by Rob Carlson (2010 book from Harvard University Press, read excerpts at website) 
What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly (read excerpts at Technium of this 2010 book from Viking/Penguin)
The Nature of Technology by W. Brian Arthur (2009 book offers theory on origins, evolution of technology)
Environment, Technology, and the Economy (from Business Roundtable)
Managing the Risks of Technological Change (ch. 3 in book from UN's Human Development Reports Program)
Human Contributions and Responses to Environmental Change (a 2003 report from US Climate Change Science Program)
U.S. Government Science & Technology Web Resources
Science and Technology for Canadians: Environment, Air, Climate (many links)
Center for Democracy and Technology ("working for democratic values in a digital age")
Issues in Science & Technology--national academies reports
Engineering--Popular Programs (links to two dozen UCTV programs on this topic)
"Artificial Intelligence: machines for thinking" (review of books related to this topic from The Economist October 3 2015)
Singularity--2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal by Lev Grossman (Feb 21 2011 Time cover story)

The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil  (to some Kurzweil is “technology’s prophet" and this 2005 book is his gospel)

"Time for OTA," by Ralph Nader (2010 article urging U.S. Office of Technology Assessment be reinstated)
"Who's Afraid of Synthetic Biology? by Ronald Bailey (from Reason May 25, 2010)
Power Trip: From Oil Wells to Solar Cells by Amanda Little (more about this 2009 book)
Tech.view (weekly "column on the science and gadgetry of everyday life" from The Economist)
Automotive Technology: The Future of Cars (article in Scientific American Nov 2009 issue)
Automotive Technology: Plug in America (organization promoting "the shift to plug in vehicles")
Total Recall by Gordon Bell and Jim Gemmell (2009 book about "the E memory revolution")
"Who Needs the Grid?" by Lane Wallace (re: new fuel cell technology, from The Atlantic December 2009)
"Stem Cell Research: The Quest Resumes," by Alice Park (article in Time February 9 2009)
"Finding Energy All Around Us," by Bryan Walsh (micro-power sources, article in Time March 17 2008)
"The Farmer's Bank," by Bryan Walsh (insuring agriculture vs. doomsday, article in Time February 11 2008)
"Blueprint Brigade," by Bryan Walsh (article about Engineers Without Borders in Time December 10 2007)
"Green Motors / The History of the Electric Car," by Bryan Walsh (in Time, on web, October 22, 2007)
The Design of Future Things, by Donald Norman (review of this 2007 book)
Science & Technology Studies Links (from NC State University, policy research focus)
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Applying the Precautionary Principle to Nanotechnology (from the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology)
Dictionary of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use (comprehensive NASA effort, a bit dated)
quotes related to science and technology

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #46B: Militarism

Warrior (online encyclopedia article)
Warlord (online encyclopedia article)
Military School (online encyclopedia article)
Military Courtesy (online encyclopedia article)
Just War Theory (online encyclopedia)
Patriotism  (online encyclopedia article)
Worldview Watch issue #42, posted 1/29/2015  American SniperHero, Yes or No?
Worldwatch Watch issue #41, posted 11/11/2014: Be Grateful: Ceramic Poppies are Blowing in the Wind
Military Periscope (online source for military news, weapons, and nations' armed forces worldwide)
The United States Army Homepage
Military Weapons, Defense, Aerospace News & Intelligence (Janes' website homepage)
Military Science Related Websites (links to hundreds of sites)
Military Training Technology (online magazine)
US Army Training & Doctrine Command
Today's Military: Military Careers
Canadians for Military Preparedness
USA Patriotism: Military and Veteran Sites
Center for the Study of Professional Military Ethics
Just War Theory (online encyclopedia)
Just War Theory  (website devoted to philosophical study of warfare)
Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer (read excerpts of this 2000 book at Google Books)

Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War by B. Ehrenreich (read excerpts at Google Books)

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishamel Beah (more about this 2007 book)
Links to Department of Defense and Military Electronic Journals
Center for Defense Information (a non-profit, independent monitor of the military)
The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic by Chalmers Johnson
The Technological Fix: Weapons and the Cost of War, by Alex Roland (a 1995 presentation to Army War College)
National Missile Defense: The Technological Fix, by Lawrence Badash (2000 article by UCSB professor)
Links to Military History
US Coast Guard: National Security and Military Preparedness: A Historical Bibliography
Stars and Stripes ("the independent news source for the US military")
Battleland--Military Intelligence Related Blogs (on Time magazine website)
"The New Nuclear Age" (commentary from The Economist March 7 2015)
"Security: Return of the Hired Gun"  ("how private armies will remake modern warfare" from The Economist Jan 10 2015)
"Weapons Makers: The Case for Defense" (article from The Economist July 19, 2014)
"Civil Wars: How to Stop the Fighting, Sometimes" (article in The Economist Nov 9 2013)
"Nuclear Weapons: Start Worrying" (based on book review of Command and Control by Eric Schlosser in The Economist Sep 28 2013)
"A New Theory of PTSD and Veterans: Moral Injury" by Tony Dokoupil (Dec 3 2012 article on The Daily Beast)
"Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Death from Afar" (article from The Economist Nov 3 2012)
"Army Suicides: The Most Alarming and Tragically Hidden Secret in America" (summer 2012 article post on policymic)
"China's Military Rise: The Dragon's New Teeth" (from The Economist April 7 2012 issue)
"An Army Apart--The Widening Military-Civilian Gap" by Mark Thompson (Time Nov 21 2011 cover story)
"The Next War Will be Digitized" by J. Fallows (Idea #9 in Biggest Ideas of Year in The Atlantic July 2011)
"The F-35: A Weapon That Costs More than Australia" by D. Tierney  (March 2011 article in The Atlantic)
How We Fight: Crusades, Quagmires, and the American Way of War by D. Tierney  (more on 2010 book)
"Why Our Best Officers are Leaving" by Tim Kane (article in Jan/Feb 2011 issue of The Atlantic)
The Secret World of Extreme Militias by Barton Gellman ( Time Oct 11 2010 cover story)
"All War is Local" by Brian Mockenhaupt (article in Oct 2010 issue of The Atlantic)
"Our American Heroes" by William Astore (July 2010 essay arguing military service does not equal heroism)
"How We Fail Our Female Vets" by Laura Fitzpatrick (in Time July 12 2010)
"How One Army Town Copes With Post Traumatic Stress," by Tim McGirk (in Time November 30, 2009)
"The Dark Side of Recruiting," by Mark Thompson (in Time April 13 2009)
"America's Medicated Army," by Mark Thompson (cover story, Time June 16, 2008)
"Taking Care of Our Vets," by Nancy Gibbs (in Time May 25, 2008)
"Dying Under the Army's Care," by Mark Thompson (in Time February 25 2008)
"America's Broken Down Army," by Mark Thompson (cover story, Time April 16, 2007)
"News Scan: nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan could harm ozone layer"  (June, 2008 news item)
quotes related to patriotism
quotes related to war

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"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows.

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