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If my current state is less than desired, I often focus on what’s wrong, feel bitter, angry, resentful or jealous, and look to assign blame. My response to feeling victimized is often to seek revenge and punish those responsible.  (Note: Some report that, until they get justice or enact revenge, they feel as if they’re held captive by the need for it. Bringing religion into this, those worshiping a spiteful Old Testament God may opt for vengeance and “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Some vengeance is shame or scape-goating related. This can span a wide range: anything from ostracism to honor killing, murder / genocide.)

More Information About This Worldview Theme

a heart WV Theme...

...individual <---> individual

the theme is paired with: #17B Gratitude & Forgiveness to make Choice #19    in the Choices We Make cards 

this theme as presented in older version of theme structure:  version 1.0  version 2.0    version 3.0         is this theme new to version 4?--NO

click to look at the Project Worldview Cultural Literacy Encyclopedia Related Words, Beliefs, Background articles for the above choice 

 Project Worldview authored discussion, Worldview Watch related issues, songs, etc.  

Discussion from The Worldview Literacy Book Songs
Worldview Watch #38, posted 5/16/2014 "Connecting September 11, 2001 to Worldview Themes"

Wikipedia articles related to this theme:

 grievance Resentment Blame 
victim mentality Revenge  Retributive Justice
anger   An Eye for An Eye The Problem of Evil
Revenge Porn Feud Rape and Revenge Films

 worldview internal inconsistency related: Strongly valuing this theme and any of the themes in the list below is a contradiction:

#1A   Humbly Unsure  #14B Moral Arc of Universe/Karma/Reincarnation #16B   The Golden Rule, Village Ethic of Mutual Help  #18B Dispassionate  
#21B Service to Others #24B Creative Expression #29A   The Self Restrained Person   


#30    Imagination, Curiosity, Intellectual Freedom   
#38   Love As Family Glue   #47B Pacifism / Non-Violence   #52   Physically Challenged ==>Independent Living   #102A Conscientious, Efficient Stewardship
#102B Easy-Going, Disorderly, Cavalier #103B Celebrating Team Accomplishments #202B Relaxed, Generous, Loving  

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #17A : Bitterness & Vengeance  

When Bad Things Happen to Good People, by Harold Kushner (problem of evil--Jewish rabbi's perspective)
Source of Religious Hatred
Splintered Heart, Maddened Hand: The Inner Dynamics of Vengeance
Retributive Justice (article by Michelle Maiese)
The Ten Best Revenge Movies of All Time by Robert Levin (2009 list with paragraph descriptions of each)
Thoughts on Revenge and Retribution: Retributive Justice (article by J. Daryl Charles)
"On Revenge" by Francis Bacon (classic essay published 1625)
Retribution and Reconciliation (article by David Crocker)
The Psychology of Victimhood
Justice Not Vengeance (website for this organization)
The Golden Rule, Ethic of Reciprocity, and the Wiccan Rede, by V. Crabtree 
‘The Age of Grievance,’ by Frank Bruni (book review by Lionel Shriver The New York Times April 29 2024)

Trump signals he’s out for revenge in second term   by Brett Samuels - (from The Hill Nov 16 2023) 

"When did the "woke mind virus" begin to spread?" (consideration of this and "the grievance culture" from The Economist April 15 2023)
Revenge Fantasies in Country Music (report in The Economist August 20 2016)
“Fear of a vengeful God may explain humanity’s global expansion” by Niraj Chokshi (from The Washington Post Feb 2016) 
"Ignorance  vs Malice" By Rhonda Pfaltzgraf-Carlsen (September 2014 post about origin of evil on Quaker website)
Revenge Porn: Misery Merchants (report in The Economist July 5, 2014)
"Revenge is Sweet," by Regina Barreca, (article in February 2010 issue of Psychology Today)
A Passion for Justice: Emotions and the Origins of the Social Contract, by Robert  Solomon (read excerpts on Google Books)
A Promising Young Woman--2020 film with seeking revenge theme 
quotes related to revenge

back to Theme Choices version 5.0 structure

"As you shop in "The Reality Marketplace" avoid spending your "reality cash" too early,  before you have seen everything. " 
from Coming of Age in the Global Village,  by Stephen P. Cook,  with Donella H. Meadows. 
