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I typically aim to do what is right or fair, especially to do my work or duty carefully, thoroughly, and efficiently —minimizing wasted materials, energy, money, time or effort—and taking responsibilities / obligations to others seriously. When entrusted with managing something someone cares about, I tend to be a good steward. I pay attention to details. When I feel stressed because I know something isn’t right, I typically feel I must fix it. So, I’m often putting things in order or am in task-oriented mode. I’m happiest when I’m busy.



I'm typically relaxed and tolerant in how I approach my work, duties I have, or responsibilities I've accepted.  I'm not easily upset or worried about obligations I have to others. I can generally live with an associated lack of careful organization or irregularities in how I go about my activities. I try to minimize the stress in my life and to not “sweat the small stuff.” As such I’ve acquired a reputation (undeserved?) for being lazy, and having a cavalier attitude.  So, seldom am I asked to manage what others value

Note: With version 4.0, these themes are new to the Project Worldview theme structure in March, 2019.
As such this page may be rather incomplete or still "under construction" for quite awhile!

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #102A: 

Conscientious, Efficient

More to Explore -- Worldview Theme #102B: 

Easy-Going, Disorderly, Cavalier

Conscientiousness  (from online encyclopedia) Worldview Watch issue #25: posted 7/13/2012 The Worldview Behind The Rolling Stones' Music
Perfectionism (from online encyclopedia) How to be Easy-Going by Paul Chemyak
Efficiency (from online encyclopedia) 5 Beliefs That Hinder Your Organizational Skills by Joshua Riddle
Stewardship  (from online encyclopedia) The Effect of Poor Organizational Skills by Kyra Sheahan
"Becoming More Conscientious" by Stefano Tasselli etal. (in Harvard Business Review March 30, 2018) Life without Organisational Skills (from Niall’s ADHD Blog UK Ireland Feb 24  2015)
Conscientiousness (from Psychology Today) Permissive parenting: An evidence-based guide by Gwen Dewar
“This Personality Trait Predicts Success” by Drake Baer  (article from Business Insider Apr. 30, 2014) What Is Permissive Parenting? by Marisa LaScala (article in Good Housekeeping Dec 27 2018)
"Raising your conscientiousness" (from Harvard Health Letter May, 2012) quotes related to easy going
"10 Things Only Detail-Oriented People Do" by Robert Garcia (on Lifehack site) Tools for Personal Growth: Overcoming Perfectionism
Are You Detail Oriented? International OCD Foundation (organization dedicated "to help individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to live full and productive lives")
How Do I Become a More Careful Detail-Oriented Person? Leadership Styles (note contrast between task oriented vs. relations or people oriented leadership styles)
A Lost Secret: How To Get Kids To Pay Attention  By Michaeleen Doucleff  (NPR June 21 2018 feature) "The Two Sides of Micromanaging", by Steve Adubato
quotes related to perfection, perfectionism  
quotes related to busyness  
When Worry Hijacks the Brain, by Jeffrey Kluger (2007 Time article about obsessive-compulsive disorder)  
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (from online encyclopedia)  
Questionnaire to Measure How Much of a Perfectionist You Are  
"What are the strengths and weaknesses of being detail-oriented?" (nine answers as of Jan 2017 on Quora site)  
Perfectionism  (definitions of perfectionism and the link between it and giftedness)  
obsessive preoccupation as part of the definition of a fetish  
Recognition and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder  
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: American Description  
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?  
preoccupied  (from online encyclopedia)  

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