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Self Test on Knowledge Associated With Worldviews Introduction-1 

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. Given a name and formal description, certain beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that often come together in a way that is articulated in similar fashion repeatedly by multitudes of people can  be referred to as  ____________.

1)  metaphysics        2)  axiology        3) learning domains

4) a worldview              5) a worldview theme

2.  The field of _______________ is most notably split into cultural and physical divisions.

1) anthropology        2) axiology                 3) epistemology

4) teleology               5) theology

3. The phrase "nature of knowledge"  might be part of the definition or description of which of the terms below? 

1) justification of belief          2) metaphysics               3) epistemology

4) spirituality                         5) Reality 

4.   Teleology is linked to the idea that there is _________inherent in everything.

1) structure          2) value            3) design or purpose

4)  an ultimate reality                   5) none of the above

5. Axiology refers to the study of  _____________________________. 

1) the nature of knowledge                    2) the theory of values  

3) the science of the human species      4) the origin of the universe

5)  attitudes

6.   Which of the following words or terms is most strongly linked to the phrase "ultimate reality"?

1)  metaphysics            2)  Manichean           3) cosmology

4) epistemology           5)  global education

7.  As described in the "Related Words...." entries, science, religion, mysticism, poetry, music, literature and art can each be pointed to as providing ___________.

1) a reality generating mechanism           2) worldview themes         3) inspiration for studying history   

4)  Weltanschauung         5) tacit knowledge 

8. Descriptions of the term worldview might use all of the following phrases except which

1) conceptual framework               2) set of beliefs                  3) rigid, unchanging     

4) provides "raison d'etre"            5) source of goals, shapes behavior

9.  Which of the following pairs best completes the following: "One can argue that personal, perhaps mystical, experience that can't be put into words inspires religious faith and informs ____________, _________knowledge that can be put into words drives conceptual mapping of Reality." 

1)  spirituality, tacit              2) epistemology, explicit                      3)  epistemology, tacit 

4) theology, explicit                 5)  theology, tacit 

10.  Analysis of worldviews can be undertaken in terms of various philosophical belief families or by using ______.

1) global education              2) the Reality Marketplace         

3) values articulation           4)  worldview themes                   5) learning domains


       For Worldviews Introduction -- Part 1

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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