another project WORLDVIEW worldview example*           

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The Worldview of Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865

click here for descriptions of all 80 worldview themes, including the ones used below
click here to use the Top Cards / Discards Program to characterize your own or someone else's worldview

Worldview of  
Top Cards / Enthusiasm About These Worldview Themes: 
        My Ace of Diamonds:
        My King of Diamonds:
        My Ace of Hearts:
        My King of Hearts:
        My Ace of Clubs:
        My King of Clubs:
        My Ace of Spades:
        My King of Spades:
Discards / Antagonism Towards These Worldview Themes:
        My Biggest Loser -- Diamonds:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Diamonds:
        My Biggest Loser --Hearts:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Hearts:
        My Biggest Loser --Clubs:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Clubs:
        My Biggest Loser --Spades:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Spades:

Other Top Cards:

Diamonds: WV1B Skeptic; WV8A Monotheism

Hearts: WV14A Moralistic God; WV16 Golden Rule, Village Ethic of Mutual Help; WV18B Dispassionate

Clubs: WV19 Capitalism; WV21B Service to Others; WV31 Education for Democracy;
          WV37A Proud Identification; WV42 Ethical Orientation; WV43 Seeking Wealth and Power 

Spades: WV46A Technological Fix Mentality


Carwardine, Richard J.  Lincoln,  Edinburgh: Pearson Education, 2003.

Lorant, Stefan  The Life of Abraham Lincoln, New York: New American Library, 1954

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin

online encyclopedia link:  Wikipedia article on Abraham Lincoln

*Important Note: Obviously the above famous person did not look over all 80 project Worldview themes and make the above selections, nor answer any related questionnaires gauging compatibility with worldview themes. Rather the above characterization of this person's worldview is based on the historic record--and in particular the above references.  Of course an individual's worldview can change during the course of their adult lives. The worldview presented above represents what is believed to be that of the person when he or she was in the prime of life and at the peak of influencing others and making an impact.  If you feel that we have it wrong in some way, please contact us

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