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This program is designed for two real people to use in comparing their worldviews based on the choices they make when presented a deck of 52 "Choices We Make" playing cards (or booklet) with different worldview theme choices on each side (or in each frame). In what follows, you and your friend will be referred to as Person #1 and Person #2. If there is no second real person, instead of this program you should instead use the "Choices We Make Worldview Analysis--Expanded" program. This expanded program also flag inconsistencies in worldviews which this basic program does not.
Before Running This Program:
This program is intended for use
with the "Choices We Make" playing cards or booklet that we provide for use in characterizing
worldviews. Follow the activity instructions...With cards, worldview themes you prefer
are placed up (so that the theme you don't prefer is down) in various
piles--where the number of cards in each pile is constrained. (Note just use the
scorecard if you have the booklet only.) A few cards where you have
no preference go in a separate pile. So you make four piles of cards: as
follows: in pile #1 put cards for which you have a very strong preference (20
in pile #2 put cards for which you have a definite
but not as strong preference (20 cards); in
pile #3 put cards for which you have a slight preference (8 cards); in
pile #4 put cards for which you have no
preference (4 cards --note aces or kings are not allowed in this pile!)
To use this program
you will need to assemble input data. Both on the
scorecard and later in data entry below...
a) ...for pile #1 / very strong
preference cards, enter a "10"
for the themes you have facing up; enter a "0" for the themes have
have facing down"
-- Note: you don't actually need to enter this second face down card score as "0"
when using the keyboard for input below as 0 = default
b) ...for pile #2 / strong preference cards, enter a "8" for the themes
you have facing up; enter a "2" for the themes have have facing
c) ...for pile #3 / slight preference cards, enter a "6" for the themes
you have facing up; enter a "4" for the themes have have facing
d) ...for pile #4 cards / no preferenc , enter a "5" for
the themes on both sides.
2) Running This Program:
This program has three parts: 1) input data for Person #1, 2) input data for Person #2, 3) receive % correlation as output and interpret |
==>CAUTION: Use the TAB key to advance as you enter input--DO NOT USE THE ENTER KEY!
Person #1 Input
Person #2 Input
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