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Brief Questionnaire to Assess Compatibility
With Worldview Themes #28A & 28B

Respond to each of the following below on a 1 to 5 scale, where
     1= strongly disagree      2 = disagree      3 = neutral      4 = agree      5 = strongly agree
If you don’t have understand, or are confused by a particular question, select 3= neutral.

Note: An * in front of the question indicates that this has been used in national public opinion surveys. 

1. Since I believe that life should be lived to maximize an individual’s pleasure and happiness, and minimize pain, suffering, and doing without, I am often skeptical of those who regularly endure pain, discomfort, or doing without in hopes of gaining some long-term benefit.  

2. I often seek out and indulge in what some might view as an excess of experiences and things that bring me pleasure.

*3. I go to a bar or tavern very frequently (several times a week).

*4. In ranking the relative importance of work (including housework and schoolwork) vs. leisure (and recreation), I’d say that work is "very important".

*5. With respect to qualities you'd like to have in a personal friend, you'd rank "fun-loving" as either "extremely important" or "very important".

*6. Think about what you ate for dinner last night.  Your body's long-term health was the primary factor in determining the content of this meal. 

7.  I place a very high value on having a healthy body. Accordingly, I treat it in a way that I believe has great promise for maintaining its long-term health.

8.  I make every effort to keep up with the latest medical science findings and recommendations with respect to health and nutrition.

*9.  I would describe my state of health these days as good.

*10.  With respect to my general state of health and feelings, during all or most of the time the last four weeks, I say that I had a lot of energy.

*11. I get a very great deal of satisfaction from my health and physical condition.

*12. I sometimes partake in self-destructive behavior -- such as over eating, drinking, or overworking. 

*13. Based on my weight, height, and body mass index, I’d say that I am medically obese. 

*14. I engage in vigorous physical activity lasting at least 20 minutes duration at least three times a week, or get some physical activity lasting at least 30 minutes duration at least five times a week.

*15. If I was asked to name the three most important aspects of “living the American dream” (for those outside America, substitute “living the good life”) from the following list: freedom to make your own choices, children having a good education, having a good education, good health, a secure retirement, a good paying job, having a family, owning a home, a job you like, lack of debts, having leisure time and taking vacations, “having leisure time and taking vacations” would be one of the three things I’d name.


For Worldview Theme #28A, Hedonistic Orientation
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

For Worldview Theme #28B, Healthy Orientation
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

Interpreting Your Worldview Theme Assessment Scores

Generally speaking, the score you get for a particular worldview theme (based on your responses to the brief questionnaire provided) can be interpreted as follows:

If your score is... Interpretation: Your worldview...
                         0  is totally incompatible with this worldview theme
                 0.01 -- 2.49 is very incompatible with this worldview theme
                 2.50 -- 4.49 is mildly incompatible with this worldview theme
                 4.50 -- 5.49 is neutral or undecided in relation to this wv theme
                 5.50 -- 7.49 is mildly compatible with this worldview theme
                 7.50 -- 9.99 is very compatible with this worldview theme
                        10 is totally compatible with this worldview theme

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