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Brief Questionnaire to Assess Compatibility
With Worldview Themes #26A & 26B

Respond to each of the following below on a 1 to 5 scale, where
     1= strongly disagree      2 = disagree      3 = neutral      4 = agree      5 = strongly agree
If you don’t have understand, or are confused by a particular question, select 3= neutral.

Note: An * in front of the question indicates that this has been used in national public opinion surveys. 

*1. Recent estimates of gross world product per person and U.S. gross domestic product per person -- both corrected for purchasing power parity -- are $10,000/ person/ year for the world and $43,000 / person / year for the U.S. Based on my own annual income and consumption expenditures, I’d say that I live more like a typical U.S. citizen and less like a typical world citizen.

2. I typically prefer things or experiences that are bigger, louder, longer, stronger, faster, with more power and more features. I suppose for some that “small is beautiful”, but it’s not what I want!

3. Suppose that you’ve had a possession -- say a major appliance or a car -- for a long time, and that it’s still perfectly functional. Chances are you will soon grow tired of having this possession, and if you can afford to, you’ll sell or discard it, and purchase a new one.

*4. I think it would be a good thing if, in the future, less emphasis was placed on money and material possessions.

5. Large SUVs or pickup trucks typically waste gas, pollute more, kill people in other cars they crash into more often than smaller, more sensible cars do, hog parking and road space, and have features (large cargo space, extra horsepower, four wheel drive, etc) that people really don’t use much. Maybe some like these monsters for the sense of power and strength they provide, personally I would not own one!

* 6. When deciding whether to do business with a company, I consider the company’s advertising messages to be at least somewhat important.

*7. I value having nice things.

*8. It’s estimated that the average American spends $1500 per year on clothing and shoes. I’d say that last year I probably spent that much or more.

9. It seems that I am continually after things or experiences that somehow go beyond what I already have or have done. The phrases "more is better" or "knows no limits" conceivably might be applied to describe this part of me.

*10. I follow the sport of auto racing to some extent.

*11. In the past years I made a voluntary change in my life which resulted in making less money. I did this because I wanted a less materialistic lifestyle. 

*12. If I had to choose between going shopping at a mall, or going for a picnic, I would choose to go shopping.

*13. I have tried to reduce water consumption for environmental reasons.

*14. Knowing that we will have to find a way to pay for it, I think that the government should guarantee everyone the best and most advanced health care that technology can supply.

*15. I believe that to be a good person it is very important to consume or use fewer goods.


For Worldview Theme #26A, The Consumerist
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

For Worldview Theme #26B, The More is Better Mentality
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

Interpreting Your Worldview Theme Assessment Scores

Generally speaking, the score you get for a particular worldview theme (based on your responses to the brief questionnaire provided) can be interpreted as follows:

If your score is... Interpretation: Your worldview...
                         0  is totally incompatible with this worldview theme
                 0.01 -- 2.49 is very incompatible with this worldview theme
                 2.50 -- 4.49 is mildly incompatible with this worldview theme
                 4.50 -- 5.49 is neutral or undecided in relation to this wv theme
                 5.50 -- 7.49 is mildly compatible with this worldview theme
                 7.50 -- 9.99 is very compatible with this worldview theme
                        10 is totally compatible with this worldview theme

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