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Brief Questionnaire to Assess Compatibility
With Worldview Theme #24

Respond to each of the following below on a 1 to 5 scale, where
     1= strongly disagree      2 = disagree      3 = neutral      4 = agree      5 = strongly agree
If you don’t have understand, or are confused by a particular question, select 3= neutral.

Note: An * in front of the question indicates that this has been used in national public opinion surveys. 

1. I have known times when, for me or my family, it has been a struggle to provide basic necessities.  

2. There have been times in my life, when, I have done whatever it took to survive regardless of what affect my action had on other people or the environment.

3. My basic sustenance needs are currently being met, and I have no reason to doubt that they will continue to be satisfactorily met in the future.

*4. I am satisfied with the current financial situation of my household.

*5. During the past seven days, I very frequently (nearly every day) have felt fearful that something might happen to me.

6. My life is sometimes hard since I live relatively close to nature. When natural conditions are severe, I can be adversely affected.

*7. I would describe the state of my own personal finances these days as excellent.

*8. I’d say that, in the last week, I typically spent four hours per day or more watching television during the hours from 6AM to 5PM.

*9. There have been times in the last year when I’ve been unable to afford food.


For Worldview Theme #24, Struggling With A Basic Need: Sustenance
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

Interpreting Your Worldview Theme Assessment Scores

Generally speaking, the score you get for a particular worldview theme (based on your responses to the brief questionnaire provided) can be interpreted as follows:

If your score is... Interpretation: Your worldview...
                         0  is totally incompatible with this worldview theme
                 0.01 -- 2.49 is very incompatible with this worldview theme
                 2.50 -- 4.49 is mildly incompatible with this worldview theme
                 4.50 -- 5.49 is neutral or undecided in relation to this wv theme
                 5.50 -- 7.49 is mildly compatible with this worldview theme
                 7.50 -- 9.99 is very compatible with this worldview theme
                        10 is totally compatible with this worldview theme

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