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Brief Questionnaire to Assess Compatibility
With Worldview Themes #18A & 18B

Respond to each of the following below on a 1 to 5 scale, where
     1= strongly disagree      2 = disagree      3 = neutral      4 = agree      5 = strongly agree
If you don’t have understand, or are confused by a particular question, select 3= neutral.

Note: An * in front of the question indicates that this has been used in national public opinion surveys. 

1. My actions are often impulsive and driven more by urges or emotional reactions rather than being deliberate and rationally well thought out.  

2. I would characterize myself as steady, stable, and goal-driven, rather than being spontaneous, erratic, and lacking self direction.

3. I’d say that my actions are often based on primitive urges or childish reactions.

*4. I tend to keep my emotions to myself.

*5. I'm not afraid to let people know my feelings.

*6. During the past seven days I have very frequently (meaning nearly every day) felt overjoyed about something.

7. Others might describe my personality and behavior using words like aloof, detached, unemotional, and stoic.

*8. I am often quite touched or moved by things that I see happen.

*9. Consider two positions on decision-making. 1) One should be cautious about making major changes in one’s life. 2) You will never achieve much unless you act boldly. My own position is more like the second position than the first.


For Worldview Theme #18A, Passionately Impulsive
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

For Worldview Theme #18B, Dispassionate
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

Interpreting Your Worldview Theme Assessment Scores

Generally speaking, the score you get for a particular worldview theme (based on your responses to the brief questionnaire provided) can be interpreted as follows:

If your score is... Interpretation: Your worldview...
                         0  is totally incompatible with this worldview theme
                 0.01 -- 2.49 is very incompatible with this worldview theme
                 2.50 -- 4.49 is mildly incompatible with this worldview theme
                 4.50 -- 5.49 is neutral or undecided in relation to this wv theme
                 5.50 -- 7.49 is mildly compatible with this worldview theme
                 7.50 -- 9.99 is very compatible with this worldview theme
                        10 is totally compatible with this worldview theme

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