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Brief Questionnaire to Assess Compatibility
With Worldview Theme #15

Respond to each of the following below on a 1 to 5 scale, where
     1= strongly disagree      2 = disagree      3 = neutral      4 = agree      5 = strongly agree
If you don’t have understand, or are confused by a particular question, select 3= neutral.

Note: An * in front of the question indicates that this has been used in national public opinion surveys. 

1. Suppose you’re part of a big crowd waiting for a person to appear. You do not know enough about this person to have a positive or negative opinion regarding him or her. When the person finally, rather inconspicuously moves through the crowd, it erupts in a frenzy, chanting and carrying on. You would most likely go along with the crowd and join in the chant.  

2. I am susceptible to falling under the spell of someone I greatly respect, suspending my own analytical thinking, and passively transferring control of myself to this person’s authority.

3. I typically insist on doing my own thinking, research and analysis before accepting the claims of others, or imitating their behaviors.

*4. Of the following ten qualities that children should be encouraged to learn at home -- independence, hard work, feeling of responsibility, imagination, tolerance and respect for other people, thrift, determination, religious faith, unselfishness, obedience -- I’d consider independence to be one of the five most important.

*5. People should always obey the law without exception. There are never exceptional circumstances when people should follow the dictates of their own conscience it this means breaking the law.

*6. Suppose you were riding in a car driven by a close friend. You know he is driving too fast. He hits a pedestrian. He asks you to tell the police that he was obeying the speed limit. You would honor your friend's request and definitely tell the police that he was obeying the speed limit.

*7. In preparing children for life, it is more important that they learn to be obedient, rather than that they learn to think for themselves.

*8. If a newspaper prints something, or if a TV documentary promotes its truth, it must be true.

9. I’m afraid that I rather easily succumb to “peer pressure".

*10. Of the following ten qualities that children should be encouraged to learn at home -- independence, hard work, feeling of responsibility, imagination, tolerance and respect for other people, thrift, determination, religious faith, unselfishness, obedience -- I’d consider obedience to be one of the five most important.

*11. I am confident that for the prescription medicines seen advertised on television the benefits outweigh the risks. 

*12. I have a mostly positive view of advertising and the marketing messages that I receive.


For Worldview Theme #15, The Collective Cognitive Imperative
Your Overall Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
                   Your Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale
Ave. USA Adult Survey Question Score = On a 0 to 10 Scale

Interpreting Your Worldview Theme Assessment Scores

Generally speaking, the score you get for a particular worldview theme (based on your responses to the brief questionnaire provided) can be interpreted as follows:

If your score is... Interpretation: Your worldview...
                         0  is totally incompatible with this worldview theme
                 0.01 -- 2.49 is very incompatible with this worldview theme
                 2.50 -- 4.49 is mildly incompatible with this worldview theme
                 4.50 -- 5.49 is neutral or undecided in relation to this wv theme
                 5.50 -- 7.49 is mildly compatible with this worldview theme
                 7.50 -- 9.99 is very compatible with this worldview theme
                        10 is totally compatible with this worldview theme

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