another project WORLDVIEW worldview example*
The Worldview of Pearl S. Buck 1892-1973
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Diamonds: WV30 Intellectual Freedom
Clubs: WV21A Populism
Pearl S. Buck--A Cultural Biography, by Peter Conn, Cambridge University Press, 1996
*Important Note: Obviously the above famous person did not look over all 80 project Worldview themes and make the above selections, nor answer any related questionnaires gauging compatibility with worldview themes. Rather the above characterization of this person's worldview is based on the historic record--and in particular the above references. Of course an individual's worldview can change during the course of their adult lives. The worldview presented above represents what is believed to be that of the person when he or she was in the prime of life and at the peak of influencing others and making an impact. If you feel that we have it wrong in some way, please contact us!
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