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 Emotional Volatility Indices (VI) for Worldview Themes 

version 3.0 worldview theme structure

From TFJD codes, an Emotional Volatility Index (VI) can be derived. Something that’s volatile is likely to change in a sudden and extreme way. Just as some financial investments are more volatile than others, “investing” in various worldview themes presents a similar contrast.  Thus those investing in Passionately Impulsive (theme #18A) and The Artistic Orientation (theme #12) need to be prepared for much greater changes (both up and down) in their feelings / emotional state on a much shorter time scale —that is, much greater volatility—when compared to less emotionally volatile themes such as Dispassionate (theme #18B) and Scientific Materialism (theme #5A). Note the VI scores for these themes below. Worldview theme volatility increases dramatically with absence of thinking (T) and increase of feeling (F).   

worldview theme TFJD Code Emotional Volatility VI index
#18B  Dispassionate 3111 1
#5A  Scientific Materialism 3121 2
#18A  Passionately Impulsive 1323 486
#12  The Artistic Orientation 1333 729


 Worldview theme volatility increases dramatically with absence of thinking (T in the code) and increase of feeling (F in the code). Numerically, one gauges worldview theme volatility by using the theme’s TFJD code. The 1, 2, or 3 scores for each of the T, F, J, and D components have partly been assigned with the following equation in mind:

            volatility index = VI = (4-T)2 F2 J D

Examples of Volatility Index Calculations:

Plugging into volatility index = VI = (4-T)2 F2 J D

for theme #18A with TFJD code 1323:

VI = (4-1)2 x 32 x 2 x 3 = [3 x 3] x [3 x 3] x 2 x 3 = 486  

for theme #12 with TFJD code 1333:

VI = (4-1)2 x 32 x 3 x 3 = [3 x 3] x [3 x 3] x 3 x 3 = 729 

for theme #18B with TFJD code 3111:

VI = (4-3)2 x 12 x 1 x 1 = [1 x 1] x [1 x 1] x 1 x 1 = 1

 for theme #5A with TFJD code 3121: VI = (4-3)2 x 12 x 2 x 1 = [1 x 1] x [1 x 1] x 2 x 1 = 2

     Just as financial advisors might urge their risk adverse clients to avoid investing in highly volatile offerings, one can imagine parents or counselors urging young people to avoid buying into worldview themes with a high volatility index.  While such advice might be well meaning—certainly it would be an attempt to steer one to a smoother ride path with fewer bumps in the road —following it could also have unfortunate life outcomes. Those might take the form of deciding not to have kids / start a family. Or result in a lot less passion, creativity and spontaneity in one’s life, a life summed up by “nothing ventured, no-thing gained,” missing out on some of the greatest rewards, beauty, highest highs life has to offer! 

 Volatility indices for each worldview theme are shown on each  theme’s version 3.0 web page.

 High Volatility Themes

#12  The Artistic Worldview    729

#18A   Passionately Impulsive    486

#38  Valuing Family   486

#17A   Bitterness & Vengeance   324

#7B   Magic   324

#27   Belonging To Nature   324

#28A  Hedonistic Orientation    243

#2A   The True Believer   243

#41   Struggling With Self Esteem   216

#24   Struggling With Sustenance   216

#21B   Service To Others    216

#8B   Belief In A Personal God   216

#33B  Addiction    162

#9A   Religious Fundamentalism    162

#45A Borrowing Mentality    144

#50B Left Anarchist    144

     Consider the worldview themes with the highest volatility index . At the top of the above list is The Artistic Orientation (theme #12), followed by Passionately Impulsive (theme #18A) and Valuing Family (theme #38).  While there is no doubt that a genetic component predisposes certain individuals to these particular worldview themes more than others, each of them involves significant learned (or learning to avoid!) behavior. Consider impulsive behavior or its self restraint (theme #29A) opposite.  In his 2014 book The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self Control, psychologist and experimenter Walter Mischel describes the once thought to be innate lack of self control as “a skill open to modification …[that] can be enhanced through specific cognitive strategies that have now been identified." 

 Note: Much more about TFJD codes and Emotional Volatility VI indices, including the rationale for introducing  them, their connection to both human behavior / neuroscience can be found in The Worldview Theme Songbook—Exploring the Feelings Behind Worldviews. 
