project Worldview                copyright 2015             Home

Worldview: Top Cards and Discards worldview theme structure 3.0 based

Overview of This Program:
This program is intended for use only after you have explored Project Worldview's Reality Marketplace and become acquainted with the eighty worldview themes that are provided there for use in characterizing worldviews. In particular, this program will ask you to provide the eight themes that you like the most (two from each suit: diamonds, hearts, clubs, and spades) and the eight that you like least. If you are not ready, please click as appropriate on one of the following:

I Need An Introduction to Worldviews        I Need Help Before I Explore The Reality Marketplace
          I Need to Review Diamonds Themes                I Need to Review Hearts Themes
          I Need to Review Clubs Themes                       I Need to Review Spades Themes

For those ready to proceed, please note the following:
This program works best with Internet Explorer. After you select eight themes as your "top cards" and eight themes as your "discards" you will get a summary of your choices that you can email or print out.  Printing out these choices as individual cards is also an option. With certain other web browsers (Firefox), emailing snapshots of your worldview may be tedious and printing individual cards impossible. 

Top Cards                                                                             

If you are characterizing your own worldview, enter your name. If you are characterizing someone else's worldview, put their name first, then identify yourself as the author of this characterization, as in "Abraham Lincoln, by Jane Doe" Click on the buttons below to select the appropriate worldview themes.  Use of the "page down" key will expedite making your selections.  

First, select worldview themes that you are most ENTHUSIASTIC about...

WV1A  Humbly Unsure
WV1B   Skeptic
WV2A   The True Believer
WV2B   I Know What's Best For You
WV5A  Scientific Materialism
WV5B  Vitalism
WV6   Scientific Method
WV7A   Mysticism
WV7B   Magic
WV8A   Monotheism
WV8B  Belief in a Personal God
WV9A  Religious Fundamentalism
WV9B  Apocalypticism
WV10  Secular Humanism
WV11A   Fatalism
WV11B   Free Will
WV12   The Artistic Worldview
WV13   Dancing With Systems
WV15   Collective Cognitive Imperative
WV30   Intellectual Freedom

WV1A    Humbly Unsure
WV1B    Skeptic
WV2A    The True Believer
WV2B    I Know What's Best For You
WV5A    Scientific Materialism
WV5B    Vitalism
WV6    Scientific Method
WV7A    Mysticism
WV7B    Magic
WV8A    Monotheism
WV8B    Belief in a Personal God
WV9A    Religious Fundamentalism
WV9B    Apocalypticism
WV10    Secular Humanism
WV11A    Fatalism
WV11B    Free Will
WV12    The Artistic Worldview
WV13    Dancing With Systems
WV15    Collective Cognitive Imperative
WV30    Intellectual Freedom
WV3    Focused Vision
WV14A    Moralistic God
WV14B    Reincarnation
WV16    Golden Rule, Mutual Help Ethic
WV17A    Bitterness & Vengeance
WV17B    Gratitude & Forgiveness
WV18A    Passionately Impulsive
WV18B    Dispassionate
WV28A    Hedonistic Orientation
WV28B    Healthy Orientation
WV29A    The Self Restrained Person
WV29B    The Threatening Person
WV32     Valuing Human Rights
WV33A    Servitude
WV33B    Addiction
WV38    Valuing Family
WV39A    Tough Love
WV39B    Scapegoating
WV41    Struggling With a Basic Need: Self Esteem
WV52    Independent Living for Sick, Disabled
WV3    Focused Vision
WV14A    Moralistic God
WV14B    Reincarnation
WV16    Golden Rule, Mutual Help Ethic
WV17A    Bitterness & Vengeance
WV17B    Gratitude & Forgiveness
WV18A    Passionately Impulsive
WV18B    Dispassionate
WV28A    Hedonistic Orientation
WV28B    Healthy Orientation
WV29A    The Self Restrained Person
WV29B    The Threatening Person
WV32    Valuing Human Rights
WV33A    Servitude
WV33B    Addiction
WV38       Valuing Family
WV39A    Tough Love
WV39B    Scapegoating
WV41    Struggling With a Basic Need: Self Esteem
WV52    Independent Living for Sick, Disabled
WV19    Capitalism
WV20A    Elitism
WV20B    Authoritarianism
WV21A    Populism
WV21B    Service to Others
WV31    Education for Democracy
WV34    Valuing Traditions & Traditional.Gender Roles
WV35A    Self Reliant Nonconformity
WV35B    Working for Change
WV36A    Cynicism
WV36B    Conspiracism
WV37A    Proud Identification
WV37B    Global Citizen
WV42    Ethical Orientation
WV43    Seeking Wealth and Power
WV48    Cooperative, Decentralized Society Advocate
WV49A    Social Welfare Statism
WV49B    Socialism
WV50A    Libertarian
WV50B    Left Anarchist
WV19    Capitalism
WV20A    Elitism
WV20B    Authoritarianism
WV21A    Populism
WV21B    Service to Others
WV31    Education for Democracy
WV34    Valuing Traditions & Traditional Gender Roles
WV35A    Self Reliant Nonconformity
WV35B    Working for Change
WV36A    Cynicism
WV36B    Conspiracism
WV37A    Proud Identification
WV37B    Global Citizen
WV42    Ethical Orientation
WV43    Seeking Wealth and Power
WV48    Cooperative, Decentralized Society Advocate
WV49A    Social Welfare Statism
WV49B    Socialism
WV50A    Libertarian
WV50B    Left Anarchist
WV4    Global Vision
WV22A    Expansionism
WV22B    Imperialism
WV23A    Sustainability
WV23B    Enoughness
WV24    Struggling With a Basic Need: Sustenance
WV25    Anthropocentrism
WV26A    The Consumerist
WV26B    The More is Better Mentality
WV27    Belonging to Nature
WV40    Environmental Economics
WV44A    Sanctity and Dignity of Life
WV44B    Animal Rights
WV45A    Borrowing Mentality
WV45B    Pay As You Go Approach
WV46A    Technological Fix Mentality
WV46B    Militarism
WV47A    Attitudinal Fix Mentality
WV47B    Pacifism
WV51    Ethical Globalization
WV4    Global Vision
WV22A    Expansionism
WV22B    Imperialism
WV23A    Sustainability
WV23B    Enoughness
WV24    Struggling With a Basic Need: Sustenance
WV25    Anthropocentrism
WV26A    The Consumerist
WV26B    The More is Better Mentality
WV27    Belonging to Nature
WV40    Environmental Economics
WV 44A    Sanctity and Dignity of Life
WV44B    Animal Rights
WV45A    Borrowing Mentality
WV45B    Pay As You Go Approach
WV46A    Technological Fix Mentality
WV46B    Militarism
WV47A    Attitudinal Fix Mentality
WV47B    Pacifism
WV51    Ethical Globalization

Before you click below, make sure you've made selections for all eight cards -- otherwise you'll get an error message! 


note: You may want to print the page below--Do that as follows:
Highlight it in your browser, then use Print Preview / Print As Selected / Print, File / Print / Selection or something similar. 

 Worldview of                  

On this page are my top cards...
the worldview themes I'm
most ENTHUSIASTIC about   

For complete descriptions go to        


               My Ace of Diamonds  



                My King of Diamonds 


                 My Ace of Hearts 



               My King of Hearts  



                   My Ace of Clubs 



                  My King of Clubs 



                 My Ace of Spades



                 My King of Spades 


Your Discards

Next, select worldview themes that you feel the most ANTAGONISM for...

WV1A    Humbly Unsure
WV1B    Skeptic
WV2A    The True Believer
WV2B    I Know What's Best For You
WV5A    Scientific Materialism
WV5B    Vitalism
WV6    Scientific Method
WV7A    Mysticism
WV7B    Magic
WV8A    Monotheism
WV8B    Belief in a Personal God
WV9A    Religious Fundamentalism
WV9B    Apocalypticism
WV10    Secular Humanism
WV11A    Fatalism
WV11B    Free Will
WV12    The Artistic Worldview
WV13    Dancing With Systems
WV15    Collective Cognitive Imperative
WV30    Intellectual Freedom
WV1A    Humbly Unsure
WV1B    Skeptic
WV2A    The True Believer
WV2B    I Know What's Best For You
WV5A    Scientific Materialism
WV5B    Vitalism
WV6    Scientific Method
WV7A    Mysticism
WV7B    Magic
WV8A    Monotheism
WV8B    Belief in a Personal God
WV9A    Religious Fundamentalism
WV9B    Apocalypticism
WV10    Secular Humanism
WV11A    Fatalism
WV11B    Free Will
WV12    The Artistic Worldview
WV13    Dancing With Systems
WV15    Collective Cognitive Imperative
WV30    Intellectual Freedom
WV3    Focused Vision
WV   14A Moralistic God
WV   14B Reincarnation
WV16    Golden Rule, Mutual Help Ethic
WV17A   Bitterness & Vengeance
WV17B    Gratitude & Forgiveness
WV18A    Passionately Impulsive
WV18B    Dispassionate
WV28A    Hedonistic Orientation
WV28B    Healthy Orientation
WV29A    The Self Restrained Person
WV29B    The Threatening Person
WV32    Valuing Human Rights
WV33A    Servitude
WV33B    Addiction
WV38    Valuing Family
WV39A    Tough Love
WV39B    Scapegoating
WV41    Struggling With a Basic Need: Self Esteem
WV52    Independent Living for Sick, Disabled
WV3    Focused Vision
WV14A    Moralistic God
WV14B    Reincarnation
WV16    Golden Rule, Mutual Help Ethic
WV17A    Bitterness & Vengeance
WV17B    Gratitude & Forgiveness
WV18A    Passionately Impulsive
WV18B    Dispassionate
WV28A    Hedonistic Orientation
WV28B    Healthy Orientation
WV29A    The Self Restrained Person
WV29B    The Threatening Person
WV32    Valuing Human Rights
WV33A    Servitude
WV33B    Addiction
WV38    Valuing Family
WV39A    Tough Love
WV39B    Scapegoating
WV41    Struggling With a Basic Need: Self Esteem
WV52    Independent Living for Sick, Disabled
WV19     Capitalism
WV20A    Elitism
WV20B    Authoritarianism
WV21A    Populism
WV21B    Service to Others
WV31    Education for Democracy
WV34    Valuing Traditions and Traditional Gender Roles
WV35A    Self Reliant Nonconformity
WV35B    Working for Change
WV36A    Cynicism
WV36B    Conspiracism
WV37A    Proud Identification
WV37B    Global Citizen
WV42    Ethical Orientation
WV43    Seeking Wealth and Power
WV48    Cooperative, Decentralized Society Advocate
WV49A    Social Welfare Statism
WV49B    Socialism
WV50A    Libertarian
WV50B    Left Anarchist
WV19     Capitalism
WV20A    Elitism
WV20B    Authoritarianism
WV21A    Populism
WV21B    Service to Others
WV31    Education for Democracy
WV34    Valuing Traditions and Traditional Gender Roles
WV35A    Self Reliant Nonconformity
WV35B    Working for Change
WV36A    Cynicism
WV36B    Conspiracism
WV37A    Proud Identification
WV37B    Global Citizen
WV42    Ethical Orientation
WV43    Seeking Wealth and Power
WV48    Cooperative, Decentralized Society Advocate
WV49A    Social Welfare Statism
WV49B    Socialism
WV50A    Libertarian
WV50B    Left Anarchist
WV4    Global Vision
WV22A    Expansionism
WV22B    Imperialism
WV23A    Sustainability
WV23B    Enoughness
WV24    Struggling With a Basic Need: Sustenance
WV25    Anthropocentrism
WV26A    The Consumerist
WV26B    The More is Better Mentality
WV27    Belonging to Nature
WV40    Environmental Economics
WV44A    Sanctity and Dignity of Life
WV44B    Animal Rights
WV45A    Borrowing Mentality
WV45B    Pay As You Go Approach
WV46A    Technological Fix Mentality
WV46B    Militarism
WV47A    Attitudinal Fix Mentality
WV47B    Pacifism
WV51    Ethical Globalization
WV4    Global Vision
WV22A    Expansionism
WV22B    Imperialism
WV23A    Sustainability
WV23B    Enoughness
WV24    Struggling With a Basic Need: Sustenance
WV25    Anthropocentrism
WV26A    The Consumerist
WV26B    The More is Better Mentality
WV27    Belonging to Nature
WV40    Environmental Economics
WV 44A    Sanctity and Dignity of Life
WV44B    Animal Rights
WV45A    Borrowing Mentality
WV45B    Pay As You Go Approach
WV46A    Technological Fix Mentality
WV46B    Militarism
WV47A    Attitudinal Fix Mentality
WV47B    Pacifism
WV51    Ethical Globalization

Before you click below, make sure you've made selections for all eight cards -- otherwise you'll get an error message! 


note: You may want to print the page below--Do that as follows:
Highlight it in your browser, then use Print Preview / Print As Selected / Print, File / Print / Selection or something similar. 

  Worldview of                  

On this page are my discards...
the worldview themes I'm
most ANTAGONISTIC towards   

For complete descriptions go to        

#1 diamonds  DISCARD

     My Biggest Loser -- Diamonds  


#2 diamonds  DISCARD

  My 2nd Biggest Loser -- Diamonds


#1 hearts DISCARD

     My Biggest Loser --Hearts    


#2 hearts DISCARD

     My 2nd Biggest Loser -- Hearts 


#1 clubs DISCARD

My Biggest Loser -- Clubs 


#2 clubs DISCARD

    My 2nd Biggest Loser -- Clubs      


#1 spades DISCARD

   My Biggest Loser -- Spades


#2 spades ªDISCARD

 My 2nd Biggest Loser --Spades



You may want to print the output  below--
Highlight it in your browser, then use Print Preview / Print As Selected / Print, File / Print / Selection or something similar.
To email the output below--
Highlight it in your browser, copy it, go to your email program and paste it into the body of a message. 
Note: The above will be easy from some web browsers (like Internet Explorer).  From those (like Firefox) which won't let you copy regular text and text in text boxes at the same time, you can first copy all of the regular text to make a template, then copy each of the 16 worldview theme names (one at a time) to fill in this template.) 
Worldview of go to for theme descriptions
Top Cards / Enthusiasm About These Worldview Themes: 
        My Ace of Diamonds:
        My King of Diamonds:
        My Ace of Hearts:
        My King of Hearts:
        My Ace of Clubs:
        My King of Clubs:
        My Ace of Spades:
        My King of Spades:
Discards / Antagonism Towards These Worldview Themes:
        My Biggest Loser -- Diamonds:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Diamonds:
        My Biggest Loser --Hearts:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Hearts:
        My Biggest Loser --Clubs:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Clubs:
        My Biggest Loser --Spades:
        My 2nd Biggest Loser --Spades:

Note: If you want to create a complete (fifty-four card) customized deck of playing cards that embodies your worldview and includes complete (version 2.0) text descriptions of the corresponding worldview theme on the back, you need the "Custom Cards" program which is available by clicking here

project Worldview                copyright 2015             Home