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Self Test on Knowledge Associated With Worldview Theme #30

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. All of the following are considered learning domains except   

1) affective                2) cognitive

3) psychomotor          4) rational 

5) all of the above--there are no exceptions

2. Epistemology is concerned with

1) intuition    2) the process of valuing    3) knowledge

4) reason           5) communication 

3. The phrase “all knowledge comes from experience” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) empiricism    2) epistemology      3) reason    

4) insight        5)  creative thinking

4.   All of the following typically happen without words and logic except which?

1) acquiring tacit knowledge    2) intuition    3) creative thinking

4) emotional intelligence    5) none of the above -- there are no exceptions

5. The phrase “abstract  understanding that replaces sensory experiences” might be part of the definition of which of the terms below? 

1) values    2) concepts    3) explicit knowledge

4) intuition        5) two types of ignorance

6.   All of the following words might be used to describe someone for whom the Intellectual Freedom worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview except which

1) loves learning        2) curious        3) no fan of limiting freedom to inquire

4)  scientism     5) distinguishes between knowledge and speculation  

7. The argument that it is an inefficient way for students to learn can best be made for

1) global education      2) liberal education

3) academic freedom   4) discovery learning

5) values clarification

8. Someone for whom the Intellectual Freedom worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview gets a thrill out of

1) challenging  others' beliefs    2) converting others to his or her position

3) experiencing, not trying to make sense       4) making value judgments 

5) acquiring new knowledge, making new connections

9.  A belief that you would not expect someone for whom the Intellectual Freedom worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview to hold would be belief in or being sympathetic to which of the following?

1) authoritarianism        2) empiricism        3) rationalism

4) epistemology        5) liberalism 

10. Which of the following associations is wrong?

1) tabula rasa /  blank slate

2) science  /  begins with curiosity   

3)  two types of ignorance / problems and mysteries

4) insight / leads to intellectual leaps

5) censorship / can coexist with academic freedom


       For Worldview Theme #30

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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