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Self Test on Knowledge Associated With Worldview Theme #27

Respond to each of the 10 multiple choice questions below by typing the number 1 to 5 of the answer you wish to select in the response box. When finished, click "process your responses".

1. A word that means more or less the same as "belief that God is everywhere" is

1) monotheism    2) pantheism       3) deism

4) animism        5) dharma

2.  A term that means more or less "feeling intimately and enjoyably connected to the natural setting where one lives" is 

1) bioregionalism    2) ecological groundedness    3) wholism

4) deep ecology        5)  stewardship

3. The phrase “essence of the system can not be grasped by merely analyzing its constituent parts” might be part of the definition or description of which of the terms below? 

1) wholism    2) biosphere    3) ecosystem    

4) animism        5)  the Gaia Hypothesis

4.   Which of the following terms best connects with a person's belief that "God or Nature is on my side"

1) ecosharing            2) pantheism                  3) grace

4) the trickster          5)  naturalistic fallacy

5. All of the following logically belong together except

1) pagans           2) Wiccans        3) polytheists

4) naturopaths    5) animists

6.  The beliefs of someone for whom the Belonging to Nature worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview are best summarized by saying that this person _______________. 

1) is ecologically grounded     2) is wholistic        3) has a sense of humility

4)  enjoys natural beauty        5) embraces deep ecology

7.  Which of the following best describes the beliefs of someone for whom the Belonging to Nature worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview ?

1) nature should be valued based on its usefulness to humans

2) God made the world with human happiness in mind     3) reductionism

4) humans are part of nature, not its rulers      

5) God gave people dominion over nature

8. All of the following types of people might be comfortable with the Belonging to Nature worldview theme except who?

1) natural pantheists       2) shamans      3) taoists

4) animists        5)  members of the wise use movement 

9.  A belief that you would not expect from someone for whom the Belonging to Nature worldview theme is a key component of their overall worldview to hold would be belief in which of the following?

1) natural capitalism    2) swapping debt for nature    3) reductionism

4) preserving biodiversity     5) protecting the integrity of the biosphere

10.  All of the following would be most logically studied by the biological scientists known as ecologists except which?

1)  biodiversity       2) ecosystem          3) recycling 

4)  extinction          5) overshoot and collapse.


       For Worldview Theme #27

       Your Score on the Self Test = correct out of 10 possible


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